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1、1,2,Lets chant:,Hamburger pizza pasta and eggs Put your fingers on your head Hamburger pizza pasta and bread Put your fingers on your leg Hamburger pizza pasta and cake Put your fingers on your face Hamburger pizza pasta and cheese Put your fingers on your feet,3,hot dog,pasta,hamburger,pizza,bread,

2、rice,noodles,soup,dumpling,dim-sum,4,We should eat four kinds of foods every day .,meat,fruit-vegetable,cereal,milk food,5,What is your favourite food?, is my favourite food .,I like best!,6,Revision,Uncountable words,7,写出下列名词的复数形式,1、leaf_ 2 、knife _ 3 、candy_ 4 、baby_ 5 、family _ 6 、lady _ 7 、fly_

3、8 、 city_ 9 、potato_ 10 、tomato_ 11 、hero _ 12 、box _ 13 、foot _ 14 、goose_ 15 、man_ 16 、child_ 17 、class _ 18 、sheep _ 19 、fish _ 20 、deer _ 21 、Coke _ 22 、paper _,leaves,knives,candies,babies,families,ladies,flies,cities,potatoes,tomatoes,heroes,boxes,feet,geese,men,children,classes,sheep,fish,dee

4、r,/,/,8,不可数名词,饮料(通常是液态的): coke ,juice ,water ,milk ,coffee , soup , porridge,食物:可分成很多小份的食物):bread , pasta , sandwich , rice , toast , ice cream , chocolate , chicken , beef , beefsteak , dim-sum ,9,不可数名词:uncountable,可用some(some milk,some chips) 不能直接使用a/an, two等数量词形容 不可以加s,10,可数名词,hamburger , bun , c

5、abbage , tomato , dumpling , chips , noodles , rice noodles ,11,toast,some toast,a piece of toast,four pieces of toast,12,a glass,a glass of water,a glass of juice,a glass of milk,13,Play game!,14,three glasses,four glasses of water,three glasses of juice,two glasses of milk,15,a cup of coffee,a cup

6、,four cups of tea,four cups,16,a bottle,a bottle of coke,two bottles of juice,two bottles,17,a bowl of porridge,a bowl,two bowls of noodles,two bowls,18,a plate of buns,a plate,three plates of buns,three plates,19,a plate of dumplings,four plates of dumplings,20,把下列词组翻译成英语,1、一玻璃杯牛奶,a glass of milk,2

7、、两玻璃杯果汁,two glasses of juice,3、两袋西红柿,two bags of tomatoes,4、一公斤葡萄,a kilo of grapes,用适当的词填空,1、a piece of paper,sixteen _ of _,pieces,paper,2、a box of egg,many _ of _,boxes,eggs,21,There _some meat in the bowl .,is,22,There _some pasta in the plate .,is,23,Piece, piece, a piece of Cup, cup, a cup of G

8、lass , glass, a glass of Bottle, bottle, a bottle of Bowl , bowl, a bowl of Plate, plate, a plate of,Lets chant 2:,不可数名词不能直接使用a/an, two等数词形容 (应用数量词a cup of, two glasses of),24,What food do you like best? I like best. I prefer.,I preferto anything else.,25,I dont like Its/Theyre horrible.,26,Story:,7

9、:30 am,a plate of a bowl of a glass of,What would you like to have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?,Id like to have for ,27,Story:,11:30 am,a plate of bowls of bowls of,28,Story:,6:00 pm,two pieces of bottles of,29,a plate of a bowl of a glass of,a plate of bowls of bowls of,two pieces of bottles of,30,选

10、择填空:,( ) 1. There _ some bread on the plate. _. A. am B. are C. is,C,( ) 2. There _ some juice in the bottle. A. am B. are C. is,C,( ) 3. Coffee _ more delicious than tea. A. is B. are C. am,A,31,4. You should drink plenty of _.,A. waters B. water C. a water,water,5. You cant eat too _ sweets.,A. ma

11、ny B. much C. any,many,6. Are there _ buns on the plate?,A. some B. any C. many,any,7.I like coffee. What _ you?,A. are B. about C. for,about,32,8.Can we eat _ Guangzhou Restaurant?,A. on B. at C. in,at,9.Janet _ some coffee after dinner.,A. prefer B. prefers C. will prefer,prefers,10. I cant walk _

12、 home.,A. back to B. back C. back in,back,11.My favourite _ is juice.,A. Food B. drink C. vegetable,drink,33,选择填空:,( ) 12. I dont like bread. I dont like pizza, _. A. too B. to C. either,C,( ) 13. I am full. My mother is full , _. A. to B. too C. either,B,( ) 14. Coffee _ more delicious than tea. A.

13、 is B. are C. am,A,34,按实际情况回答问题,What is your favourite food? What is your favourite drink? What is your fathers favourite food? Which do you prefer, pizza or buns? Which do you like best , Coke or coffee? What do you usually have for breakfast? What do you prefer to have for breakfast?,35,精 P.45,36,

14、37,vegetable,cabbage,pepper,mushroom,Chinese cabbage,carrot,broccoli,corn,tomato,potato,38,fruit,lemon,apple,grapes,watermelon,bananas,pears,oranges,peaches,mango,cherry,pine apple,lychee,39,coffee,water,tea,Coke,juice,milk,drink,40,meat,beef,beef steak,chicken,fish,roast duck,41,buns,cakes,chips,dumpling,food,sandwich,toast,bread,42,buns,cakes,chips,dumpling,food,sandwich,toast,bread,43,rice,noodles,rice noodles,porridge,soup,pasta,salad,44,chocolate,chips,sweets,


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