Chapter 3 Dealing with trouble_八年级英语教案

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《Chapter 3 Dealing with trouble_八年级英语教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Chapter 3 Dealing with trouble_八年级英语教案(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 精品范文Chapter 3 Dealing with trouble_八年级英语教案1. deal with trouble 处理问题2. shout at sb. 对某人大喊3. hold out 伸出,拿出4. stare at 盯着看5. steal sth. from sb. 偷某人东西6. notice sb.doing sth. 注意到某人正在干谋事7. a pair of handcuffs 一副手铐8. do sth. against the law 做违法的事9. take it without permission 未经许可拿走10. switch it/them on/

2、off 打开/关掉它/它们11. guide words 提示词12. make photocopies 复印13. come up to 朝走来14. stay in hospital 住院15. look round 环顾四周16. as soon as possible=as soon as sb. can 尽快17. dial 110 打11018. phone the police 给警察打电话19. wait for sb./sth. 等某人/某物20. one man/woman tourist 一个男/女游客21. two men/women tourists 两个男/女游客2

3、2. whats going on? 发生什么了23. run away 逃跑24. hurry to =go to hurriedly/in a hurry 匆忙去25. hurry aboard=go aboard hurriedly/in a hurry 匆忙登机/船26. be afraid of 害怕27. get on/off the bus 上/下公共汽车28. get into/out of the car 上/下小汽车29. be in handcuffs 带手铐30. well done 干得好31. good thinking 好主意32. in time 及时33. o

4、n time 准时34. tell /ask sb. to do sth. 叫某人干某事35. tell /ask sb. not to do sth. 叫某人别干某事36. watch the action 观看行动37. attack a policeman 袭击警察38. take place 发生39. reach=get to=arrive in /at 到达40. trip on sth. 被绊倒41. at that moment 在那时42. just now =a moment ago 刚才43. help sb. (to) do sth.=help sb. with sth 帮某人干事


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