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1、浅析女性的职业 (Professions for Women) By Virginia Woolf,弗吉尼亚伍尔芙(Virginia Woolf,或译弗吉尼亚伍尔夫,1882年1月25日1941年3月28日)。英国女作家,被誉为二十世纪现代主义与女性主义的先锋。两次世界大战期间,她是伦敦文学界的核心人物,同时也是布卢姆茨伯里派(Bloomsbury Group)的成员之一。最知名的小说包括戴洛维夫人(Mrs. Dalloway)、灯塔行(To the Lighthouse)、雅各的房间(Jakobs Room)。,首先,让我们先简要解读一下女性的职业(Professions for Women

2、)这篇文章,The main idea of Paragraph 1:,In the profession of literature, the author finds that there are fewer experiences peculiar to women than in other ones because many women writers before her have made the road smooth.,The function of Paragraph 2:,In this paragraph, the author responds to the host

3、s suggestion that she should tell the audience something about her own professional experiences. So she now tells her own story-how she became a book reviewer when she was a girl. Paragraph 1 and 2 can be read together as the beginning part of the whole speech, introducing the topic under discussion

4、,Para. 3,This paragraph is an important part of her speech. In this paragraph, the speaker focuses on the first obstacle to becoming a professional writer. She uses a figure of speech “killing the angel in the house” in describing her determination to get rid of the conventional role of women in her

5、 writing.,What is the main idea of Para. 4,After the Angel was dead, the question which remains to be answered is “What is a woman?” It is a transitional link between the authors first and second experiences 我相信,只有妇女在人类知识 所涉及的全部文学艺术和专业 领域中用创作形式表达自己的 情感后,她们才知道什么是妇 女。,What is the main idea of Para. 5,

6、In this paragraph, the author talks about her second experience in her profession of literature. As a novelist, she wished to remain “ as unconscious as possible” so that nothing might disturb or disquiet the imagination. But she was faced with the conflict between her own approach to art and the co

7、nventional approach expected of her by male critics. She believed that sex-consciousness was a great hindrance to womens writing. To illustrate this point, she employs the second figure of speech, “ the image of a fisherman lying sunk in dream on the verge of a deep lake.”,The main idea of Para. 6,T

8、his paragraph sums up the authors two experiences, pointing out that the second obstacle is more difficult to overcome than the first. Women have many prejudices to overcome in the profession of literature and especially in new professions that women are entering. 从内心世界讲,情况颇为不同。妇女还要与许多鬼怪做斗争,还有许多偏见需要

9、克服。,Paragraph 7,In the last paragraph, Woolf concludes her speech by raising some important questions concerning the new role of women and the new relationship between men and women.,end,To discuss and define them is I think of great value and importance; for thus only can the labour be shared, the

10、difficulties be solved。 讨论和界定这些障碍是十分必要的,因此,只有我们共同努力,才能克服困难。,女性的职业出自一间自己的房间(A Room of Ones Own) 中的演讲稿之一她认为经济上的不平等是男性与女性无法获得社会平等地位的主要原因(financial imbalance is the core reason of inequity between two sexes)。因此,在女性的职业演讲中,她以第一人称“我”为叙述人,一半独白一半故事地讲述了与“天使”展开一场战斗的经历,进而在垂钓中进行着哲学的思辨,来描述了女性如何在职场中虽历尽艰难,但仍然敢于搏击、奋

11、斗不息,最终赢得“自己的房间”,与男性一起分享女性的社会价值的过程。在演讲中伍尔夫借用了隐喻的手法,创造性地、充满激情地赋予了她塑造的人物以开放的思想和斗争精神,在激扬中奏响了女性战斗的号角。,毁灭“天使”,在女性的职业的演讲中,借隐喻的方式把女性与传统观念的抗争,比喻成了与“天使的战斗”,伍尔夫是第一人。 演讲中,女性最初被伍尔夫隐喻为幽灵(phantom)和屋中的天使(angel in the house)。 这幽灵和天使代表的不仅仅是女性,而且还是女性难以逾越的、承传已久且又根深蒂固的传统思想和观念。,14,从演讲的开始,是伍尔夫对女性从事文学创作的可能性的分析。虽已有先人开路,但隐约传

12、来的嘲讽声音The cheapness of writing paper is, of course, the reason why women have succeeded as writers before they have succeeded in the other professions,使得我们深感女性社会地位底下. 如果她们要展示自己,只有在对家庭的宁静和经济不构成威胁的情况下(The family peace was not broken by the scratching of a pen. No demand was made upon the family purse)

13、,那么,才有可能实现自己的愿望和价值. 只能限于厨房和起居室, 成为家庭主妇“屋中的天使”,而且, 作为“屋中的天使”, 她要表现出“intensely sympathetic,immensely charming,utterly unselfish hand excelled in the difficult arts of family life” 。她即便是想要抗争,也要表现得“sympathetic, tender, flatter, deceive and use all arts and wiles of our sex” ,一句话,就是要“Be pure”。没有人期待女性去赢得任

14、何职业成就。 女性就这样被剥夺了经济独立的权利,被剥夺了作为独立的人的权利,就连话语权也没有,她们只能依附于男性,做男性的“sympathizer”,16,究其根源就是,在男权社会中,经济地位和社会地位的低下是女性被迫害、被排挤到社会边缘、乃至于殉难的根源。但是,这一切并没有让勇敢睿智的伍尔夫畏缩,她通过讲述自身写作的成功经历,拉开了女性战斗的序幕。她把“杀死屋中天使”(killing the angel in the house) 的战斗演绎成一场激扬女性斗志,摒弃女性传统角色的生死战斗。这场战斗成果由最初的一只“美丽的波斯猫”(a beautiful Persian cat),到一辆“小汽

15、车”(a motor car),再到“一间自己的房间”(a room of ones own),揭示了女性不屈服,17,在被忽视与反抗、被劝诱与斗争的过程中,我们深感战斗的执着, 我们看到女性的果敢奋起, “I turned upon her and caught her by the throat”, “I took up the inkpot and flung at her”, 战斗最终是女性争得了话语权“tell the truth about human relations, morality, sex” 虽然,与一个幽灵或一个天使的战斗比清除现实生活中的一个具体的目标要难上加难,但

16、伍尔夫在这场激烈的战斗中获得了阶段性胜利。 The Angel was dead.,所以,以伍尔夫女性主义的基本立场,就是要求蜗居在“屋中的天使”, 拿起胜似武器的笔杆去战斗,清晰地、大胆地为女性遭受的不公呐喊,表露心迹,宣泄情感,发布自由独立的宣言;就是要求女性不做“天使”,而要“成为自己”(to be self),一个独立于男性的观点之上,用女性自己的话语方式进行创作和生活, 不依附于男性但又与男性、与整个世界和谐相处的自己一个重建的、自足而又开放的女性自我,文章总结,伍尔夫与“天使”的战斗,“垂钓”中的博弈和最终赢得“自己的一间房间”,发布了女性要求自由和平等的宣言。伍尔夫的女性主义思想具有丰富的内涵和启发性, 她所表述的观念充分体现了女性主义思想在文化发展历史上的重要性,不仅对20 世纪60 年代以来的西方女性主义者有很大的启迪,而且对今天解放女性的思想依然有着积极的意义。今天男性对女性的不公与偏见在逐渐消失,但某些鄙视妇女的想法仍然深植于男性心中。也许女性争取两性平等,改变女


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