【金识源】(走向高考)2014高考英语一轮总复习 第二部分 Unit 2 Robots课后强化作业 新人教版选修7

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《【金识源】(走向高考)2014高考英语一轮总复习 第二部分 Unit 2 Robots课后强化作业 新人教版选修7》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【金识源】(走向高考)2014高考英语一轮总复习 第二部分 Unit 2 Robots课后强化作业 新人教版选修7(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2Robots.单词拼写1These days, he was very annoyed, because his wife decided to _ (离婚) him.2We all have great _ (同情) for the victims of the earthquake.3To my _ (满意), my son passed the examination.4Mr. Smith, do me the _ (帮忙) to open the window.5There is nothing to get _ (惊恐的) about.6Children under 14

2、 must be _ (陪同) by an adult.7Youll have to _ (遵守) the rules if you want to live there.8Dont lie to her. Shes _ (注定) to find out about it.9The president _ (希望) that you should visit him next week.10The _ (员工) at this company wear uniform clothing.答案:1.divorce2.sympathy3.satisfaction/content4.favour5.

3、alarmed6.accompanied7.obey/observe8.bound9.desired10.staff.完成句子1The room_ _ _ _ _(留给客人用)(set)2_ _(转过身来)and let me look at your face.(turn)3Please stay and_ _(陪我)for a while. (accompany)4These problems_ _ _ _(注定会出现)(bound)5Please_ _ _ _(帮我忙)to arrange these flowers.(favour)答案:1.was set aside for visi

4、tors2.Turn around3.accompany me4.were bound to arise5.do me the favour.单项填空1You hate Lee, dont you?_I just think hes a bit annoying. Thats all.ACertainly.BNot exactly. COf course. DWhy not?答案:B考查交际用语。由答语“I just think hes a bit annoying. Thats all.”可知,选not exactly,意为“不尽然”。再如:“Not exactly, Fred,”repli

5、ed the imperturbable Richard, continuing to write with a businesslike air.“不完全是那么回事,福来德,”沉住气的理查德边说边一本正经地继续写着。 2(2012台州模拟)Are you getting a new car this year?You must be joking! I cant afford to pay my bills, _ buy a new car.Alet alone Bor ratherCleave alone Dother than答案:A句意:你今年要买新车吗?开玩笑吧!我连账单都付不起,更

6、别提买辆新车了。let alone“更不用说,更别提”;or rather“更确切地说”;leave alone“不管;让一个人待着”;other than“除了”。3It was when Asimov was eleven years old _ his talent for writing became obvious.Athat BhowCwhich Dwhen答案:A考查强调句型。强调句型结构为:“It is/was被强调成分that/who其他成分”。本句强调when Asimov was eleven years old这个时间状语从句,所以选择A。4I have two tic

7、kets for the theatre on Saturday evening. Would you like to _ me?Id like to, but Im afraid I have no time.Ainvite BaccompanyCconduct Dattend答案:Baccompany sb.“陪同/伴某人”。5Those who are _ the proposal are expected to discuss it in detail after the meeting.Ain favour of Bin memory ofCin honour of Din sear

8、ch of答案:A句意:那些支持这个建议的人被要求会后详细讨论一下该建议。in favour of“支持,赞成”,符合语境。in memory of“纪念,怀念”;in honour of“为纪念,为庆祝”;in search of“寻找,搜寻”。6We have to stop talking here outside. Listen, _!Hurry up, or well be late.Athere goes the bell Bthere does the bell goCthere the bell goes Dgoes the bell there答案:A考查倒装结构。句意:我们

9、必须停止在外面谈话了。听,铃响了!快点,要不我们就迟到了。there位于句首,谓语动词为go,且主语是名词时,用完全倒装。故正确答案为A项。7Helen, we are taking a boat trip to Hainan this weekend. Would you like to go with us?That sounds exciting. Id like to, but I cant. _!AGoodbye BVery sorryCHave a nice trip DI envy you答案:C考查交际用语。have a nice trip“祝你旅途愉快”。8(2012黄冈模拟

10、)Think hard and you wont have the puzzle _ you.Apuzzling BpuzzleCto puzzle Dpuzzled答案:B考查非谓语动词。本句用了“have sth. do sth.”结构。句中的the puzzle(难题,令人费解的人或事)与puzzle(为难,使迷惑)之间是主谓关系。9(2012聊城模拟)_ down the radio a littlethe baby is sleeping.ATurning BTurnCTo turn DTurned答案:B考查祈使句。破折号后面表示的是解释说明,是相对独立的句子成分,由此可判断前半句

11、是祈使句,故用动词原形。10(2012黄州模拟)An old lady came _ to the bus stop only _ the bus had gone.Ato run; to find Brunning; to findCand ran; finding Drunning; finding答案:B考查非谓语动词。第一空用现在分词作方式状语;第二空用不定式作结果状语,表示出乎意料的结果。11(2013盐城市摸底)Lots of campaigns have occurred in China to defend the Diaoyu Islands recently. What i

12、s your _ of the situation?Aintention BassessmentCattitude Danswer答案:B考查名词。句意:最近,中国的很多活动的目的是保卫钓鱼岛。你对此作何评价?由句意可知选assessment,意为“评价”;该题易误选C项,但是attitude后应该接to或towards。12Peter _ the papers he was marking and reached for his cigarettes and matches.Aset out Bset offCset in Dset aside答案:D考查动词短语的应用。set out“开始

13、,出发”;set off“出发,引起”;set in“插入,嵌入”;set aside“把放在一边”。13Many people stood near the bus stop, nervously waiting _.Ato pick up Bpicking upCto be picked up Dbeing picked up答案:C考查不定式的语态。此处pick up和many people之间是被动关系。句意:许多人站在车站附近,焦急地等着被搭载。14The new Congress finally _ a state of war against Germany.Apronounce

14、d BdeclaredCannounced Dlaunched答案:B考查动词词义辨析。句意:新国会终于向德国宣战了。pronounce“发音”;declare“对宣布”,多指宣布战争、和平、中立、意见等;announce“宣布,宣告”,含有预告的意思;通报(某人/某物的)出席或到来;launch“发动;发射”。15They are_to fail if they continue at the risk of all these dangers.Aconnected BfastenedCbound Dstuck答案:Cbe bound to do“注定;一定”。句意:如果他们继续冒着一切危险,一定会失败。.阅读理解AThey can run all day. They never complain and if


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