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1、反义疑问句 (反意疑问句 ) 一、反义疑问句的定义: 英语中,反义疑问句由两部分组成 :前一部分是一个陈述句 ,后一部分是一个简短的疑问句(也叫做附 加疑问句 )。其中附加疑问句是对陈述句所说的事实或观点提出疑问,起证实作用,一般用于证实 说话者所说的事实或观点。两部分的人称时态应保持一致。附加疑问句部分翻译为“ 是吗” 或“ 不是 吗” 。例如: Jim isn t in Class Four, is he? 吉姆不在四班, 是吗? Jim is in Class Four, isn t he? 吉姆在四班, 不是吗 ? 阶段练习 (翻译下列句子 ): .They seldom come l

2、ate, do they? .They work hard, dont they? 二、反义疑问句的用法: 1.反义疑问句的结构: 前肯后否或 前否后肯 。 即前面的陈述句为肯定形式, 后面的疑问句用否定形式; 或者前面的陈述句为否定形式,后面的疑 问句用肯定形式。这两部分句子中的主语同指一人或事物(后面的主语必须是人称代词主格) ,在 时态、人称、数上应保持一致。 陈述句部分为 be 动词、助动词、情态动词时,疑问部分要重复这些词,例如: You are at home now, arent you? You aren t at home now, are you? 时态一致,例如 : Yo

3、u were at home now, werent you? You weren t at home now, were you? 阶段练习(补全下列反义疑问句) : .前肯后否: 1) Youre new here, _ _? 2) She is a teacher, _ _? 3) My mother is cooking,_ _? 4) This bus is always late, _ _? 5) You want to be a teacher in the future, _ _? 6) She often feels tired,_ _? 7) Tom often has l

4、unch at school,_ _? 8) My sister likes geography,_ _? 9) You watched the fashion show last night,_ _? 10)Lily came to school just now,_ _? 11)Linda s brother ate an apple this morning, _ _? 12)Youve already got our invitation,_ _? 13)Nancy has come back , _ _? 14) He can ride a bike, _ _? 15)You wil

5、l be late, _ _? .前否后肯: 16) You aren t new here, _ _? 17) She isn t a teacher, _ _? 18) My mother isn t cooking,_ _? 19) This bus isn t always late, _ _? 20) You don t want to be a teacher in the future, _ _? 21) She doesn t often feel tired,_ _? 22) Tom doesn t often have lunch at school,_ _? 23) My

6、 sister doesn t like geography,_ _? 24)You didn t watch the fashion show last night,_ _? 25)Lily didn t come to school just now,_ _? 26)Linda s brother didn t eat an apple this morning, _ _? 27)You haven t already got our invitation,_ _? 28)Nancy hasn t come back , _ _? 29) He can t ride a bike, _ _

7、? 30)You won t be late, _ _? 三、反意疑问句的回答:反义疑问句结构是一种简略的一般疑问句,所以一般用Yes, No来回答。 陈述句是 肯定形式时, 肯定回答用 Yes ( “是的”), 否定用 No( “不” ) ; 但是, 当陈述部分为 否 定时,回答要注意, Yes( “不” ), 否定用 No( “是的” ) 。例如: .She is a lovely girl, isnt she?她是一个可爱的女孩,不是吗? Yes, she is. 是的,她是。 No, she isn t. 不,她不是。 .She isn t a lovely girl, is she?

8、她不是一个可爱的女孩,是吗? Yes, she is. 不,她是。 No, she isn t. 是的,她不是。 四、附加疑问句部分与主语不一致的若干情况如下(需牢记): 1.this 或 that改为 it,无论是否指人。 This is your brother, isn t it? 2. these或 those,改为 they。 Those are books ,aren t they? 3. 不定代词 one,改为 one或 he。 One cant be always young, can one / he? 4. something、anything、everything 和 n

9、othing,改为 it 。 Nothing is serious, is it? (注意为什么后面用is it 而不是 isn t it?) Everything seems all right, doesnt it? 5. everybody、everyone、somebody、someone 、anybody、anyone 、nobody,改为 they 或 he(任选, 但选定后注意单复数形式) 。 Everyone knows this, dont they / doesnt he? Nobody likes to lose money, does he? ( 这里最好用 he) 6

10、.each of,改为 he或 they。 Each of the boys had an apple, didn t he / they? 7. no one, none, neither, either 改 they 或 he。 No one came, did they? 8. some of 、none of ,改为 it、they 或 you(联系上下文或句子) 。 None of the food was delicious, was it? Some of the dustmen have come back, havent they? 9. 由 neithernor 、not

11、only but also、both and 、eitheror 、not but 、or 、and 等连接的并列主语,改为复数代词。 Neither you nor I am wrong, are we? Both Tom and Jack came, didn t they? 10. 由动词不定式、动名词、从句或词组构成的主语,改为it 。 To learn English well isn t easy, is it? Swimming is great fun, isn t it? 11. the + 形容词表示一类人,改为复数代词。 The poor had no right (权力

12、) to speak at the time, did they? 12. there 引起的句子( There be句型等) ,仍用 there。 There stands a house and a lot of trees, doesnt there? There are many children in the park, arent there? 13.陈述部分有 had better 时,疑问句应用 hadn t 开头。 You d better get up early, hadn t you? 五、附加疑问句部分与谓语不一致的若干情况如下(需牢记) 1. have (有)改 h

13、ave或 do Mary has two brothers, doesnt she / hasnt she? 2. have (有)必须与陈述部分一致 He hasnt a lot of time, has he? Miss Green doesnt have any money in her pocket, does she? 3. have不做“ 有” 解释,必须用 do They all have a good time, dont they? 4. have to用 do 或 have We have to get up early, dont we / havent we? 六、句子

14、中有 seldom, hardly, no, not, never, few, little, nothing, nobody, nowhere 等是否定句 ,附加疑问 部分必须采用肯定形式。 Nobody phoned while I was out, did they? He is hardly able to swim, is he? There is little ink in your pen, is there? no one, nobody, none, nothing, neither 等作动词的宾语时 ,附加疑问部分一般采用肯定形式(也偶尔用 否定形式 ) 。 He has

15、nothing to say, does(nt) he? You got nothing from him, did(n t) you? 注意: 当陈述部分含有否定意思的词是unhappy,dislike,unfriendly 等含有否定词缀的派生词,也就 是有 un-前缀、 -less后缀等含有词缀而意思否定的词,当做肯定句处理,疑问部分要用否定形式。 例如: He looks unhappy,doesnt he? 他看上去不高兴,不是吗? The girl dislikes history,doesnt she? 这女孩不喜欢历史,不是吗? 七、一些特殊句型的附加疑问句: 1. I am 改 aren t I 。 I am your friend, arent I? 2. 主从复合句 ,与主句的主谓语保持一致。 He says that I did it, doesnt he? David wouldnt go there if it rained, would he? 3. 并列句 ,与邻近的分句保持一致。 Mary is a nice girl, but she had one short-coming,


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