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1、把下列句子变成被动语态(五中练习题 ) 1.Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. 2. People invented paper making in Eastern Han Dynasty. 3. Shen Nong discovered this beverage over 3 thousand years before that. 4. People use stamps for sending letters. 5. Farmers grow rice in the south of China. 6. Businessmen brought t

2、ea to the Western World in 1610. 7. He gave me a new dictionary this morning. 8. He didn t see me in the street yesterday. 9. The boy didn t throw the stone just now. 10. I can t repair the broken kite. 11. Students must obey the school rules. 12. We might put off the soccer match until next Tuseday

3、. 13. Scientist found some strange stones in the mountain. 14. People produce silk in Suzhou and Hangzhou. 15. She regards him as her own son. 16. We shouldn t laugh at the disabled people. 17. We often hear her singing songs next door. 18. Mr. Chen doesn t teach us history. 19. He passed the sugar

4、to me. 20. Her aunt bought her a colorful scarf. 21. This piece of news shocked us all. 22. What do people use mobile phones for ? 23. How many cars did the workers in this factory make in 2004? 主动句转被动句 1 his mother told him not to waste time on fishing. 2 Father gave me a toy at Christmas. 3 This f

5、actory produces machine tools. 4 They should do it at once. 5 He is likely to let you down. 6 They named the child Tom. 答案: 1 He was told not to waste time on fishing (by his mother). 2 I was given a toy at Christmas (by my father). 3 Machine tools are produced in this factory. 4 It should be done a

6、t once (by them). 5 You are likely to be let down. 6 The child was named tom. 12 是不同的动宾短语中宾语变被动;3 是一般句子变被动; 4 是情态动词变被 动;5 是不定式变被动; 6 是主动宾补结构的主动句变被动。 将下列句子变为被动语态: 1. We often sing this song. _ 2. He broke his leg in the match. _ 3. She will sell her house soon. _ 4. He is repairing the machine. _ 5.

7、He has finished his work. _ 6. We call him Lao Wang. _ 7. We must do something to help her. _ 8. What did you say at the meeting? _ 9. He gave me some old magazines. _ 10. He told me to wait at the gate. _ 1、This song is often sung by us. 2、His leg was broken in the match. 3、Her house will be sold s

8、oon. 4、The machine is being repaired by him. 5、His work has been finished by him. 6、He is callded Lao Wang by us. 7、Something must be done to help her. 8、一般不写被动形式! 9、Some old magazines were given to me by him. 10 、I was told to wait at the gate by him. 21. I promise that matter will _. A. be taken c

9、are B. be taken care of C. take care D. take care of 22. No permission has _ for anybody to enter the building. A. been given B. given C. to give D. be given 23. I _ ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer. A. gave B. was given C. was giving D. had given 24. Can such a thing _ happen

10、ing again? A. prevent from B. prevented from C. be prevented from D. to prevent from 25. A new house _ at the corner of the road. A. is building B. is being built C. been built D. be building 26. This bike _ last year. A. bought B. has been bought C. was bought D. had been bought 27. Did you see the

11、 house that _ by fire last year? A. was destroying B. destroyed C. would destroy D. was destroyed 28. It _ whether she will get her work in the hospital. A. hasn t been decided B. isnt deciding C. doesn t decide D. hasn t decided 29. The pen _ me. It is hers. A. isnt belong to B. wasn t belong to C.

12、 doesn t belong to D. didnt belong to 30. I cant use my bike because it _. A. is repairing B. is being repaired C. will repair D. was repairing 31. The chairman told the speaker that she _ to speak a little louder so as to make herself _. A. was expected; heard B. had expected; hear C. had hoped; he

13、ar D. was hoped; heard 32 The window is dirty. I know. It _ for weeks. A. hasn t cleaned B. didnt clean C. wasn t cleaned D. hasn t been cleaned 33. By the end of last year, another new gymnasium _ in Beijing. A. would be completed B. was being completed C. has been completed D. had been completed 3

14、4. How long _ at this job? Since 1990. A. were you employed B. have you been employed C. had you been employed D .will you be employed 35. What happened to the priceless works of art? _. A. They were destroyed in the earthquake B. The earthquake was destroying them C. They destroyed in the earthquake D. The earthquake destroyed them 36. This is Teds photo. We miss him a lot. He _ trying t o save a child in the earthquake. A. killed B. is killed C. was killed D. was killing 37. Rainforests _and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future. A.


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