2021年昆一中高考英语一轮复习阶段测试(二) 修订

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1、2020 年昆一中高考英语一轮复习阶段测试(二) 1 阶段测试(二)阶段测试(二) .单项填空.单项填空 1.I usually take a walk at night. do that. A.Better notB.Youd better not to C.You hadnt betterD.Best not to 答案答案A 2.When I finished my homework yesterday evening,it was eleven . A.sharpB.exactC.rightD.near 答案答案A 3.Her face gave her when she told a

2、 lie. A.backB.awayC.upD.out 答案答案B 4.He went to town sell one of his paintings. A.on purposeB.on purpose to C.for the purpose ofD.on purpose of 答案答案B 5.Ten years ago the population of our village was that of theirs. (2008陕西,16)(2008陕西,16) A.as twice large asB.twice as large as C.twice as much asD.as

3、twice much as 答案答案B 6.The collection is on exhibition at the British Museum. A.theB.aC.anD./ 答案答案D 7.Have you any bigger sizes? We have a supply this Friday. A.canB.shouldC.mightD.need 答案答案B 8.The house is easily from the rest;it has a large blue door. A.picked upB.picked outC.taken upD.taken out 答案

4、答案B 9.Oh,its you,Ella!Your voice sounds quite different the phone.Whats happening? A.fromB.inC.byD.on 答案答案D 10.The pop singer was surrounded by his fans he stepped off the stage. A.now thatB.untilC.thoughD.immediately 答案答案D 11.The reason they were not accepted is they didnt receive enough education.

5、 A.why;becauseB.that;for C.why;thatD.that;because 2020 年昆一中高考英语一轮复习阶段测试(二) 2 答案答案 C 12.The report ought to in clearer language. A.presentB.have presented C.be presentedD.be presenting 答案答案C 13.It is the test system, the teachers,that is to blame for the heavy burden of middle school students nowaday

6、s. A.other thanB.or ratherC.rather thanD.more than 答案答案C 14.You cant imagine what difficulty I had your home. A.findB.to findC.findingD.found 答案答案C 15.Can you persuade him out of the foolish idea? is no point in doing sohe will never change his mind. A.ItB.ThisC.ThatD.There 答案答案D .完形填空.完形填空 We adopt

7、ed Luke four years ago.The people from the orphanage(孤儿院)dropped him off at our hotel room without even saying 1 .He was nearly six years old,only 28 pounds and his face was criss-crossed(交 叉着) with scares. 2 ,he was terrified.Luke kicked and 3 .His cries were animal-like.I 4 my arms around him so h

8、e could not hit or kick.After an hour and a half he finally fell asleep,exhausted.I called 5 .They delivered every noodle dish on the menu.After Luke woke up I handed him chopsticks and pointed at the food.He stopped crying and started to eat.That night we went for a walk. 6 at the moon,he pantomime

9、d(打手势),“What is it?”I said,“The moon,its the moon.”He 7 and tried to touch it.He cried again when I tried to give him a bath 8 I started to play with the water.By the end of his bath the room was soaked and he was 9 .Then we read the book One Yellow Lion.He loved looking at the 10 pictures and 11 th

10、e pages.By the end of the night he was saying“ 12 ”. The next day we 13 orphanage officials to do 14 .Luke looked at them and wrapped my arms 15 around his waist. It has been four years.Now Luke is a smart,funny,happy fourth-grader.He is 16 with charm and is a natural athlete.His teachers say he is

11、17 and works very hard.Our neighbor says she has never seen a happier kid. When I think back,I am 18 at what transformed this abused,terrified little creature.It was not medications.It did not cost money.It was love:just simple,plain,easy to 19 .It is comprised(组成) of compassion,care,security,and fa

12、ith.I believe in the power of love to 20 .I believe in the power of love to heal. 1.A.helloB.nothingC.goodbyeD.everything 答案答案C 2.A.ClearlyB.SurprisinglyC.SadlyD.Fortunately 答案答案A 3.A.spokeB.laughedC.screamedD.trembled 答案答案C 4.A.laidB.unfoldedC.raisedD.wound 答案答案D 5.A.the police stationB.the room se

13、rvice C.the laundryD.the manager 2020 年昆一中高考英语一轮复习阶段测试(二) 3 答案答案B 6.A.AshamedB.InterestedC.DelightedD.Terrified 答案答案C 7.A.reached upB.stood upC.knelt downD.moved on 答案答案A 8.A.afterB.untilC.wheneverD.unless 答案答案B 9.A.cryingB.thinkingC.gigglingD.learning 答案答案C 10.A.colorfulB.blackC.oldD.plain 答案答案A 11

14、.A.tearingB.turningC.holdingD.beating 答案答案B 12.A.goodbyeB.one yellow lion C.moonD.water 答案答案B 13.A.calledB.foundC.metD.refused 答案答案C 14.A.daily workB.housework C.odd jobsD.paperwork 答案答案D 15.A.tightlyB.slightlyC.unwillinglyD.uneasily 答案答案A 16.A.loadedB.chargedC.deliveredD.covered 答案答案A 17.A.impolite

15、B.well-behavedC.shyD.naughty 答案答案B 18.A.amusedB.happyC.amazedD.sorry 答案答案C 19.A.loseB.findC.takeD.give 答案答案D 20.A.prepareB.remainC.killD.transform 答案答案D .阅读理解.阅读理解 A A Introductory Chemistry was taught at Duke University for many years by Professor Bonk.One year,two guys took the class and did prett

16、y well on all the quizzes and mid-terms.They each had a solid A.These two friends were so confident in going into the final that the weekend before the final week,despite the Chemistry final being on Monday,they decided to go to the University of Virginia to party with some friends. They had a great time there.However,with their hangovers(宿醉) and tiredness,they overslept a


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