人教版七年级上册英语 Unit 2 单元测试卷(有答案及听力材料)

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《人教版七年级上册英语 Unit 2 单元测试卷(有答案及听力材料)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版七年级上册英语 Unit 2 单元测试卷(有答案及听力材料)(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、七年级上英语第二单元测试卷(人教版)班级_姓名_学号_(考试时间:120分钟,满分120分)第一部分: 听力(30分)一、请听句子,选出与其对应的答语。每小题听两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)( )1.A.Yes , she is B. Yes , he is. C. Yes , they are. ( )2.A.Its a photo . B. Its 232-4672. C. Its purple. ( )3.A.Shes my mom. B. Shes here . C. Shes nine .( )4.A.Yes , they are. B. Yes, we are. C. Yes , s

2、he is. ( )5.A.Yes , they are. B. Thanks. C. Im Lily . 二、听句子两遍,选择与句子内容相符的图画(其中有一幅是多余的)。(每小题1分,共5分) A B C D E F6._7._8._9._10._三、听对话和问题两遍,根据对话内容,选择最佳答案。(每小题2分,共10分)( )11.A.It is a book. B. It is a photo of my family. C. It is red. ( )12.A.Shes my mother. B. Shes my sister. C. Shes my cousin . ( )13.A.

3、They are books. B. They are her friends. C. They are my brothers. ( )14.A.Lucy. B. Her friend. C. Her brother. ( )15.A.Yes , she is . B. No , she isnt. C. No , shes my cousin .四、听短文三遍,根据短文内容填写所缺单词,每空一词。(每小题2分,共10分)This is a 16 of my family .This is my 17 . Whos he ?Hes my uncle . And is she your cou

4、sin ?Yes , shes my cousin .And 18 are her friends .Who are they ? 19 my grandpa and 20 .16._17._18._19._20._第二部分:语言知识运用(共90分)一、选择填空。从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(共15分)( )21. Are your friends in your class? Yes , _ are.A. these B. my friends C. those D. they( )22 He is my grandparents ( 爷爷的 )son , bu

5、t he isnt my father. He is my_.A. father B. son C. grandfather D. uncle( )23. Is _your photo? Yes , _are my parents.A. this , this B. these , this C. this , these D. that , these( )24.Are _ Kates (凯特的) _? A. this , book B. that ,books C. those , books D. these ,book( )25.Is Xian Qing your brother? _

6、. A. No , it is. B. No ,she isnt. C. Yes, she is . D. Yes ,he is .( )26. _they? They are his grandparents.A. What is B. What are C. Who are D. Who is( )27. Tim is _friend._ is an English boy.A.I, His B. her , She C. my, He D. my , His( )28.Is _ your aunt? Whats _ name? A. he ,his B. she ,her C. he ,

7、her D. she ,his( )29. Have a good day , Lily ._ . A. Whos he ? B. Yes , it is . C. Hes my father . D. Thanks ( )30. Are these Jeff and Jack? _.A. Yes, they arent B. No, these arentC. No, they arent D. Yes, these are( )31.-_this _sister ?_ , she isnt . A. Are , her , No B. Is , she , No C. Is , his ,

8、 No D . Are, me , No( )32.His mothers (妈妈的)_is his grandmother. A. grandfather B. grandmother C. grandparents D. mother ( )33.Is _ your brother? A. the boy B. a boy C. the girl D. a girl ( )34.Is Jeff _ Uncle? Yes , _ is. A. his , she B. you , she C. your , he D. your, she( )35.This isnt my friend.

9、_ is my brother.A. She B. He C. It D. They二、完形填空。从短文后所给的四个选项中选出一个能填入空格的最佳答案。(每小题1分,共10分)This is a 36 of Johns(约翰的)family. This man 37 Mr. Green. 38 is Johns father. 39 woman(妇女) is Mrs. Green. 40 is Johns mother. Who 41 this boy and 42 girl? The 43 is John, Mr. Greens (格林的)son. The 44 is Kate, Mr. G

10、reens daughter. Kate is 45 sister. John and Kate are brother and sister. ( )36.A. book B. photo C. map D. room ( )37.A. is B. am C. are D. be ( )38.A.She B. Her C. He D. His ( )39.A.A B. An C. These D. This ( )40.A.She B. Her C. He D. His ( )41.A.is B. am C. be D. are ( )42.A.a B. these C. this D. a

11、n ( )43.A.girl B. boy C. boys D. girls ( )44.A.girl B. boy C. boys D. girls ( )45.A.John B. Johns C. Johns D. JohnA. Yes, she is my fathers sister.B. Whos she ?C. They are my sister, brother and I.D. Yes, he is.E. This is my friend , Jane .F. Hes my grandpa and the old woman is my grandma.G. His name is Jeff.


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