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1、1 2020 年秋学期 六年级英语学科第一次学情调研检测试题 卷首语:在最近这段时间,我们曾付出了辛勤的汗水,今天就让我们尽情 采摘成功的果实吧! (听力部分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。(10 分) ()1.A. highB. hereC. her ()2.A. sun B. sunny C. Sunday ()3. A. animal B. ant C . and ()4.A. bringB. blackC. brown ()5.A. hurryB. honeyC. hungry ()6.A. milkB. meetC. make ()7.A. windyB. rainyC.

2、cloudy ()8.A. laughB. magicC. mountain ()9. A. not B. know C. now ()10. A. clothes B. cloud C. clever 二、听录音,根据所听内容判断下图是否正确,用T 或 F表示。(6 分) 1. 2. 3. ()()() 4. 5. 6. ()()() 三、听录音,根据所听问句选择正确答案(5 分) ( ) 1. A. Yes, there wasn t. B. No. there was. C. Yes, there were. ( ) 2. A. Yes, I am. B. Oh yes,They fit

3、 well. C. No, I don t. ( ) 3. A. Mike and I flew kites in the park. B. There were black clouds in the sky. C. We climb up the hill. ( ) 4. A.I m fine.B. It was rainy.C. It is cloudy. 2 ( )5. A. What a pity.B. Well done!C. A good idea. 四、听录音,根据所听内容填空。(9 分) Long long ago , there was a king . He new cl

4、othes. One day ,two men to make new clothes for him. people can see the new clothes. But people can t see. The king through the street in his new clothes. A boy at the king and . The king wasn t wearing any clothes. (笔试部分) 五、按要求写单词。(10 分) 1. are (过去式) _ 2. was (否定形式) _ 3. became (原形)_ 4. cloud(形容词)

5、_ 5. lose (过去式) _ 6. see (过去式) _ 7. can (过去式)_ 8. fly (第三人称单数) _ 9. tell (过去式 ) _ 10. run (现在分词 )_ 六、英汉互译( 10 分) 1. 飞走 _ 2. 变得晴朗 _ 3.去农场 _ 4. 在天空中 _ 5. 吃我们的午餐_ 6. hold onto the new clothes _ 7. What happened then?_ 8. 带来一些面包和饮料_ 9. 一场鹦鹉展览_ 10. climb up that high mountain _ 七、选择填空( 10 分) ( )1. Long l

6、ong ago, there a lion. He in the forest. A. is, lives B. was, lived C. were, lived ( ) 2. The king walked through the city his new clothes. A. on B. in C. for ( ) 3. It was not windy, so we climbed _ the hill and _ it high there. A. on, flew B. up, fly C. up, flew ( ) 4. She watered the flowers . A.

7、 tomorrow B. sometimes C. yesterday morning ( ) 5. Last weekend, I a card from my good friend Mark. A. get B. have C. got ( ) 6. A: Bobby, it s your . What s next? B:Then,the kind girl saved( 拯救 ) the prince and she foam(泡沫 ). A. turn, turns into B. turn, turned into C. turned, turn into ( ) 7.The M

8、id-Autumn Festival is _ here. I will eat some ice-cream moon cakes. A. coming B. near C. nearly 3 ( )8. he have any hobbies? Yes, he likes the piano. A. Does, plays B. Did, playing C. Does, playing ( )9. he look his sister and played with her well? A. Could ,at B. Can ,after C. Could, after ( )10.It

9、 was in the morning. But it in the afternoon. A. sunny, rainy B. sunny, rained C .rainy, sunny 八、按要求完成句子。(20 分) A.用所给词的适当形式填空。(10 分) 1、He lived in the new house. He _ (be) happy . 2、The king isn t wearing _ (some) clothes. 3、My brother _ (see) a film with my mother yesterday afternoon. 4、He _(look )

10、 at the pictures and _(laugh) two days ago. 5、Long long ago, the old man _(tell) the boy this story. 6、The w in spring in Nanjing is warm. 7、 The girl worked hard at school, and she b a scientist(科学家 ) later. 8、Spring is (cloud) and (wind) . B.句型转换。(10 分) 1. The boy flies kites in the park. (改成一般过去时

11、) The boy _ _ in the park. 2. The students played football last Wednesday. (用 now 替换 last Wednesday) The students _ _ _now. 3、There were some black clouds in the sky. (改为单数句) 4. Sam comes from America. (对划线部分提问) Where Sam from? 5. He is carrying things now. ( 用 yesterday afternoon 替换 now) He big thi

12、ngs yesterday afternoon. 九、情景匹配。 (5 分) ( )1. What s the matter? A. Yes, it was. ( )2.What s the weather like? B. The kite flew away. ( )3.Was it cloudy? C. I ve got a cold. ( )4.Your clothes are so nice! D. Windy and cloudy. ( )5.What happened? E. Thank you. 十、阅读理解。 (10 分) (A) Long, long ago there l

13、ived a king. He was very old and he had no children. So he wanted to select(选择 ) a new king in the country. 4 One day, the king asked his ministers to give all the children in the country some flower seeds (种子) and told them, Who can plant (种植) the most beautiful flowers will be the king. A child na

14、med David planted the seeds and looked after them carefully. But day after day, no flowers came out from the basin(花盆) . He was very disappointed(失望) . It was time to show the most beautiful flowers. The children from all over the country came with their beautiful flowers. The king walked in front o

15、f the children. When he saw the beautiful flowers, he was very unhappy. Suddenly, he saw a child carrying an empty basin. He was very glad and asked the boy, Why do you carry an empty basin? The boy cried and told him the truth. The king laughed, You are an honest boy. You will be the king. In fact, the seeds had been boiled(蒸煮) . 1.The king wanted a new king. () 2


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