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1、文档来源于网络,如有重复请自行下载短篇寒假英语日记带翻译寒假是一个自由自在,只有学习的机会,以下是小编整理的短篇寒假英语日记带翻译,欢迎参考阅读!现在,我很苦恼。我买了一本英文书,可是我不知道它的意思。我一点也看不懂。我想,也许我要好好的学习英文。只有这样我才能学会很多知识,才能看懂英文和别人交流。我要对自己说一句:加油!I was depressed because I couldnt understand an English book after I bought it. I could understand nothing. I thought maybe I should study

2、 English hard and only by this could I learn a lot of knowledge and understand English aw well as communicate with others in English. I told myself, just go.今天我开通了自己的免费BBS,我很高兴。因为我可以在那里做很多事。我决定要好好改造我的BBS,让他变得很新奇。然后我就会慢慢地让他成长起来,同时在那里写下我的心声。那样我会很快乐。Today, I opened my free forum and I was very happy be

3、cause I could do a lot of things there. I decided to upgrade my forum and make it interesting. Then I will make it grow up and at the same time, I can write down what I want to say there. I will be very happy.今天,我做了一个决定,有的时候我会不自信。所以我要每天早上起床后对着镜子说一遍加油。因为我认为那样会使我变得自信。那样,我就可以大胆的去做一些我想要做却会紧张的事。现在,我要说一句:

4、加油!I made a decision today. Becuase I often lose my confidence, I decide tell myself go in front of mirror after getting up every day. I believe this will make me confident. Thus, I can do things I want bravely. Now, I will say, Keep going.今天,我帮助了奶奶做家务。奶奶的身体不好。我以后要常帮她做事。这样她就会高兴身体也会好一些。突然觉得,人老了真不好。不但

5、身体不会好,而且一不小心就会惹得大家讨厌。我又做了一个决定,以后一定要做个乖孩子。Today, I did housework for grandmother. She is not very healthy and I decide to do housework for her more frequently. And she will feel happy and become better. Suddenly, an idea hit me that its terrible to grow old becuase you have to worry about both your h

6、ealth and others opinions. Once again, I make a decision to be a good girl.今天和爸爸一起出去吃饭。吃饭的时候要敬酒。那里没有果汁。我就拿了一瓶啤酒开始到处敬酒。喝了一瓶酒后,我的脸红了,但没有醉。我认为啤酒并不难喝,但我还是要少喝酒。因为我还只是一个学生。I went out to have dinner with father today. I should make toast during the dinner but there was no juice availabe. So I had a bottle of beer. My face turned red but I was not drunk. I dont think beer tastes bad but I wont like have it too much because I am only a student.3



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