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1、初二英语(第十一讲)-初中二年级英语试题练习、期中期末试卷、测验题、复习资料-初中 英语试卷 -试卷下载 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。论语 Learning is the eye of the mind.学问是心灵的眼睛。 初二英语(第十一讲) 主讲教师:汤玮 主审教师:严长胜 【教学内容】 本单元是一个复习单元,对前面六个单元所学的内容进行总结。在通过本单元的学 习之后, 同学们应该能比较熟练地掌握过去进行时态的用法及它与一般过去时的区别;现在 完成时的结构与用法及其与一般过去时的区别;形容词和副词的原级、比较级和最高级等。 【重点归纳】 词汇: film arrive alreadyswe

2、etbreakspendnoisynoisily forgetfulpersonlist 日常交际用语:复习一六单元的日常交际用语 语法: 1、名词变为形容词 2、动词变名词 3、形容词变副词 4、复合词 复习一六单元的语法项目 【知识讲解】 1、person:意为 “ 人” 名词, 意为 “ 人 ” 时可指男人, 女人, 老人或小孩等。 复数形式为persons。当意指一个人时, man 或 woman 比 person 更常用,指许多人时,people 比 persons 更常用。除非用于公务或 不是特指某个人以外,否则person 含有轻蔑之意。 例如: Whos this person

3、? 这家伙是谁? Theres a young person to see you.有个年轻人要见你。 2、go shopping 去买东西,去购物 动词 go +另一动词的ing 形式表示去进行这一活动。动词do 也可以 +另一个动词的ing 形式 表示进行这一活动。 例如: go shopping/swimming/skating/boating/climbing/sightseeing/dancing 去买东西 /游泳 /溜冰 /划船 /登山 /观光 /跳舞 do shopping/washing/cooking/reading/speaking/sewing 买东西 /洗衣服 /煮饭

4、/阅读 /训练口语 /做缝纫活 3、“ I havent forgotten anything,” she said to herself.“ 我没有忘记任何东西” 她心里想。 Say to oneself: 意为 “ 心里想 ”(=think ) 不是 “ 自言自语 ” 。“ 自言自语 ” 是 talk to oneself 或 think aloud. 例如: I woke up at five oclock and said to myself, “its still early.” 我五点钟就醒了,心里想:“ 还早呢。 ” He said to himself,“ Did I do a

5、nything wrong?” 他心里想: “ 我有无做错过什么事?” “I must go to see him this afternoon,”she talked to herself. “ 我下午必须去看望他。” 她自言自语道。 4、Her mother saw her when she arrived. 当她到达时,她的妈妈看见了她。 arrive, reach, get 都有 “ 到达 ” 的意思。但应注意其异同。 arrive是不及物动词,要接介词in 或 at 才能跟名词,一般地说,到达大的地方用in, 到达小的地方用at。 例如: The foreign visitors a

6、rrived in Beijing on Friday morning. 外国游人星期五早上到了北京。 He arrived at the village in the early morning. 他一大早就到达了村庄里。 reach是及物动词,直接跟地点名词。 例如: They reached the station on time.他们准时到达火车站。 When did he reach London? 他何时到伦敦的? get 作“ 到达 ” 时,也是不及物动词,其后须加介词to 才能跟地点名词。 例如: Have we got to the zoo yet?我们到动物园了吗? Wri

7、te to me when you get to Tokyo.到东京时给我写信。 arrive,reach,get 后接地点副词,如here, there, home 时均不需要介词。 例如: We arrive (reached, got)here last night. 我们是昨晚到这里的。 When did you reach (arrive, get) home?你是什么时刻到家的。 5、pay 的用法:(过去式为paid) pay 作为及物动词时,表示“ 付 报酬 ” 、“ 付款 ” 等意思,其宾语可以是表示人的名词,也可 以表示钱的词语。 例如: Have you paid the

8、 doctor yet?医生的酬金付了吗? You have to pay me first before I do it. 你得在我干以前先付钱。 When will you pay back the money?你什么时候还这笔钱? How much did you pay for all these things? 买所有这些东西你一共花了多少钱? 有时也作不及物的动词用,作“ 付款 ” 、 “ 赔” 解。 例如: If you have lost it, Im afraid you will have to pay for it . 如果你丢了,恐怕你得赔了。 6、spend 的用法(

9、过去式为spent) spend 作“ 花” 解,既可以指“ 花钱 ” ,也可以指 “ 花时间 ” ,它要求用人作主语。可接on +名词 或 in +动词 ing 形式,这时in 可省去 例如: He spent five dollars on the book.他买那本书花了5 美元。 She had to spend a lot on money of food.她不得不为买食物花很多钱。 He doesnt spend much time on his homework./ ( in) doing his homework. 他在做作业上花的时间不多。 She spent the who

10、le afternoon (in)cleaning the windows and floors. 他花了一下午擦洗窗子和地板。 7、What have you done with the library book?你如何处置从图书馆借来的书? do with在这里作 “ 处置 ” 、“ 处理 ” 解。 What do with ? 是一种常见的句型,表示“ 如何处 置 ?” 其问 what 不可改为how,这种句型往往在译法上较灵活。要紧密依据上下文。 例如: What have you done with their dog? 你把他们的狗怎么处置了? She didnt know wha

11、t to do with herself. 她不知如何打发日子。 8、fill 和 full fill 是动词,译为“ 填空,填满 , (使)充满,(使)装满 ” ,常有下列用法: fill with : “用 装满 ” 例如: She filled the glass with water.她倒满了一杯的水。 fill in :“填入(空白、文件等)” 例如: Fill in your name ,please . 请填上你的名字。 Fill in the blanks .填入空格 /空栏。 be filled with :表示一个状态,意为“ 充满 的” 例如: The room is f

12、illed with smoke . 屋里浓烟弥漫。 Her eyes were filled with tears . 她眼里充满了泪水。 这个意思也可用be full of 来表达,例如: The room was full of people (was filled with people ). 房间里满是人。 His homework was full of mistakes. (was filled with mistakes. ) 他的作业里都是错误。 【同步练习】 一、语音: 1forgetfulA.workerB.worseC.cornerD.doctor 2returnA.f

13、urtherB.SaturdayC.pictureD.sure 3saysA.payB.todayC.Friday D.breakfast 4whileA.pityB.fridgeC.politeD.holiday 5strictA.priceB.uncleC.exceptD.medicine 二、选择: A选择能在意义上替代句中划线部分的词语: 1.Have you ever seen a bird like this ? A. neverB. alwaysC. beforeD. at any time 2.Ive looked around the whole school .This s

14、entence means _. A. I enjoy my visit to your school . B. Ive looked everywhere in the school . C. Ive walked all over the school . D. Ive visited every place of the school . 3.The basket was filled with a lot of eggs . A. full ofB. fulled ofC. made ofD. all of 4.When you have finished reading the bo

15、ok ,you must give it back to the library . A. get toB. payC. come back toD. return 5.I was so tried that I fell asleep in a few minutes . A. went to sleepB. went to bedC. feel sleepyD. slept 6.The dictionary is very helpful in our study of English . A. easyB. difficultC. usefulD. important B.综合选择: 1

16、.Sorry ,I cant go with you .I havent finished my homework _. AalreadyB. tooC. yetD. still 2._did you pay for the fridge ? A. How many moneysB. How much moneys C. How many dollarsD. How many 3.It _hard when her family _the station . A. was raining ,reachedB. rained ,was getting to C. was raining ,arrived inD. rained ,was arriving to 4.Though I have been in China for a year ,I havent visited the Great Wall yet._ A. So have IB. Neither have IC. So


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