【金版新学案】2014高考英语一轮总复习 课时作业8 Unit3 Computers 新人教版必修2

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1、课时作业(八)必修2Unit 3Computers.单项填空1Why do you always lie to our mother you love her cooking?Its only a white lie,so_.Adont botherBmy pleasureCits no big dealDdont mention it2She has_broad knowledge of computers,which makes_big difference to her work in the foreign company.Aa;/B/;/C/;theDa;a3My friend Ma

2、rtin was very sick with a strange fever;_,he could neither eat nor sleep.Aas a resultBafter allCany wayDotherwise4The school advisers help you talk through your problems but they dont give you any direct_.AsolutionBtargetCmeasureDfunction5(2013东北三校高三第一次联合模拟)There is someone playing the guitar over t

3、here.Lets go and listen,shall we?Free entertainment,_.AanywayBthoughCthereforeDsomehow6When a person writes,he must organize his mind to express his ideas and feelings more_.AtechnicallyBtotallyClogicallyDcommonly7(2013贵州五校联考)Could you tell me how to_these problems so that I will be able to adapt to

4、 the life in Guiyang?Ado withBcome up withCagree withDdeal with8(2013成都部分高中高三教学质量检测)So brave_that she faced the difficulty bravely she had_English.Awas she;studyingBshe was;studiedCshe was;studyingDwas she;studied9Scientists say it may be two to five years_it is possible to test the medicine on huma

5、n patients.AsinceBafterCbeforeDwhen10English is considered as a(n)_language,and it is no surprise that there are so many people in the world learning English.AuniversalBlogicalCartificialDregular11He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his_was seen at its best when he worked with other

6、s.AadvantageBappearanceCqualificationDcharacter12The successful launch of Tiangong1 on Sept.29th_a significant step in Chinas plan to build a space station.AsignalledBmarkedCsignedDproved13I think the invention of the Internet has changed peoples daily life_.I completely agree with you.Ain the wayBo

7、n the wayCin a wayDby the way14(2013河南三市第二次调研)One way to stop countries fighting is to cut off their_support,for wars are very expensive.AconditionalBchemicalCenvironmentalDfinancial15Dont worry!We are well prepared to deal with all of the problems that may_.AriseBariseCraiseDarouse.完形填空建议用时15(2013安

8、徽七校高三第二次大联考)A long time ago,my fullgrown children were still “children”I saw something that still brings a burst of_1_to my heart whenever I think about it.My youngest son who had just learnt to walk at the time was very_2_to his big sister.When she first started going to _3_he would stand by the wi

9、ndow waiting every day for her bus to bring her home.One day,a particularly dirty diaper (尿布)_4_happened.His mom needed to give him a quick bath right when the bus was_5_to arrive.When his sister and I_6_it to the door he was still in the bathtub (澡盆)His sister went into her room to get changed.As s

10、oon as she_7_the door her brother came out from the bathroom and walked with_8_steps right to the window.It seemed that his internal (内在的)_9_knew that his sister should be home any_10_.I smiled as I watched him looking_11_out of the window while his sister came up from her room.Quickly she moved to

11、him and _12_tapped him on the shoulder.The_13_on his face when he turned around was one I have_14_seen in his life.It was pure joy and pure love.His big eyes_15_with delight and his_16_arms opened up to give his sister a very big hug.I_17_a while that I had spent far too much of my own life looking

12、out a window waiting for something or someone to bring me_18_I wanted in this life.It took me a long time to_19_feel the gentle tapping on my own shoulder._20_I turned around,I saw love,joy and peace.,1.A.inspirationBenergy Cfreshness Djoy2A.related Battached Ccommitted Dattracted3A.work Bcollege Cs

13、chool Dtown4A.incident Bstory Cevent Daffair5A.scheduledBarranged CpreparedDdiscovered6A.finishedBmade Cjumped Dstepped7A.openedBapproachedCpulledDshut8A.fast Blight Cunsteady Dproud9A.clock Btime Cmemory Dnetwork10A.condition BcaseCday Dsecond11A.doubtfullyBimpatiently Cattentively Dexcitedly12A.si

14、lentlyBproperly Cviolently Dgently13A.innocence BcuriosityCsurprise Dhappiness14A.possibly BoccasionallyCrarely Djust15A.welled Bshone Cclosed Dburned16A.quick Bdifferent Ctiny Dstrong17A.realizedBconcluded Cunderstood Dreflected18A.where Bwhat Cwhich Dwhy19A.gradually BfinallyCgenerally Dsuddenly20A



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