九年级英语Lesson 57—Lesson 60人教四年制版知识精讲

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1、用心 爱心 专心 九年级英语九年级英语 Lesson 57Lesson 60 人教四年制版人教四年制版 【同步教育信息同步教育信息】 一. 本周教学内容 本周我们将学习课本第 15 单元“火车上的谋杀”(Unit 15 Murder on the train)中第 5760 课(Lesson 57Lesson 60) 二. 重点、难点 1. An excited crowd of passengers is standing on platform 6 . 一群兴奋的乘客站在 6 号站台上。 crowd 在句中是名词,表示“人群,一群人”,a crowd of 在句中作主语时,谓语应用 第三人

2、称单数形式。 eg. He pushed his way through the crowd . 他在人群中往前挤。 A crowd of young people is willing to help stop the flood . 有一群年轻人愿意帮助阻止洪水。 crowd 还可以用作动词,表示“聚集,拥挤”。 eg. People crowded around to get a better view . 人们争相围观。 He crowded everything into the trunk and then could not close it . 他把所有的东西都装进箱子里,然后

3、盖不上盖了。 crowded 是形容词形式,“拥挤的,挤满的”。 eg. There is no room for you in the crowded bus . 在这辆拥挤的公共汽车上没有你的地方了。 The bookshelf is crowded with books on different subjects . 书架上摆满了不同学科的书。 2. The train is ready to board . 可以开始上(火)车了。 Everyone gets in a queue to board the train . 每个人都排队上火车。 (1)以上两句中的 board 是动词,意

4、为“go on board(a ship , train , plane , etc)” “上(船、火车、飞机等)” eg. Flight BA193 for Paris is ready for passengers to board . 乘飞往巴黎的 BA193 班机的旅客现在可以登机。 Then we boarded the ship and traveled across the Pacific by it . 然后我们上了船,乘它航行过了太平洋。 on board 表示“在(船、火车、飞机)上” eg. When the ship hit the iceberg , there we

5、re over 1000 passengers on board . 当大船撞到冰山的时候有 1000 名乘客在船上。 She remembered leaving her luggage at home when she was already on board . 她在火车上时,想起把行李忘在家里了。 (2)句中的 be ready to do 意为“就要” eg. 用心 爱心 专心 When she was told the bad news , she was ready to cry . 当她被告知那个坏消息时,她要哭了。 My head feels as if it is read

6、y to burst . 我的头感觉好像要爆炸了。 另外,be ready to do 还可以表示“愿意,老爱(做某事)” eg. He is ready to listen to the advice of wiser men . 他乐于听聪明人的建议。 The old man is ready to help people when they are in trouble . 这个老人乐于帮助陷入麻烦中的人。 3. He holds it in his arm carefully , as if it was a baby . 他小心翼翼地抱着它,仿佛它是个婴儿。 as if 表示“仿佛,

7、好像”,用来引导状语从句,动词常用虚拟语气。 eg. He seemed happy as if nothing sad had happened . 他看上去很快乐,好像没有什么伤心事发生过一样。 I remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday . 我记得整件事,好像昨天刚刚发生过一样。 He spoke clearly and naturally as if he were a native speaker . 他说话清楚又自然,好像是在说自己的母语。 4. Sorry to disturb you . 对不起,打扰您。 dis

8、turb 为及物动词,表示“妨碍,打扰”。相当于 Sorry to trouble you . eg. She decided to move because the noise in the street disturbed her study . 她想搬家因为街上的噪音妨碍了她的学习。 A light wind disturbed the smooth surface of the lake . 一阵微风使平静的湖面泛起波纹。 5. Yes , Ill be quite careful about it . 是的,我会多加小心的。 be careful about / of 表示“注意的”

9、,be careless about / of 是其反义词组,表示 “不在意的,不关心的” eg. In order to lose weight , she is careful about her food and drink . 为了减肥,她注意饮食。 She scolded her son for being careless about his manners . 她责备她儿子因为他不注意礼貌。 She has got a headache because she is careless about sleep . 她头痛,因为不注意睡眠。 6. Well , neither do

10、we , usually . 嗯,我们通常也不。 “neither / nor + be / 助动词/ 情态动词+主语(主格)”是否定倒装句的用法,意为 “某人也不” eg. She hardly understood what we said , nor did her brother . 她几乎不理解我们所说的话,她的兄弟也不。 用心 爱心 专心 I have eaten nothing really English , neither has Li Lei . 我没吃过真正的英国食品,李雷也没有。 如果为肯定句,表示“也是”,用“so+助动词/ be 动词+情态动词+主语。” 7. Uh

11、 its a treasure . 啊它是一件宝物。 treasure 既可作不可数名词,表示“金银,财宝,珠宝”,又可作可数名词,表示“珍 贵的物品”。 eg. The robber robbed much treasure of the passengers , such as gold , silver and jewels . 强盗从乘客手中抢走了很多财宝,比如金、银、珠宝。 The museum has many art treasures . 博物馆里有许多珍贵的艺术品。 On the Silk Road , many businessmen made fortunes or fo

12、und treasures . 在丝绸之路上,许多商人发财或发现财宝。 treasure 也可用作动词使用,表示“珍藏(物品)、珍惜”。 eg. You should believe in your friend and treasure friendship . 你应该信任朋友,珍惜友谊。 8. Hes from Hong Kong and is an art collector whos had some training . 他是个来自香港的艺术收藏家,他受过一些培训。 training 在此处为名词,表示“(受)培训、(受)训练、锻炼”。 eg. A dophine show mean

13、s dophines with good training act for the visitors . 海豚表演意味着受过良好训练的海豚为参观者的表演。 He went into training for the swimming competition . 他进行训练以便参加游泳比赛。 go into training 表示“(开始)训练自己(以便赴赛)。” train 为动词形式,表示“培植,训练,接受教育”。 eg. He trained his daughter to be a good runner . 他把女儿训练成一名好的跑步选手。 Young children are tra

14、ined good manners at school . 小孩子们在学校受到养成好礼貌的训练。 9. Im sure its quite a story . 我确信它是个不同寻常的故事。 quite a/ an 常表示褒义,用于无形容词修饰的单数名词前,表“(某人或某事物)不寻 常的,了不起的”的意思。 eg. Edison made so many famous inventions . He was quite an inventor . 爱迪生制造了那么多著名的发明,他是个了不起的发明家。 She is quite a lady who gave charity to the poor

15、 people . 她是这么了不起的妇女,把慈善给了穷人。 10. Where on earth did you get it ? 你到底从哪里搞到它的? 此句中 on earth 表示“究竟,到底” eg. Who on earth told you about it ? 究竟谁告诉你这件事的? What on earth have you done with my bike ? 你究竟对我的车做了些什么? 用心 爱心 专心 11. It gives me great pleasure to share its story with you . 与你们共同分享这个故事是我的荣幸。 “It g

16、ives sb. pleasure to do sth .”表示“做某事对某人来说很荣幸或很有趣”。 eg. It gives me pleasure to have a swim in the sun . 在太阳下游泳给我很大的乐趣。 It gives me no pleasure to talk about my own business in pubic . 在公众面前谈论我自己的私事,我并不觉得荣幸。 12. Just then part of a large rock broke off . 就在那时,一块大石头断落下来。 break off 表示“脱落,断掉”,关于 break 的短语,还有: break into 破门而入 break into pieces 裂成碎片 break out(战争、疾病等)爆发 break open 裂开 break down 坏掉 have a break 休息 【模拟试题模拟试题】 一. 根据句意填词,使句子完整: 1. W


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