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1、Module 1: Europe,sign,欧元,across:prep;adv (1)在对面;在另一边 He lives across the street.他住在街对面 (2)横越;穿过 Can you swim across? 你能游过去吗? (3)交叉 He laid two sticks across each other.他把两根棍子交叉地放着。,(1)over:prep. 一般指在.的上方(与该物体没有接触面) 例如:The bridge is over the river. (2)across:横过,穿过,表示动作是在某一事物表面进行的,其含义与on有关 例如:Be caref

2、ul when you go across the street. (3) cross:v. 可直接在句中作谓语动词。与go across 意思一样。 例如:Be careful when you cross the street. (4) past:经过,指从旁边经过。 例如:A boy ran past my door,(5) through:“通过,穿过”,表示动作是在某一空间内进行的,其含义与in有关,face: nprep 介词 prep. 1.(时空上)与.相离;离,距 例如:He lifted a cup off the table. 2.从.脱落/离开 The rain off

3、 the roof,adv. (1)(在时间上或者空间上)距,离;离开(某地);出发 例如:The town is still five miles off (2)不工作;不上班;不值班 例如:I think I will take this afternoon off (3)减价;削价;折扣 例如:All shirts are 20% off (4)不发生,取消 例如:The meeting is off (5)(断)掉;(休)止;不供应 例如:Make sure the central heating is off,break off:折断;突然停止;暂停 call off:取消; giv

4、e off:放出,发出 go off:离开;变质;爆炸 put off:推迟;阻止;劝止 see off:送行 set off:出发,动身,引起,发射 show off:炫耀;卖弄 take off:脱下;起飞 pay off:付清;还清,in the south of:“在南部”通常指在某一范围内 The Smiths live in the south of Canada to the south of:“在南边”强调越出了某一范围 The church is to the south of Japan on the south of: “在南面”强调两者毗邻,接壤 Jiangsu Pro

5、vince lies on the south of Shangdong Province,倒装句有完全倒装和部分倒装。完全倒装是指谓语动词完全位于主语(必须是名词)前面;部分倒装是指谓语的一部分(即助动词、系动词或情态动词)位于主语前面。,(一)完全倒装 1用于“here, there, now, then + 不及物动词 + 主语”的结构中,或以out, in, up, down, away等副词开头的句子里,以表示强调。例如: There goes the bell. Here comes the bus. 2用于“there be”的结构中,例如: There were many bo

6、ys and girls on the playground just now. There will be a new station near our school.,3当介词短语或地点状语放在句首作状语时,例如: North of the city lies/is a new airport. From the valley came a frightening sound with some cries. 4表语放句首时倒装结构为:“表语+连系动词+主语”,例如: Present at the meeting is our English teacher.,5用于so,nor,neit

7、her开头的句子,表示重复前面的内容,原句的谓语应与前面的谓语动词的时态、形式等相一致。例如: John has just seen it. So have I. He can not answer my questions. Neither/nor can his brother. 6为了保持句子平衡或上下文的连接更紧密,也可以采用倒装,例如: They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of which sat a small boy.,7直接引语后注明为某人所说,且主语为名词时用倒装结构,例如: “Lets begin,” said the man/he

8、said. (注意代词不倒装),(二)部分倒装 1状语被only强调在句首,例如: Only then did I know it. Only when the meeting is over can we know the decision. 2否定副词:never, not, seldom, hardly, neither, nor, scarcely, rarely, no longer, barely, little和其它一些结构,如:often, at no time, not only, not once, many a time等放在句首,例如:Never have I been

9、 to Beijing.,3当“so/such that”结构中的so或such位于句首时,例如: So beautiful was she that many men would like to dance with her at the party. 4用于省略if的虚拟条件状语从句,例如: Were I you ( = If I were you ), I would not accept his present. Had you ( = If you had ) studied hard, you might have passed the exam this time.,5用于“形容

10、词/名词/动词+as (though)”引导的让步状语从句,例如: Pretty as she is, she is not clever at all. Try as he could, he might fail again. Child as he was, he had to sell newspapers in the streets. 6用于“no soonerthan, hardlywhen和not until等结构中”,例如: No sooner had he arrived than someone called him.,7用于某些表示祝愿的句子,例如: May you s

11、ucceed! May you happy!,cover(v,n) (1)覆盖,遮盖(某物) 例如:Cover up the mistakes (2)占地 例如:The town covers 5 square miles (3)包含;涉及 例如:The doctors talk covered the complete history of medicine,(4)走(一段路) 例如:How many miles have you covered (5)(指新闻记者)报告;采访 例如:She will stay here ,covering the whole game discover:指

12、本来存在,而以前未被发现的事物或未为人所知的东西 uncover:表示“发现,揭露,暴露”等,一般用于贬义,其宾语常是:relic遗物,古迹;plot阴谋,圈套,(秘密)计划;,活学活用 For a moment nothing happened. Then _ all shouting together. A. voices had come B. came voices C. voices would come D. did voices come 答案与解析B表示时间的副词then位于句首,谓语动词为come,且主语是名词voices,所以句子全部倒装。故选B项。,B,situated:

13、adj.位于的,坐落在的 例如:Their apartments were situated / located on the second floor. 他们的房间位于第二层。 拓展 situation n位置;处境 situated adj. (人)处于的状态(境遇、立场等),常与副词连用。 be well/badly/hard situated 处境很好/困难/尴尬,辨析lie,locate,situate与stand lie不及物动词,意为“坐落、平躺”,侧重于物体在平面上的方位。 locate及物动词,意为“确定、找出物体的位置”,be locatedbe situated“位于、处

14、于、坐落于某处”。 situate及物动词,意为“(使建筑物或城镇)坐落于或建于某处”。situate的动词形式很少用,多用其过去分词、形容词situated作表语。,stand多用作不及物动词,意为“矗立、耸立”,常用于房屋或建筑物等立体事物位于或坐落于某地。 Between the two cities lies a vast plain. 两座城市之间是广阔的平原。 On the top of the mountain stands an ancient temple. 山顶矗立着一座古庙。,活学活用 London is the most beautiful city in Britai

15、n _ the River Thames. A. located in B. lied on C. situated on D. stood in 答案与解析Csituated表示“位于的”,在河岸上要用介词on。A项介词不对;B项应用lie(位于)的现在分词形式;D项应改为standing on。故选C项。,C,Taiwan, a beautiful island, _ in the south of China. Which is WRONG? A. is situated B. lies C. is located D. locates 答案与解析Dbe situatedbe locat

16、edlie,意为“坐落于,位于”, locate, situate用被动语态。,D,more than+数词:多于,超过 more than one +单数可数名词+谓语动词单数 more than+(动)名词:不只是,不仅仅是 more than + adj./adv. :非常,十分 more than:与其说倒不如说 no more than:仅仅,不过,只是 not more than:至多,不超过,symbol (1)n. 象征 symbol (of sth.) 的象征 例如:A dove is the symbol of peace. (2)n. 符号,代号,记号 symbol (for sth.) 的符号 例如:What is the chemical symbol for copper?,辨析:symbol,sign,mark (1)symbol:指作为象征意义或表达某种深邃意义的特殊事物。 例如:The lion is the symbol of


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