【创新设计】2013高考英语总复习 第1-4单元 必修11(江苏专用)

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《【创新设计】2013高考英语总复习 第1-4单元 必修11(江苏专用)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【创新设计】2013高考英语总复习 第1-4单元 必修11(江苏专用)(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Units 14.单词默写1appear vi.看上去,显得2approach vt.对付,处理3enterprising adj.有事业心的,有进取心的,有创业精神的4gap n空隙,间隔;缺口,缝隙5flashlight n手电筒6bless vt.保佑,赐福于7introduce vt.推出(产品等);引进8sideways adv.往一边,朝侧面,侧向地9specialized adj.专门的,专业的10toast vt.为祝酒;烘烤(面包等) n烤面包,吐司11support vt.to provide someone with enough money for food,cloth

2、es and other things12sadden vt.to make someone feel unhappy13innocent adj.not guilty of a crime14trip vi.to catch your foot and lose your balance15aimless adj.without any clear purpose.词汇拓展1criticism n批评criticize vt.批评critic n批评家,评论家2present adj.在场的,出席的presence n在场represent v代表3economics n经济学economy

3、 n经济economist n经济学家economic adj.经济的,经济上的economical adj.节约的,省钱的,经济的4employer n雇主unemployment n失业employment n(反义词)employ v雇用employee n雇员5developer n开发者develop vt.培养,养成development n发展;开发overdevelop vt.过度开发developed adj.发达的developing adj.发展中的语境助记词不离句,句不离段The developing city held the specialized meeting

4、which some critics and economists were present at.At the meeting, they discussed about unemployment and economic development.In addition,some enterprising companies were praised.短语落实1be suited to 合适,适宜2go about 从事,着手做3correspond with 与相对应;_与相符4look somebody in the eye 注视(某人),直视(某人)5make a difference

5、 有变化,有关系,有影响,有作用6leave_out 遗漏;省略7be_flooded_with 被所淹没,充满,充斥8put_into_prison 把投进监狱,使坐牢9look_through 浏览,翻阅;审阅10land_on_ones_feet 脱离困境,摆脱困难.句子翻译1These people, who perform such ordinary but vital tasks, allow people to go about their daily lives.(Page 3)就是这些做着看似普通,实际上却很重要的工作的人们使其他人能够维持各自的日常生活。2This is t

6、he key to getting the job you want, even if youre just applying for a position as a typist.(Page 18)这是得到你想要的工作的关键,哪怕你只是申请一个打字员的职位。3不用担心在面试之前你会紧张得心慌意乱。(Page 18)Dont_worry_about_having_butterflies_in_your_stomach_before_the_interview.4他很具天赋,花了大量的时间自学。(Page 34)He_was_blessed_with_brains_and_spent_much_

7、of_his_time_educating_himself.5校园里点缀着一个小湖,还有散步、休憩和放松的地方。(Page 62)The_grounds_are_landscaped_with_a_small_lake_and_places_to_walk,_sit_and_relax criticism n批评,批判;评论 【课本原句】 They have to be very thickskinned to deal with all kinds of criticisms.(P2)在处理各种各样的批评时他们必须脸皮厚些。be beyond/above criticism 无可指责be o

8、pen to criticism 有待批评suffer criticism from 受到的批评put forward/pass criticism on 对进行批评【联想拓展】criticize v批评,批判;评论His policies were severely criticized.他的政策受到了严厉批评。Would you like to read and criticize my new book?你愿不愿意读一读我的新书并给以评论?criticize sb for doing sth 责备某人做某事看看高考怎么考I have two_criticisms_of_your_plan

9、(对你的计划有两条批评意见)(2012天津模拟考试) He criticized(批评了)my taking risks.Peter was endlessly _ by his father, who seemed to expect simply too much of him.(2012长沙地质中学月考) Aembarrassed BappreciatedCcriticized Dpraised答案C option n选择,可供选择的事物【课本原句】 In this article, I am going to discuss some of the options available

10、to you and whether popular career, more unusual jobs or everyday jobs are better suited to you.(P2)在本文中,我将谈论你可以选择的一些工作以及你更合适做热门工作、特殊工作还是普通工作这个问题。have no option but to (do) 除了以外没有他法,只好leave ones options open 不做选择;不表态;不做承诺leave to ones option 任由某人选择optional adj.任选的;随意的看看高考怎么考他这样做是因为没有其他办法。(2012安徽月考)He

11、_did_it_because_he_had_no_other_option.他除了同意外别无选择。He_had_no_option_but_to_agree. determined adj.下决心的;果断的,决然的,坚定的【课本原句】 I am determined to take on more male nurses here at Central Hospital.(P11)我决定在中心医院这里招更多的男护士。【联想拓展】be determined to do sth(状态)决心做某事determine to do sth (动作)决定做某事determine sb to do sth

12、 使某人决定做某事determine on/upon sth 决定做某事determine sb against sth 使某人决定不做某事determination n坚定;果断,决断力;决心辨析 decide/determine/make up ones mind这三个词都可作“决心,决定”,但各有差别:decide侧重于“决定”,其含义为“不再迟疑不决,不再犹豫动摇”,其决定多是取舍、是非、优劣等问题。determine着重在“决心”,含义是把一件事确定下来,其确定的是事物的范围、性质、内容等。be determined to do表示“下定决心,毫不动摇”,语气较强,强调状态。make

13、 up ones mind强调决定的动作,其后接不定式或从句。看看高考怎么考According to the text,what was the author determined(决定) to do in that autumn?(2011 陕西卷 阅读理解C) Tom decided/determined(决定) to give a dinner party and the guest to be invited.She was determined(决定) to marry nobody but him.Have you made_up_your_mind(决定) where you a

14、re going for your holiday? recognition n承认,认可【课本原句】 He was honoured in 1983 with a knighthood from the Queen of England in recognition of his efforts and achievements.(P35)作为对他努力和成就的认可,1983年他被英国女王授予爵士头衔。in recognition of 承认,认可recognize vt.认出;承认,认可,公认recognize sb 认出某人recognize ones voice/handwriting

15、认出某人的声音/笔迹recognize that. 认为;承认recognize.as/to be 承认是be recognized as 被公认为【联想拓展】know知道,认识recognize辩认,认出看看高考怎么考Thus I began_to_recognize(开始认可)the strengths of my classmates and have everyone do their part in class.(2011 湖北卷 短文写作,范文赏读)Alexander tried to get his work_ in the medical circles.(2010辽宁卷单项填空35)Ato recognize BrecognizingCrecognize Drecognized答案DJohnson was r


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