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1、-范文最新推荐 - 1 / 11 关于学习考察的函 要到某地或单位学习考察, 应向该地单位发学习 考察的函,以下是小编给大家整理收集的关于学习考察的函,仅供参 考。 关于学习考察的函1 区人民政府办公室: 悉闻贵区在发展文化产业工作中成绩突出,成果丰硕。为学习借鉴 贵区发展文化产业的先进经验和做法,我区拟于 年 12 月 23 日 组织考察学习团到贵区参观学习, 考察团由我区经信局局长李 带 队,共 17 人 ,其中男 12 人,女 5 人。 可否接洽,敬请函复。 附:参观团人员名单 市 区人民政府办公室 年十二月二十日 关于学习考察的函2 公司: 兹有我公司一行 6 人,于 年 月 日上午前

2、往贵公司学 等! 一、学习考察人员名单 经理 经理助理 . 二、行程安排 月 日- 日在贵公司实地学习。 联系人: ,联系电话: 。 望予以接洽为盼 ! 公司 年 月 日 关于学习考察的函3 *省信用合作协会: 我省* 市信用社行管办、 * 山市联社一行7 人,拟近日赴你省 等地考察学习农村信用社开展货币市场业务的先进经验。现将有关情 况传真你办,望接待为谢。 一、考察学习内容:货币市场交易管理办法; 货币市场拆借业务操 作规程 ; 交易员岗位职责 ; 了解如何防范交易风险,保障资金安全; 如 何选择债券,债券结算业务中采用哪种结算方式最佳; 拆入、借出资 金如何确定最佳利率等。 二、 日程安

3、排:考察组于 8 月 19 日到杭州 ( 杭州 8626航班, 21:05 起飞,预计 22:20 到达) ,拟在杭州参观一至二天,然后赴 考察学 习,具体行程考察组抵达后再衔接。 三、考察组人员名单: *,男, 市信用社行管办副主任 -范文最新推荐 - 3 / 11 ( 联系电话: ) *,男, 市信用社行管办计财科科长 *,男, 市信用社行管办计财科干部 *,女, 山市联社主任 ( 联系电话: ) *,男, 山市联社计财科副科长 *,女, 山市联社网上拆借中心交易员 *,男, 山市联社网上拆借中心交易员 下面是小编给大家整理收集的各类银行保函范 本,供大家阅读参考。 银行借款保函 致:受益

4、人 To: The beneficiary 保函编号 Our Ref. No. 出具日期 Date: 经通知 ADVISED THROUGH_ 敬启者 Dear Sirs, 我行第号不可撤消保函 Our Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee No. 根据贵方于年月日与 (以下简称甲方 )在地签署的第号贷款协议, 应 甲方的要求, 我们特此开立以贵方为受益人的第号,金额不超过的不 可撤消担保函。 With reference to the Loan Agreement No. _ signed between your good selves and_ (hereina

5、fter referred to as Party A) in place on date and at the request of Party A, we hereby establish in your favor an Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee No._ for an amount not eceeding_ (in words). 我们保证,在贵方向甲方提供了协议所规定的贷款后,甲方将在协 议规定的期限内偿还贵方上述贷款及其按年利率百分之计算的利息。 如果甲方未能在协议规定的时间内全部地或部分地偿还有关贷款的 本息,我们保证在本保函有效期内收到本

6、保函的通知银行转来的经甲 方证实了的书面索赔通知后,将甲方未偿还之贷款本息偿还给贵方。 We guarantee that, after you provide Party A with the loan as stipulated in the Agreement, they will repay you the principal as well as the interest accrued thereon at_ % p.a. within the time in accordance. with the terms and conditions of the Agreement. S

7、hould Party A fail to repay you the loaned amount plus interest wholly or partially within the time limit, we undertake to effect the aforesaid repayment plus interest on their behalf, after we have received from the advising bank within the validity of this L/G your written demand to be verified by

8、 Party A. 本保函的担保金额将随甲方或我方已向贵方偿还的本息金额而同 比例递减。 -范文最新推荐 - 5 / 11 The ensured amount under this L/G will reduce in proportion to the amount(s) plus interest already repaid by Party A and/or by us. 本保函自甲方收到贵方的贷款之日起生效,于年月日失效。到期后, 请将本保函退还我行注销。 This L/G is valid from the date when Party A receives the said

9、Loan from you until _ and should be returned to us for cancellation upon its epiry. Guarantor:_ 担保人(签字、盖章 ) 履约保函 PERFORMANCE BOND 致:受益人 To: The beneficiary 保函编号 Our Ref. No. 出具日期: Date: 敬启者 Dear Sirs, 履约保函 PERFORMANCE BOND 本保函是为 (申请人名称 )( 以下简称供货人 ) 根据( 合同编号及签署 日期)向(受益人 )提供( 货物名称 )而出具的。 This bond is

10、hereby issued to serve as a performance bond of name of the applicant for the supply of name of goods for name of the sales contract and its number. ( 担保人名称 ) 特此不可撤消地保证自己、 其继承人和受让人在下列 情况下,无追索地用美元向你方支付合同金额的% ,即(担保金额 ): The name of the guarantor hereby irrevocably guarantees and binds itself, its succ

11、essors and assignees to pay you, without recourse, up to the total amount of currency and figures representing percent (%) of the contract price in US dollar and accordingly covenants and agrees as follows: (1)如果供货人未能按合同及其后可能作出的合同变更、合同修改、 合同补充和合同变动, 包括对不合格商品的更换或修补条款履行责任 (以下简称违约 ) ,则我们在收到你方指出供货人违约的书面

12、通知时, 向你方支付索赔书上所要求的一笔或数笔款项,但不超过本保函担保 的总金额 (担保金额 ) 。 a) On the suppliers failure of the faithful performance of all the contract documents and modifications, amendments, additions and alterations thereof that may hereafter be made, including replacement and/or making good of defective goods (hereinaft

13、er called the failure of performance) as determined by you and notwithstanding any objection by the Supplier, the Bank shall, on your demand in a written notification stating the effect of the failure of performance by the Supplier, pay -范文最新推荐 - 7 / 11 you such amount or amounts as required by you

14、not eceeding in aggregate amount of guarantee in the manner specified in the said statement. (2)本保函项下的付款将不减去任何现在的或将来的税款、费用扣 留等。 b) Any payment hereunder shall be made free and clear of and without deduction for or on account of any present or future taes, duties, charges, fees, deductions or withholding of any nature whatsoever imposed.


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