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1、中国电信增值业务趋势,Frost & Sullivan 中国 为中国通信企业协会电信增值业务专业委员会准备,December 20th, 2002,目录,电信市场趋势 未来的价值链 对增值业务的思考 运营商的变化 制造商的对策,December 20th, 2002,电信市场趋势,December 20th, 2002,电信运营业的特点,电信经济的特点: 规模经济性 范围经济性 外部经济性,电信运营管理的特点: 从业务垄断到复杂价值链中的地位之争 管理、服务、市场与技术高度一体化 从基础服务提供商到娱乐服务提供商的过渡,未来的价值链,December 20th, 2002,传统的价值链,Equ

2、ipment Vendor,Service Provider,End User,Lucent,Alcatel,Siemens,Cisco,Ericsson,Huawei,Nortel,Nokia,AT&T,China Telecom,Verizon,NTT,Telefonica,Sprint,British Telecom,SingTel,Technology to Enable Pre-Made Services,Delivery & Control of Services,Consumption of Services,December 20th, 2002,价值链的变化,Liberali

3、zing markets, rapid technological innovation, large amounts of available capital, the Internet, and low-cost consumer devices Have turned the stable, long-term, well-defined value chain into a web of dynamic, real-time, unstructured transactions,December 20th, 2002,价值网与生态环境,Gateways & Softswitch,Ser

4、vers & Platforms,Base Stations,CPE & Consumer Devices,Service Creation Software,Routers,Satellites,Optical Equipment,PTTs,Network Service Provider,ASP & Data Center,Wholesale Carriers,ISPs,Wireless SPs,Media & Content,International Bandwidth Provider,MSOs,Resellers,Small Business,Government,Large En

5、terprise,Education,Residential,Almost anyone can be a consumer or a supplier in the dynamic value chain structure,December 20th, 2002,移动游戏市场价值链,移动游戏市场生态环境,对增值业务的思考,December 20th, 2002,电信增值业务发展热点,固定电话网增值电信业务 呼叫中心与客户关系管理 移动网增值电信业务 短信服务 基于位置的移动增值业务 因特网增值电信业务 ASP/Hosting Service Providers 其他数据传送网络电信增值业务

6、 VPN,游戏市场 Mobile Gaming Online Gaming 信息服务与电话会议系统 固定网 因特网 电子商务市场 因特网 移动电子商务,f r o s t & s u l l i v a n,中国开展移动游戏业务的建议,中国移动游戏市场潜力巨大,但在很大程度上取决于提供商的市场开拓工作 在对市场深入分析基础上提出的业务模式将是运营商和应用服务提供商合作开拓市场成败的决定性因素 持续不断的市场促销是移动游戏业务成功的保证,移动商务,f r o s t & s u l l i v a n,f r o s t & s u l l i v a n,f r o s t & s u l l

7、 i v a n,f r o s t & s u l l i v a n,PAYBOX,Country of operation: Germany, Sweden, Spain, Austria and the UK. Principal stakeholders: Deutsche Bank - German banking group Debitel - German telecom operator Notable dates: May 2000 - Commercial launch in Germany November 2000 - Commercial launch in Swe

8、den December 2000 - Commercial launch in Spain February 2001 - Commercial launch in Austria September 2001 - Commercial launch in the UK.,MOBIPAY,Country of operation: Spain. Has interest in international expansion. Principal stakeholders: Telefonica - network operator. Vodafone - network operator.

9、Amena - network operator. BBVA (Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria) - Spanish banking group. BSCH (Banco Santander Central Hispano) - Spanish banking group. Sermepa - payment processor. Sistema 4B - payment processor. Euro 6000 - payment processor.,中国发展电子商务的建议,中国电子商务潜力巨大,特别是移动电子商务,可以显著增加ARPU值 与银行之间合作与竞

10、争的关系并存,迅速建立完善的基础设施和灵活的业务模式是成功的关键 电子商务市场在中国的启动是一个转变观念的过程,可以从简单的应用开始逐步扩大,同时需要提供商从现在开始培养新的支付习惯,无线虚拟运营,Existing services,Mobile sales force,Information,Service client Call centre,Machines de distribution,Alarm systems,Tracking/alerts systems,Voice,Video Conderence,E-mail,Other applications,Fleet mgmt.,B

11、2B,Person to Person,Person to Machine,Machine to Machine,B2C,Other applications,Navigation on Internet,SMS,E-shopping,Games, music,E-banking,Supply chain integration,Other applications,UMTS,Other (RFID, Bluetooth),GSM,GPRS,Source: Halogen,Wireless networks,Pari,Localisation,Services offer strong pot

12、ential for revenues/ margins Services will allow an MVNO to differentiate itself,无线虚拟运营业务,December 20th, 2002,Media,Wish to make content paid for and control it,Mobile Operators,Financial Services,Wish to become the payment platforms of digital business,Wish to increase network revenues through valu

13、e added services,Distribution,Wish to use brand strength and physical presence,MVNO 对各方的机会,SFR,December 20th, 2002,谈判能力是成功的关键之一,December 20th, 2002,品牌影响力是成功的另一个关键,December 20th, 2002,运营商的变化,December 20th, 2002,领导层来自技术背景,December 20th, 2002,0,5 000,10 000,15 000,20 000,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,M

14、illions of USD,Revenues from voice diminishing In 2005, estimated that 40% of operator revenues will be from VAS,CAGR,Total,10%,Mobile Communication Market 2000-2005, France,97%,63%,方向向增值和娱乐业务转移,December 20th, 2002,电信运营战略更强调业务模式,市场变化特点: 从一个同质化的统一大市场逐渐演变成一群以客户方便性和娱乐为主的小应用市场的总和 价值链复杂性增加,市场弹性增加,市场前景的不确

15、定性增加,电信运营战略重点: 强调对方向的总体把握 强调业务模式(共同培育市场+利润分享) 强调对客户需求的深入发掘和促销 强调企业管理规范化对战略的支持,管理以业务模型划分,市场潜力大,潜力相对较小,应用单一,应用分散,移动信息,CRM,一,二,三,四,以TOM为模板整合IT系统,制造商的对策,December 20th, 2002,Utilisation levels of GSM network operator (Swedish example),Medium traffic : 35-40%,00 03 06 09 12 15 18 21,Time of day,Max traffi

16、c : 65-70%,40%,70%,100%,衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴,December 20th, 2002,独上高楼,望断天涯路,蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处,MMS与SMS的相同点: 最大的市场是P2P MMS与SMS的不同点: 内容不易由用户产生,MMS业务模式: 由网站提供多媒体内容的汇总和排名 内容受版权保护 针对内容的传递收费,费用由运营商承担 网站具备内容产生能力,对前景的把握,前景空间,独立于将来的事件,December 20th, 2002,正确的策略是成功的关键,December 20th, 2002,谢谢!,December 20th, 2002,1、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考的方法。20.10.1520.10.15Thursday, October 15, 2020 2、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。16:21:241


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