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1、Comparative Figures of Speech in English and Chinese,Zhao Xiaojun,2020/10/15,Free template from brainybetty,2,Simile,Love is flower-like. Choose an author as you choose a friend. 一个战士结实得象小炮弹。 -杨朔三千里江山 他只是摇头,脸上虽然刻着许多皱纹,却全然不动,仿佛石像一样。 -鲁迅故乡 还似旧时游上苑,车如流水马如龙。 -李煜忆江南,2020/10/15,Free template from brainybe

2、tty,3,Light as a breeze, soft as a cloud. as cool as cucumber, cold as a marble, busy as a bee, firm as a rock, light as a feather, strong as a horse,like a duck to water, like a hen on a hot griddle, like a cat in a hole,As if /as though and the fattest woman I have ever seen in my life dozing in a

3、 straight-backed chair. It was as if a sack of grain was supported by a matchbox. A is to B what C is to D The pen is to a writer what the gun is to a fighter. Marx did for the development of society what Darwin did for the development of the biology.,2020/10/15,Free template from brainybetty,4,Than

4、 A fool can no more see his own folly than he can see his ears.,A word and a stone let go cannot be recalled. Kings and bears often worry their keepers. I compare his genius to a lightening flash. He treats his daughter as the apple in the eye.,2020/10/15,Free template from brainybetty,5,Metaphor,Po

5、lice work on inner city streets is a domestic Vietnam I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed! Her hostility melted. He has a fertile imagination. 他是现代哲学之父。 我们大多数人动不动就对别人刮起批评的寒风,不知为什么却不愿意把表扬的温暖阳光给予我们的同伴。,2020/10/15,Free template from brainybetty,6,Personification,The long flames sang their drumming

6、chorus in voices of the heaviest bass. (物体,无形的自然现象) Edelweiss, edelweiss,every morning you greet me. It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions in favor of vegetarianism while the wolf remains of a different opinion. (动物,植物),2020/10/15,Free template from brainybetty,7,抽象的概念,Time is like a fashi

7、onable host, that slightly shakes his passing guest by the hand; and with his arms stretched, as he would fly, grasps in the corner. The welcomes ever smile, and farewell goes out sighing. -William Shakespeare,2020/10/15,Free template from brainybetty,8,Metonymy,The kettle is boiling. Give me our br

8、ead. “你还记得李槐光吗?她原来同情过你,帮助过咱们,现在为了成为女诗人, 她却成天读起莎士比亚了。”,2020/10/15,Free template from brainybetty,9,Synecdoche (提喻),No eye saw him,but a second later every ear heard a gunshot.(部分整体) England won the football game.(全体-部分) The smiling season has come.(一类-一种) Oh, the spring should vanish with the rose! H

9、ave you any coppers?(原材料制品) Yet there were some stout hearts who attempted resistance.(个体一类),2020/10/15,Free template from brainybetty,10,Euphemism (traditional, and stylistic),Traditional 1.death:go to the other world, pass away, be no more, breathe ones last,come to an end, join the majority, go t

10、o ones rest, sleep the final sleep, be gathered to ones father, join ones ancestor, be asleep in the Arms of God, return to dust, run ones race, be no longer with us, go the way of all flesh; corpsedearly departed,undertakerfuneral director, graveyardchurchyard, coffin-casket,2020/10/15,Free templat

11、e from brainybetty,11,Disease:look off color, under the weather, social disease, not all there,leprosyHansens disease, constipation-irregularity,Sex: have relation with, go to bed with, sleep around; in a family way, in an interesting condition, join the club, in a delicate condition Excretion: pass

12、 water, go to stool, see the stars, get some fresh air, see ones aunt, wash ones hands,2020/10/15,Free template from brainybetty,12,Stylistic,Profession: gardenerlandscape-architect, dustmansanitation engineer, plumberpipe engineer, housewifehouse maker or household executive; tree-surgeon, shoe-reb

13、uilder, The old,weak,sick and disabled: old peoplesenior citizen,old maidsingle or unmarried, crippledhandicapped, insane asylummental hospital or rest house, drunkardsalcoholics; exceptional child,2020/10/15,Free template from brainybetty,13,Others,Pawnshop(当铺)loan office, used car(旧车)pre-owned car

14、, commercialmessage; 旧家具店说成antiques(古董); 外交辞令the talks were frank(双方陈述了各自的立场,未达成任何协议),2020/10/15,Free template from brainybetty,14,Irony,Phrase: 1.We are lucky. Its the other side on the 13th of December. That makes us feel real good. 2. It saves a lot of trouble if, instead of having to earn money

15、and save it, you can just go and borrow it.,2020/10/15,Free template from brainybetty,15,Context,For instance, the nuns who never take a bath without wearing a bathrobe all the time, when asked why, since no man can see them, they reply, “Oh, but you forget the good God.” Apparently they conceive th

16、e Deity as a peeping Tom, whose omnipotence enables Him to see through bathroom walls, but who is foiled by bathrobes. This view strikes me as curious.,2020/10/15,Free template from brainybetty,16,Quotation,“The moon,” writes Lawrence,“certainly isnt a snowy cold world, like a world of our own gone cold.Nonsense, it is a globe of dynamic substance, like radium or phosphorus, coagulated upon a vivid pole of energy.” The defect of this statement is that happens to be demonst


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