江苏省盐城市阜宁县明达初级中学中考英语 7A Unit 2 My day(第2课时)教案 牛津版

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《江苏省盐城市阜宁县明达初级中学中考英语 7A Unit 2 My day(第2课时)教案 牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省盐城市阜宁县明达初级中学中考英语 7A Unit 2 My day(第2课时)教案 牛津版(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第2课时Unit 2 My day, 7A一.【精挑细选短语】1. want to go to sleep想去睡觉 (p22)【知识链接】“想做某事”的三种表达:want to do sth would like to do sth feel like doing sth2. keep a diary写日记(强调写日记的习惯),write a diary写日记(强调写日记的动作) (p23)【知识链接】She keeps a diary every day. Look. Tom is writing a diary. 3. do morning exercises做早操 do eye exer

2、cises做眼保健操【知识链接】exercise (可数名词)练习题;操 (动词;不可数名词)锻炼;运动。e.g.You should exercise more.You should do/take more exercise.4. do after-school activities参加课外活动,have lessons上课 have a(n)lesson/class上一节课5. at lunchtimeat lunch午饭时 (p24)6. sit under the trees in/on the playground坐在操场上的树下7. be nice to sb对某人友好 be k

3、ind to sb, be friendly to sb8. go to the Reading Club去参加读书兴趣小组9. every Tuesday and Friday每周四和周五【知识链接】every单数名词,每一 every other单数名词,每隔一,e.g. every other day每隔一天 every数词名词复数,每个e.g. every three hours每三小时10. pracise with my friends和朋友们一起练习【知识链接】在英式英语中动词“练习”是practise,名词“练习”是practice;在美式英语中都是practice。常用短语:

4、practise a lot多练习,practise doing sth练习/操练做某事。e.g. You need more practice.你需要多练习。Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。11. be a member of the Swimming Club是游泳兴趣小组的一员【知识链接】(延续性动词)be a member of (非延续性动词)join加入 e.g. He joined the club last year. Hes been a member of the club since last year.12. the same kind同一种类

5、same必须和the同时使用。 (p25)【知识链接】the same名词:The same food does not agree with every consituation. the sameas:The young man lives in the same house as his parents. the samethat (定语从句):This is the same watch that he lost last night.【用法拓展】all the same仍然,e.g. Sorry, I dont know the way. Thank you all the same

6、.13. twice a week每周两次 twice两次;两倍 (p26)【知识链接】一次twice,两次twice,三次three times,三次以上都用times表示,如:four times【用法拓展】对twice a week,often/always/等频度副词的提问用How often。e.g.How often do you go to the Basketball Club? Once a week.14. listen to music, listen to the radio, listen to sb听某人说;听某人的话 (p27)15. watch too much

7、 TV watch TV too much看电视太多。英语中把看电视太多的人叫做couch potato(懒散在家的人).16. make a model plane制作飞机模型,注意model与plane的语序。17. in the school football team (BrE) on the school football team (AmE) (p28) 【知识链接】在某队用in/on都可以。a team event团体比赛项目 a team race团体比赛 team spirit合作精神;集体精神;团队精神 teamwork n.协同工作;配合18. play together

8、 all the time总在一起玩 all the timealways (all the time通常用于句尾)19. meet up with Simon与西蒙会面 (p29)【知识链接】meet up with sb(按照安排)见面、会面 e.g. They met up with each other again later for a drink. meet with sth遭遇某事,e.g. He met up with failure again.20. on Mondaysevery Monday每周一 on星期几的复数every星期几21. know a lot/much

9、about对了解很多 e.g. Daniel knows a lot about computers.22. have much time to talk with her friends have (no) time to do sth (没)有时间做某事23. teach us English teach sb科目,教某人某科目(注意不能用物主代词) (p30)【用法拓展】teach oneself sth自学 teach sb (how) to do sth教某人(如何)做某事24. say hello to her向她问好,问候她 【知识链接】say hello to sbgreet

10、sb向某人问好 say yes to sbagree with sb同意某人(的意见) say no to sbrefuse sb拒绝 say thanks to感谢某人 say goodbye to向告别 say congratulations to congratulate向祝贺【用法拓展】say (sth) to sb对某人说(某事) say to oneself心里想That is to say换句话说;也就是说say cheese (照相前请人微笑时说)笑一笑 It is said thatThey say据说25. get some information about inform

11、ation about的消息 (p31)【知识链接】information n(U)信息;消息;情报;资料;资讯a piece of information一则消息, information superhighway信息高速公路,information technologyIT信息技术26. go on a triphave a trip旅行 go on a trip to去某地旅行27. every day except Monday除了星期一以外的每一天【知识链接】exceptexcept for (用于所言不包括的人或物前)除之外,可以转化为only。e.g. They all came

12、 except Mark.Only Mark didnt come. He had nothing with him except for some coins.He had only some coins with him.【用法拓展】besides除之外(还) e.g. What other sports do you like besides tennis? beside靠近;在旁边, e.g. Please sit here beside me. expect vt.预料;预计,表示预料某事将会或很可能发生(注意expect与except的拼写) e.g. Im expecting h

13、im to arrive soon.28. look forward to a great day out期待着好好出去玩一天 (p32)【知识链接】look forward to sth/doing sth期待(做)某事,常用于进行时,to是介词,其后必须接名词、代词或动名词。e.g. Im looking forward to hearing from Sandy. out adv.在外面,go out外出,go out for a walk外出散步go for a walk去散步【用法拓展】forward adv.向前,fast forwardF.F快进(录音机、影碟机等上的快进键)29

14、. need to practise it more需要多练习 (p33)【知识链接】need作行为动词时常用need sb/sth需要某人或某物,need to do sth需要做某事,有必要做某事 作情态动词时常用need do sth,在一般疑问句中把Need提到句首。在含Must的一般疑问句的否定回答时用neednt (不必)。e.g. Must I finish my homework before 5:00p.m.? No, you neednt. 作名词时常用短语in need需要,常作定语,如:help people in need帮助需要的人;be in need of需要,

15、be in great need of急需,e.g. Some poor areas are in great need of excellent teachers.30. be good for sb/sth对有好处,有益于be bad for sb/sth对有害处,有害于【知识链接】Smoking is bad for your health.吸烟有害健康。A lot of exercise is good for us.31. get ready for the day为一天(的工作或学习)做好准备【知识链接】get ready for sth,be ready for sth准备好某事;为某事做好准备 e.g.Can you help me get everything ready for the party? 你能不能帮我把这次聚会准备妥当?get ready to do sth准备好做某事,be ready to do sth乐意做某事;准备好做某事 e.g. Volunteers were ready to pack the food in boxes.3



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