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1、 六年级英语期初质量调研 Class _ Name _ Mark _一、判断划线发音是否相同,相同打S , 不同打D 5% 1.( ) clothes long 2. ( ) was watch 3. ( ) clever behind 4. ( )card party 5. ( )garden class 6. ( ) wear near 7. ( )mountain shout 8. ( )danced laughed 9. ( )lived wanted10. ( )clothed through二、中英互译 19%1给我们做新衣服_ _ _ for _2. 和一个愚蠢的国王交谈 _ _

2、 a _ _3. 试穿这些神奇的衣服 _ _ these _ _4. 一个美国城市 _ _ _5. 从这个故事中学到很多 _ a _ _ the _6. 从我好朋友那里得到一张卡片 _ a card _ my good friend7. 在六点半吃晚饭 have _ at _ _ six8. 喜欢步行到学校 like _ _ school9. 三星期前 three _ _10非常适合我 _ me _11. Was there a tree near your house a week ago? _12. Each student tells a story. _13. Its Mikes tu

3、rn to sing. _14. My father is very angry with me. _三、用所给词的适当形式填空 8%1. Long long ago, there _(be) a clever monkey. 2. A: Mike _(be) not in the school this morning. He _(be) at home. Because he was ill. B: Really?(真的吗). I _(visit) him. He wasnt at home.3. Bobby often _ (play) football after school. He

4、 and Sam _(play) football this morning again.4. When(当) I was a child, I _(live) near a school. I _(walk) to school every day.5. The boys could not _ (see ) any clothes. 6. Dont _(shout) in the library.7. Jack is from _( British). But he has an _(USA) father.8. Helen is a _(good) student. She _(stud

5、y) very well. 9. Look! The girl (dance). She can dance (beautiful) .四、选择 10%( ) 1. What did you get just now(刚才)? I _ a nice dress.A. gets B. got C. getting( ) 2. The boy showed his new kite _ me.A. to B. at C. for( ) 3. Can you _ me a story?A. speak B. tell C. say( ) 4. The trousers are nice. Pleas

6、e _.A. try it on B. try on them C. try them on( ) 5. The old woman was angry. She _ us. A. shouted at B. shouts to C. shouted( ) 6. _ beautiful clothes they are!A. How B. What C. So( ) 7. Be _, Yang Ling. Mum is sleeping. A. careful B. quick C. quiet( ) 8. Australian people speak _. A. English B. Au

7、stralian C. Chinese( ) 9. The woman walked through the street _ her new dress.A. with B. wear C. in( )10. A quarter to eight means(意思是) _ A. eight forty-five B. eight fifteen C. seven forty-five五、按要求改句 12%1 Su Hai showed us her new toy. (改同意句)_2. Mike often climbs the hill with Wang Bing. (改为一般过去式)_

8、3. Is your mother at home? (用this morning作时间状语)_4. How lovely the dog is! (改为同意句)What _5. Whats the time? Its six thirty. (改同意句) _6. I dont go to school on Saturdays and Sundays. (改近意句)_六、根据U1课文内容回答问题 10%1. What did the king like? _2. Who made the “new” clothes for him? _3. How was the magic clothes

9、 according to(根据) the two men? _4. Were there a lot of people in the street? _5. Did the king really(真正地) wear the clothes? _ (A. Yes, he did./ No, he didnt.) 七、首字母填空 14%1. Jack has a lot of toys. He often s_ them to me. The toys are r_ very lovely.2. Theres no milk in the fridge. We h_ t_ buy some

10、this afternoon.3. There w_ 8 apples on the table this morning. But now there a_ 2 apples here now. 4A: Yang Ling w_ this thin(薄的) jacket today. B: But Its very c_ today. Put on that sweater, please.5 Long long ago, there w_ a man. He l_ his wife very much. One day, his wife said, “ I want to e_ some

11、 lettuces (莴苣).There w_ many lettuces near a witchs(巫婆) house. The man went there and pick some lettuces. The witch w_ angry. She s_ at him. “ You got my lettuces. Now g_ me your child.”The mans child was a little child. The witch put her in a tall house. There w_ not any doors in the house. There w_ a window.Many years later, the child grew up(成长) a g



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