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1、0 高级语法(独立主格结构,虚拟语气,否定,强调) 独立主格结构 一 、独立结构的构成: 只有当分词短语的逻辑主语和句子主语不一致时,我们才能用独立结构。独立结构只 用做状语,多用于书面语言。常见的独立结构有以下几种: (一)名词 /代词 +分词(包括现在分词和过去分词): 1 The boy ran quickly, his father following. (表示伴随情况) 2 He lay on his back, his hands acrossed under his head. (表示伴随情况) (二)名词 /代词 +形容词: 1、They started home, their

2、 minds full of plans for increasing production. (表示伴随情况 ) 2、 He was silent for a moment, his lips tight. ( 表示伴随情况) (三)名词 /代词 +副词: 1、 He put on his socks, wrong side out. ( 表示补充说明 ) 2 、The war over, all the Chinese people s volunteers came back to China. (表示补充说明) (四)名词 /代词 +介词(短语) 1 、She came in, a b

3、aby in her arms. (表示伴随情况 ) 2 、He went off, gun in hand. ( 表示伴随情况 ) 二 独立结构在句子中的作用。 独立结构在句子中只能做状语,这种结构可以用来: (一)表示时间: His homework done, Jim decided to go and see the play. (=After his homework was done, he decided to go and see the play.) (二)表示原因: The last bus having gone, we had to walk home. (=Becau

4、se the last bus having gone, we had to walk home. ) (三)表示条件: Weather permitting, we ll go for an outing tomorrow. (=If weather permitting, we ll go for an outing tomorrow.) (四)表示伴随情况或伴随状况: They walked through the forest, an old hunter leading the way. (五)表示补充说明: He lived in a wooden house with two r

5、ooms, one being a bedroom and the other being an office. (=He lived in a wooden house with two rooms, one was a bedroom, the other was an office.) 三 独立变格的变化 在带有逻辑主语的分词及其短语前加” with ” 1、 Why are they talking all the equipment away? The job ( ), they are packing up to leave. A it to done B did C was di

6、d D done 2、Other things being equal, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more 1 1 rapidly than the man whose command of language is poor. 虚拟语气 1. if 引导的虚拟语气 2. 倒装形式 Were I you (=if I were you) , I would get up early in the morning. Had you arrived at the station ten minutes ea

7、rlier yesterday(=If you had arrived ), you could have caught the train. Should it rain (=If it should rain), the crops would be saved. 【2】馒头面条原理 【3】固定句型 It is time that . Would rather that . (1).I would rather he came tomorrow than today. (2).John would rather that she had not gone to the party yest

8、erday evening. (4).I would rather everything hadn t happened in the past. “ It is (was)+ 形容词(或过去分词)+that ” 结构中的虚拟语气 1. It is necessary that we (should 可省略 ,下同) have a walk now. 2.It was necessary that we (should) make everything ready ahead of time. 3. It is required that nobody (should) smoke here.

9、 4. It is important that every pupil (should) be able to understand the rule of school. 练习 1.He ll be busy this afternoon. If he _ free, he _ to the cinema with you. A.were to be; might go B. am going to be; will go C.will be; might have gone D. is; will go 2. When Edison died, it was proposed that

10、the American people _ all power in their homes, streets, and factories for several minutes in honor of this great man. A. turn off B. turned off C. would turn off D. had turned off 3. Had I known her name, _. A. or does she know mine? B. and where does she live? C. I would have invited her to lunchD

11、. she would be beautiful 4. I d rather you _ by train, because I cant bear the idea of your being in an airplane in such bad weather. A. would go B. should go C. went D. had gone 2 2 5. The victim _ ( 本来会有机会活下来) if he had been taken to hospital in time. would have a chance to survive (06.12 翻译) 6. T

12、he professor required that _ ( 我们交研究报告)。 we hand in our research report(s) (06.6 翻译 ) 7. If Sept. 11 had never happened, the airport workers would not have been arrested and could have gone on quietly living in America, probably indefinitely. (06.6阅读 ) 8. W: What would you do if you were in my place

13、? M: If Paul were my son, I d just not worry. Now that his teacher is giving him extra help and he is working hard himself, he s sure to do well in the next exam. Q: What s the man s suggestion to the woman? 13. A) Teaching her son by herself. C) Asking the teacher for extra help. B) Having confiden

14、ce in her son. D) Telling her son not to worry. (07.12) 1.You d better take a sweater with you _ ( 以防天气变冷 ) in case it (should) turn cold. (08.12) 10. If she had returned an hour earlier , Mary (就不会被大雨淋湿了). 09.6 . wouldn t have been caught by the rain 11. You would not have failed if you _(按照我的指令去做)

15、. had followed my instructions/orders (09.12) 否定: 全部否定和部分否定 eg. All the birds can not fly. Not all the birds can fly. 不是所有的鸟都会飞。 1. 部分否定 eg. All the birds can not fly. 并非所有的鸟都会飞。 None of the birds can fly. 所有的鸟都不会飞。 代词或副词如all, both,every,everybody, every day, everyone, everything, everywhere等与 not 搭

16、配使用时,表示部分否定,意思为“ 并非都是 等。 eg. All is not gold that glitters. 发光的并非都是金子。= Not all is gold that glitters. 2. 全部否定 英语中常用not, none, nobody, nothing, nowhere, neither, never 等表示全部否定的概念。 eg. Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it. 世上无难 事,只怕有心人。 eg. W: Daddy, I ve decided to give up science and go to business school. M: Well, it is yo



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