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1、Unit Goals,Talking Face to Face,Being All Ears,Maintaining a Sharp Eye,Trying Your Hand,Unit One,Invitations,Unit Goals,What Students Should Learn to Do,What Students Should Know About,Unit Goals,Talking Face to Face,Being All Ears,Maintaining a Sharp Eye,Trying Your Hand,Unit Goals,What Students Sh

2、ould Learn to Do: a. Making an oral invitation: Inviting people to join in daily activities Inviting people to formal occasions b. Making a written invitation: Writing an invitation card or a letter for: Personal invitations Official invitations c. Giving a reply to: An oral invitation A written inv

3、itation,Unit Goals,Talking Face to Face,Being All Ears,Maintaining a Sharp Eye,Trying Your Hand,2. What Students Should Know About: Invitation culture: Western and Chinese b. Word order in a subordinate clause,Unit Goals,Talking Face to Face,Being All Ears,Maintaining a Sharp Eye,Trying Your Hand,Se

4、ction One Taking Face to Face,Unit Goals,Talking Face to Face,Being All Ears,Maintaining a Sharp Eye,Trying Your Hand,Unit Goals,Talking Face to Face,Being All Ears,Maintaining a Sharp Eye,Trying Your Hand,Warm-up Questions: What are the two cards you are reading now?,Who are the inviters? Why are t

5、hey going to hold a dinner party? 3. When are they going to hold a dinner party? 4. Where will the dinner party be held?,Questions for the first invitation card:,Unit Goals,Talking Face to Face,Being All Ears,Maintaining a Sharp Eye,Trying Your Hand,Questions for the second invitation card:,1. Who i

6、s the inviter? 2. Who is the invitee? 3. What event is he invited to attend?,Unit Goals,Talking Face to Face,Being All Ears,Maintaining a Sharp Eye,Trying Your Hand,Why do people write an invitation card or letter?,Invitation cards or letters are often used for inviting people to attend all kinds of

7、 activities.,Unit Goals,Talking Face to Face,Being All Ears,Maintaining a Sharp Eye,Trying Your Hand,Why do we learn to make invitations?,In our work or daily life , we usually need to invite people to all kinds of parties. So we have to know how to invite people in western countries and the western

8、 customs about invitations. The customs of inviting friends vary from country to country . Then how to invite people face to face? What sentence patterns do we usually use to make invitations, to accept invitations or to decline invitations ? Thats what we have to learn today.,Follow the Samples,Uni

9、t Goals,Talking Face to Face,Being All Ears,Maintaining a Sharp Eye,Trying Your Hand,Sample One,Sample Two,Wang: Hello, William. What are you doing tomorrow evening? William: Tomorrow evening? Nothing special, I was thinking of watching TV. Wang: Drag yourself away from television for a change. Im h

10、aving a few friends to have a dinner party tomorrow to celebrate my daughters birthday. How would you like to join us?,Sample 1 Inviting Friends to a Party,Unit Goals,Talking Face to Face,Being All Ears,Maintaining a Sharp Eye,Trying Your Hand,Unit Goals,Talking Face to Face,Being All Ears,Maintaini

11、ng a Sharp Eye,Trying Your Hand,Sample 1,William: Great. That would be super. Congratulations! Wang: Thank you. How about eight oclock? Is that OK? William: Oh yes, fine. Would it be alright if I brought somebody with me? Wang: Yes, of course. William: OK. Fine. Do you want me to bring something to

12、drink? Red wine or white? Wang: Um, white wine, if you feel you must bring something. But its not necessary. William: Ill do that. Well, indeed, thank you very much for inviting me. Wang: My pleasure. William: Ill be along at eight. Looking forward to it. Wang: Yeah, see you then.,Sample 2 Declining

13、 an Invitation,Chang: Are you doing anything special on Friday, Mr. Smith? Smith: Yes, Mr. Johnson and I have promised to call on some friends at the embassy. Chang: Oh, what a pity! Smith: What did you have in mind? Chang: We were thinking of asking you and Mr. Johnson to go to the Great Wall.,Unit

14、 Goals,Talking Face to Face,Being All Ears,Maintaining a Sharp Eye,Trying Your Hand,Unit Goals,Talking Face to Face,Being All Ears,Maintaining a Sharp Eye,Trying Your Hand,Sample 2,Smith: Id love to and Im sure Mr. Johnson would, too. I wonder if we could make it some other time if it is convenient?

15、 Chang: What about Saturday? But I need to alert you that the coach will leave quite early at 7 oclock. Smith: Ill ask Mr. Johnson if he has any plans, but I think itll be all right. Suppose I give you a ring this afternoon and let you know. Chang: That would be fine.,Unit Goals,Talking Face to Face

16、,Being All Ears,Maintaining a Sharp Eye,Trying Your Hand,The Sentences of Making an Invitation and Giving a Reply to it in the Two Dialogues :,-Would you like to join us? -Great. That would be super. Congratulations! -We were thinking of asking you and Mr. Johnson to go to the Great Wall. -Id like to and Im sure Mr. Johnson would ,too. But I wonder if we could make it some other time if it is convenient for you.,Unit Goal


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