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1、2018外研版初三英语寒假作业答案【导语】这篇关于2018外研版初三英语寒假作业答案的文章,是编者特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!Keys:I. (One possible version)1. glanced 2. impression 3. promise 4. remind 5. disappointed 6. lifestyle7. appearance 8. afterwards 9. suits 10. wise 11. part-time 12. gesture 13. show14. rest 15. hairdryer 16. missII. (One possible

2、 version)1. beauty 2. invitation 3. communicate 4. advice 5. wonderfulIII. (One possible version)1. make an appointment 2. Without hesitation 3. on top of the world 4. broke down 5. on average 6. depends on 7. made a good impression on 8. looking forward to 9. By the way 10. free of charge 11. works

3、 as 12. instead ofIV. (One possible version)1. Whats the matter with her grandmother?2. I like this coat better than that one.3. Simon made up his mind to make his body language better.4. To have a good diet is important for us.5. The bus didnt work halfway.6. Looking after your hair every day is ne

4、cessary.7. She advises us to keep our room clean.8. It was surprising for me to hear the bad news.9. Youre rude to use your hands to have meals in China.V. (One possible version)1. reminds; of 2. What kind of 3. get a chance to 4. enough not to; feel 5. persuade; toVI. 1-5 CBADB 6-10 BABCAVII. 1. /;

5、 / 2. The; the 3. The; a 4. an; a, an 5. /VIII. (One possible version)1. This road is not wide enough for three cars to move side by side.2. It is impolite of him to lie to his parents.3. Peter is too young to dress himself.4. It is an easy job for me to learn English well.5. I want to listen to some relaxing music to make myself relaxed.



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