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1、初二英语上学期期末测试1-初中二年级英语试题练习、期中期末试卷、测验题、复习资料- 初中英语试卷 -试卷下载 牛津版初二上学期期末测试题(二) I. 根据句意 ,用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10 分) 1. Tom and I are both _. (teenage) 2. It is very_ to play football in the street. (danger) 3. The things are_ . Throw them into the dustbin. (use) 4. At the _ of this term Mr Wu taught us English. (b

2、egin) 5. We just wanted to go into the park and enjoy_. (us) 6. Read the _ words, then make sentences with them. (follow) 7. Beijing is in the _ (north) part of China. 8. We should know the of protecting the wild animals. (important) 9. Why are you late again? asked the teacher_. (angry) 10. Jims sw

3、eater and Jacks sweater are _. (like) II. 单项选择。 (10 分) 11. -Does Lucy _her father? -Yes, they look the same! A. look after B. look for C. look alike D. look like 12. We got home by 6 oclock, but _ didnt get back until 8 oclock. A. the other B. another C. the others D. other 13. The doctor advises my

4、 father _ . A. not smoke B. not to smoke C. to not smoke D. no smoking 14. _ it is today! A. What bad weather B. How bad weather C. What a bad weather D. How a bad weather 15. We saw many _ all over the world. A. place of interests B. places of interests C. place of interest D. places of interest II

5、I. 单句改错。下面各句均有一处错误,请指出并改正。(10 分) 16. I really dont know how to write about. 17. He isnt as tall so Tom. 18. -Which bird do you like best, cranes or swans? -Cranes. 19. I will not buy animal fur any much. 20. My pen is alike yours. IV. 句型转换。按括号内要求完成下列句子。(10 分) 21. a. I have less money than you and Zh

6、ang _ Bing. (根据 a句完成 b 句 ) b. I have _ _ money of us three. 22. He goes to see his grandfather once a week. ( 对划线部分提问) _ _ _ he _ to see his grandfather? 23. It took us half an hour to go to the World Park from our school. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ it _ you to go to the World Park from your school? 24. a. She

7、 speaks fluent French. b. She can _ French _ . (根据 a 句完成 b 句) 25. You are ill. You dont have to go to school. ( 用 since将两个句子变为主从复合句) You _ _ to school _ you are ill. V. 完成句子 ,每空一词。 (10 分) 26. 我的父母鼓励我好好学习数学。 My parents _ me to _ _ Maths. 27. 如果农民继续占有更多的土地,大熊猫就会居无定所。 If farmers _ _ more land, giant pa

8、ndas will have _ _ _ . 28. 王叔叔得供给家里衣食,养活家口。 Uncle Wang has to _ food and clothes _ his family. 29. 昨天晚上8 点我做完的作业。 I _ _ my homework at 8:00 last night. 30. 老师警告学生在班里不要大声喧哗。 The teacher _ the students _ _ _ a noise in the classroom. VI. 完形填空。根据文章意思和所给首字母提示完成短文。(15 分 ) John Keats was one of the greate

9、st E_31_ poets ( 诗人 ). He was born in London in 1795 and started studying to be a d_32_ when he was only fifteen. But after he finished his studies, he gave up the idea of becoming a doctor and d _33_ to be a poet. He w_34_ many poems and became an important poet. Keats s _35_ the last three years o

10、f his life writing a lot of beautiful poems. But he didnt have a happy life at that time. In fact, he got seriously sick, and couldnt get m _36_ to the girl he loved. He still wrote about love and beautiful t _37_ in his poems. These poems made many sad people h _38_. One of his f_39_ poems is about

11、 fall. In this poem Keats showed his love for this world even in his bad health. Keats d _40_ at the young age of twenty-five. But people will remember Keats and his poems for ever. II. 书面表达。 (15 分) 时下 ,在一些农村地区,麻雀仍被看作是 害鸟 (harmful birds), 遭到大量捕杀 ,以致数量急剧减少。事实上,麻雀吃虫子 (worm) 对农作物有益处。 假设你是Zhang Tao, 请你给

12、电视台Animal World 节目组编辑写一封信,让节目组告诉人们真相,保护麻雀。 文章不少于80 词,开头、 结尾已给出。 Dear editor I am a loyal audience of the programme Animal World. _ _ _ _ _ _ Wish your programme be better. Yours Zhang Tao 上学期期末测试题(二)参考答案 I. 1. teenagers 2. dangerous 3. useless 4. beginning 5. ourselves 6. following 7. northern 8. im

13、portance 9. angrily 10. alike II. 11-15 DCBAD III. 16. 将 how 改为 what 。write about 相当于及物动词,what 作其前置宾语。 17. 将 so 改为 as。not as/so.as 和.不一样 18. 将 best 改为better 。两者之间进行比较用比较级。 19. 将 much 改为 more。not .any more 不再 . 20. 将 alike 改为like。 IV. 21. the least 22. How often does, go 23. How long did, take 24. sp

14、eak, fluently 25. neednt go, since V. 26. encourage, work hard at 27. keep taking, nowhere to live 28. provide, for 29. finished doing 30. warns, not to make VI. 31. English 32. doctor 33. decided 34. wrote 35. spent 36. married 37. things 38. happy 39. famous 40. died VII. One possible version: Dear editor I am a loyal audience of the programme Animal World. In some areas of the countrysid


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