
上传人:玩*** 文档编号:148620620 上传时间:2020-10-21 格式:PDF 页数:4 大小:6.33KB
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1、Unit 5 Safty 一选择题(共30 小题) 1Dont play with the fire Its _ () AsafeBdangerous 2_ is dangerous () AItBThis 3_ wait for the green light () ADontBPlease 4Dont play _ fire () AwithB/ 5Be _! Use the sidewalk () AcarefulBcarefully 6Dont run _ the stairs () AupBdown 7Please wait for the _ light Its safe () A

2、greenBred 8Its _ () AsafeBsafely 9Be _! Dont climb the tree () AcarefulBcare 10 Please use the _ () AsidewalkBred light 11Dont climb _ the window ledge () AupBon 12 Dont play football in the _ () AplaygroundBstreet 13 We should play football _ the playground () AonBis 14 _ play football in the stree

3、t () APleaseBDont 15 The light is _ Stop () AredBgreen 16 Dont run _ the stairs () AinBdown 17 The light is red , stop () A灯是红的,停下B灯是绿的,停止 18 Please wait for the green light () A请等红灯B请等绿灯 19 Dont play football in the street () A不要在街道上踢足球B不要在操场踢足球 20 We should play football on the playground () A我们应该

4、在操场上踢足球 B不要在操场踢足球 21 Dont _ the tree () AclimbBlove 22 The light is green _go () ADontBPlease 23 Please wait _ green light () AforBto 24 The light is _ Please go () AgreenBred 25 Please play football in the _ () AstreetBplayground 26 _ climb the tree () ADontBPlease 27 We should remember the _ rule () AsafetyBsafe 28 Dont play with _ () A/Bfire 29 _ is safe () AItBThis 30 Dont run down the _ () AwindowBstairs Unit 5 Safty 参考答案 一选择题(共30 小题) 1B; 2A; 3B; 4A; 5A; 6B; 7A; 8A; 9A; 10A; 11B; 12B; 13A; 14B; 15A; 16B; 17A; 18B; 19A; 20A; 21A; 22 B; 23A; 24A; 25B; 26A; 27A; 28B; 29A; 30B;



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