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1、初一英语第一学期期末检测试-初中一年级英语试题练习、期中期末试卷、测验题、复习资 料-初中英语试卷-试卷下载 初 一 英 语第一学期期末检测试题 考生注意: 1、考试时间120 分钟 2、全卷共VII大题,总分120 分 题 号 听 力 I II III IV V VI 总 分 核分人 得 分 听力测试(共20 分) I 听句子,选择与句子内容相符的图片。 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ II听句子,选择恰当的答语。 ()6. A. How do you do?B. Nice to meet you, too.C. My name is Mary. ()7. A. Yes, I am.

2、B. I m in Class Two.C. I m Helen. ()8. A. I can play the piano.B. My sister is a teacher.C. I m a doctor. ()9. A. Let s play basketball in the gym.B. It s in front of the office. C. There are some boys in the gym. ()10. A. I ve got an uncle.B. I like vegetables very much. C. I ve got a hamburger. II

3、I.听以下五段对话,选择最佳答案。 ()11. What s the man s English friend s name? A. Jack.B. Jim.C. Jean. ()12. Where are they? A. In a hotel.B. In a factory.C. In a classroom. ()13. What can the man s brother do? A. Play the piano.B. Play basketball.C. Play football. ()14. Where are the school offices? A. Behind the

4、 classroom.B. Next to the library. C. In front of the library. ()15. What does the woman have for lunch? A. Rice.B. Noodles.C. Hamburgers. IV. 听短文,补全句子,每空一词。 We are in a hotel in Shanghai. My (16)_, Linda, is from (17)_. She can speak English and Chinese. I can speak Chinese and (18)_. My book is in

5、 the (19)_. My parents have got some oranges and hamburgers for me. We are (20)_. 笔试部分( 100 分) I. 单项选择。(共 15 分) ()1. _ he _ his homework at night? A. Does, /B. Is, doingC. Does, do ()2. He came here_ the morning of July 29. A. onB. inC. at ()3. - What s your favorite _ festival ? - The Spring Festiv

6、al is my favorite. A. JapaneseB. ChineseC. American ()4. I ve got some stamps from China, but _. A. I ve got some stamps from Canada. B. I haven t got any stamps from Canada. C. There are some stamps Canada. ()5. -Can the girl catch the ball? - _. A. Yes, she can.B. No, he can t.C. Yes, he can. ()6.

7、 Which one is correct?( 以下那句是正确的?) A. We say “ thank you” for our food and family on Spring Festival. B. We eat mooncakes on Mid -autumn Festival. C. There are lots of lanterns ( 灯笼 ) on Thanksgiving Day. ()7. Jim can play _basketball very well. But he can t play _ piano. A. a, theB. the, / C. /, th

8、e ()8. - Do you like fish or chicken?- _. A. Yes, I do.B. No, I dontC. I like fish ()9.My father _ TV every evening. A. watchB. is watchingC. watches ()10. They _ got a sister. A. hasB. haven t C. don t have ()11. Be quiet. _ say nonsense(废话 ) in class. A. NotB. Doesn tC. Dont ()12. - What does he l

9、ike? - He likes _ and _. A. write, readB. reading, runningC. swimming, play ()13. - Let s do our homework together.-_. A. Excuse meB. Im sorry I cantC. All right ()14. Yesterday Tom _ me a book _ America. A. sent, aboutB. sent, ofC. send, about ()15. - _ have you _? - A computer. A. Which, gotB. Who

10、, getC. What, got II. 完形填空:(共 20 分) (A) 根据首字母、汉语提示和所给单词适当形式填空。 1. There are m_ of people in our city. 2. I m Chinese. I can t _(说) English. 3. I m very h_. I would like some bread. 4. _(多久) is the Great Wall? 5. Let _(我) have a glass of milk. 6. There are many _( 绵羊 ) on the hill. 7. My aunt often _

11、 (go) to the cinema. 8. There _(be) a pen and two books on the desk. 9. This is a cat, and _(it) name is Mimi. 10.The weather today is _(sun). (B) 根据短文选择最佳答案。 Anna comes _1_ England. She is thirteen. She s in China with her family now. She is a student _2_ No. 1 Middle School. She likes her school a

12、nd all of her classmates. She thinks they are very friendly to her. She likes Chinese, _3_ . But she _4_ speak Chinese very well. Anna gets up very early _5_ morning. She has some milk and bread _6_ breakfast. And she goes to school on her bike. She doesnt like to _7_ late. In the evening she does _

13、8_homework and reads newspapers. She _9_to bed at nine. She is very _10_every day. ()1. A. fromB. inC. of ()2. A. inB. ofC. at ()3. A. eitherB. tooC. also ()4. A. canB. isC. cant ()5. A. inB. ofC. every ()6. A. atB. forC. in ()7. A. beB. isC. am ()8. A. one sB. herC. she ()9. A. goB. is goC. goes ()

14、10.A. happyB. goodC. well III. 情景交际(共15 分) (A)选择正确的答语 () 1. Where did you go yesterday?A. No, he isn t. () 2. How long is the desk?B. It s eight o clock. () 3. When is Christmas ?C. It s an album. () 4. How do you do ?D. Yes, he does. () 5. What s the time?E. Thank you. () 6. Is your father a teache

15、r?F. Zoo. () 7. Does he play football with us?G. How do you do? () 8. What s this in English?H. No, there weren t. () 9. Your sweater is very beautiful.I. It s on December 25th. () 10. Were there any books?J. It s two metres. (B)补全对话。 A: Hi, Li Tao! May I ask you some questions? B: Of course. A: (1)_? B: I come from China. A: (2)_



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