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1、新部编人教(PEP)版小学六年级英语上册期末检测卷及(听力材料、答案)2班级:姓名: 等级: 8/6(全卷满分10。分,卷面分2分,考试时间40分钟)温琴提示:1、答题前考生务必将自己的姓名.准考证号壊与在答题卡上。2、选择题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂地。3、非选择题用黑色笔答在答题卡上相对应的区域内,答在试题卷上无效。4、考试结束后.只上交答题卡。听力部分(30分)一,听句子.选出所听句子中的单词或词组.听两遍(10 分)1 A stayB straightC street2. A. wearB. worryC. word3. A. comicB coachC co

2、untry4. A featureB familyC fast5. A. holidayB. helmetC. hobby6. A. wear a life jacketB have a healtliy lifeC stay healthy7. A to the museumB to the supermarketC to the swimming pool8. A. go home togetherB. get togetherC. get there9 A. next WednesdayB next weekC this evening10 A a police officerB a s

3、ports reporterC a taxi dnx-er二听句子,选择与所听信息相符图片.听两遍 (10分)15 A.三.听录音.选择与对话内容相符的答句。听两遍。(10分)16 A. Its in front of the hospitalB. hs near the hospitalC. It s next to the hospital.17. A. He is going hiking .B. He often plays basketball on the weekend.C. He is going to play basketball18 A Yes, he doesB. No

4、. he doesn tC. Sorry、I don t knowB. Yes. she can.19. A. The woman can get there by the No.5 bus.C. The woman usually goes by taxi20. A. No. it is.B. No. it s not 笔试部分(70分)C. Yes. it is.四,读单词,找出不同类。(10分)A读单词.找出划线部分读盲不同的一项(5分)21. A slowB. followC. cow22. A. pizzaB. priceC. pdot23 A. typeB. gymC. worry

5、24. A. MatureB. ideaC. sea25. A. thereB. togetherC. breathB读单词,找出不同类的一项(5分)26 A. hungryB. afraidC. hospital27. A. dancerB. unrversityC. coach28. A. footB. traiuC. sled29. A. drivesB. teachesC. puzzles30. A. eveningB. fastC. tonight五、单项选择题, (10 分)31 does Mi White often go to work? By bike.C. WhatC. a

6、ngryC. plays sportsA. WhereB. How32. Sarah is because her grandma is ill.A. sadB. happy33 What is your grandpa going to do this weekend ? He is going to .A. buying a postcardB. take a trip34. If you like sports .you can be a .A. sports reporterB. secretaryC. businessman35 Does Mrs Green go to work b

7、ycar? A. Yes, she is.B. Yes. he does.C. Yes. she does36. Chinese food is different _ British food.A. ftomB. forCm37. Toms uncle works at university, and his aimt works in office.A. an, aB. an. anC. a, an38. The cat is angry _the .A. with, mousesB. of miceC. with, mice39 Annie wants tohow to use chop

8、sticks .A. learnsB. learnC. learning40.-He is my brother .A. What does the man do ?B. Who is the man ?C. Is the man yoiir brother 9六、根据句意和汉语提示.完成句子o (10分)41. (右转)at the shoe store and you can find the police office . 42. My new pen pal often (学习)Chinese and she likes (看)storybooks .43. Fm going to S

9、hanghai by (飞机) (明天).44. We re going to the (书 店)to buy two (字典)and some comic books.45. Mike is very (害怕).Should he (数数)to ten and take a deep breath ?七、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号.(10分)46. at,light, don i,the. red .go (.)47. her . does、now .feel, how (?)48. art, have, you Jo, an. lesson .are, when, going (?)4

10、9. usually .subway, work .Mike s, to, by. go. father, does(?)50. park next, Zhongshan Street .is . the at .to .on (.)A Because I like spoils. I want to work in a gym .B. Where do you e now?C. He is a businessman.D What do you wanr to be ?E. No. she doesn t 八、谟对话.选择正确句子,补全对话.(10分)Jack: Hi. I am Jack

11、I come from Munich, Germany.Zhang Peng: Well, 51Jack: I live in Beijing with my parents.Zhang Peng: What does yoiir father do?Jack: 52. He often goes to other countries.Zhang Peng: Does your mother often go to other countries。?Jack:53 . She is a teacherZhang Peng: Oh. 54 .Jack: I want to be a coach.

12、Zhang Peng: Why9Jack: 55 .Zhang Peng: Sounds great九. 阅误理解.(15分)A, 读短文,根据短文内容.判断句子正(T)误(F) (10分)。My friend Lucy gets off (车)at the bus stop. She wants to buy some fhur. But she doesnt know the way(爲)to the supermarket. So she asks a police officer. The police officer tells her it s uot far fiom the b

13、us stop Its next to the bookstore She can go straiglit and turn right at the nature park. Then mm left at the post office Go straight for fh e inmines. She can find the supermarket on her left.56. Lucy wants to go to the supermarket.57. The supermarket is far &om the bus stop.58 The bookstore is beh

14、ind the supermarket.59. Lucy can go straight and turn right at the nanire park.60. Lucy asks a police officer for help.B. 阅读短文,根据短文内容,填空、回答问题。(5分)Jim and Tom In e in China with their parents. Their father is a fhctoiy worker He works in a shoe factory. He likes making different kinds of shoes. He go

15、es to work by car. Then mother is an English teacher She goes to work by bus every day. Tom is Jims twin brother. He likes playing the pipa and drawing pictures. He goes to school on foot Jim likes doing kimg fti and riding a bike. He goes to school by bike. On the weekend. Tom plays the pipa and draws pictures. Jim does



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