河南省洛阳市下峪镇初级中学九年级英语下册 Unit6 Topic1 section C教案 仁爱版

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1、河南省洛阳市下峪镇初级中学九年级英语下册 Unit6 Topic1 section C教案 仁爱版时间参加人员地点办公室主备人课题Unit6 Topic 1Section C教学目标1.知识与技能: 1. Learn some new words:honest, compare2.过程与方法:reading and listening 3.情感态度与价值观:Learn the differences between Chinese culture and western culture重、难点即考点分析 课时安排1教具使用 录音机、幻灯片/小黑板 教 学 环 节 安 排备 注 Step 1 R

2、eview 第一步 复 习(把学生分为五组,汇总电视节目名称。汇总最多的一组为优胜组。)T: Now, you are divided into 5 groups. Please give us more information as soon as possible. The group that has the most is the winner. Lets begin.(学生开始讨论。)T: Stop here! Group 1, how many TV program names do you have?S2: 4.T: What are they?S2: They are Luck

3、y 52, The Same Song, CCTV News and Cartoon City.(教师呈现人与自然的相关图片。)T: What TV program do you think it is?Ss: Human and Nature.T:Do you like this TV program, S3?S3:Yes, I like it very much.T:Why?S3:Because I like animals.T:I think many of you like animals. In this lesson, lets talk about different meani

4、ngs to animals in China and western countries.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈 现师生谈论同一动物在中西文化中的不同喻义,引出并学习1a内容及部分生词。1. (教师出示一幅小狗的图片。)T: Look at the dog! There are a lot of phrases about “dog” in this section. For example, a homeless dog, a running dog, a mad dog, a dog catching a mouse. Can you guess their

5、meanings in Chinese?Ss:Yes, their meanings are “丧家犬”, “走狗”, “疯狗”, “狗拿耗子”.(教师可给适当的提示。)T:Right. These phrases have negative meanings in Chinese. There are different feelings towards dogs between China and western countries. So words and phrases about dogs are used in positive or negative ways in diffe

6、rent cultures. We can learn about many differences in cultures by comparing how certain words are used. Now, lets listen to 1a and learn more about the differences.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩 固完成1b,利用复述课文的方式巩固1a。然后设置巩固任务,让学生给出文章的标题及每段的主题句,培养学生归纳、总结的能力。1. (学生朗读1a,完成1b。)T: Now, lets come to 1b. Complet

7、e the table according to 1a. You can also add your own opinions. OK, start!(师生核对答案,鼓励学生用自己的语言来阐述观点。)T: Finished? Lets check your answers.2. (根据1b所填的表格,复述1a。) T: Please retell 1a according to the table in 1b.3. (教师用小黑板呈现下列巩固任务,让学生带着任务再读1a。)(1)The title of the text: (2)The main idea of Paragraph 2: (3

8、)The main idea of Paragraph 3: (4)Conclusion(结论): Step 4 Practice 第四步 练 习通过谈论对电视节目的喜好,引出2a听力,然后对听力部分进行拓展,提高学生的听说能力。1. (让学生听2a录音,并核对答案。)2. (小组对话,完成2b。)T: Look at the example of 2b. Then make dialogs in pairs according to the pictures of 2a.练习题根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1.We should tell children to _ _ _ (远离) TV p

9、rograms that are not suitable for them.2.Have you ever heard the story of Xu Honggang who _ _ (与作斗争) the bad people?3.Tom was angry. He _ _ stay in his room _ (宁愿,而不愿意) say a word with us.4.Now Miss Li _ very _ _ (生气) Toms mistake that he had made in the test.5.Because of her beauty and passion(热情), he _ _ _ _ (爱上) her deeply.作业搜集一些有关中西文化方面的小故事 3


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