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1、2012年小学四年级英语下学期期中考试试卷及答案-初三英语试卷听力部分(满分70分)一、Listen and write: 下面的单词缺了第一个字母,听录音,按四线格书写规范补全单词。每小题连读两遍。(10分,每小题1分)三、Listen and judge: 根据录音内容,判断下面的图片是否与录音内容相符合。相符的在图片下方的括号里打“”,不相符打“”。每小题连读两遍。(10分,每小题2分)四、Listen and write:根据录音中的对话内容,在相应的空格中打,本题读两遍。(10分,每格2分)五、Listen and choose: 听问题,选出最佳答案。将答案前的字母代号填入题号前的

2、括号内。每小题连读两遍。(10分,每小题2分)( ) 1、 A: Yes, its. B: No, its not. C: No, its white.( ) 2、 A:Theyre jeans. B: Theyre brown. C: Its a jacket.( ) 3、 A: There are three. B: Its 7:00. C: Theyre three.( ) 4、 A:Yes, its my jacket. B: Yes, it is. C: Its Mikes.( ) 5、 A: No, it isnt a classroom. B: No, its a footbal

3、l. C: Yes, it is.六、Listen and judge:听录音,判断下列句子与录音是否相符。相符的打“”不相符的打“”。每小题连读两遍。(10分,每小题2分)( ) 1. There is a small playground in Mikes school.( ) 2. The canteen is near the playground.( ) 3. The gym is on the first floor.( ) 4. The TV room is on the second floor.( ) 5. There are many books in the classr

4、oom.七、Listen and write: 听录音,填入句子中所缺的单词,每空填一词。每小题连读两遍。(10分,每空1分)笔试部分(满分30分)八、Think and choose: 选择正确的句子将对话补充完整,并将字母编号写在横线上。(共10分,每条横线2分)九、根据图片提示,在横线上写出问句或答句。(10分)十、阅读短文,判断对错,对的打“”,错的打“”。Hi,I am Amy. I have many beautiful clothers. They are colourful. But I like the pink sweater best(最). My brother Joh

5、n has some pretty clothers, too. They are small. He has a pair of new shoes, too. They are black.( ) 1. Amy is my friend.( ) 2. I have many beautiful clothes.( ) 3. I like my pink jacket best.( ) 4. John is my friend.( ) 5. Johns new shoes are black.2012年小学四年级英语下学期期中考试答案一、1. hit 2. lunch 3. small 4.

6、 milk 5. duck6. garden 7. hurry 8. jacket 9. now 10. van二、 A A A B AWhere are my socks?Its 8 oclock. Its time for breakfast.This is our art room.I have a new dress for my birthday party.Go to the playground, play football.三、 1. Go to the teachers office. Hand in the homework.2. Fold your dress.3. It

7、s seven oclock. Its time to go to school.4.Hand up your sweater.5. Go to the canteen. Eat some noodles.四、 Tom has a new jacket. Sarah has a nice shirt. John has a yellowsweater. Amy has a pair of new socks. Mike has a pair of green shorts.They like them.五、C A B C C1. Is the jacket yellow?2. What are

8、 these?3. What time is it?4. Whose is the shirt?5. Is this a football?六、There is a big playground in Mikes school. Where is the canteen?Oh,The canteen is near the gym. The music room is on the first floor.The TV room is on the second floor. There are many story-books in the library.七、1. This is my compute . That is your picture.2. My skirt is white.3. This red dress is pretty.4. What time is it? Its four oclock.5. Its 9:30. Its time for Chinese class.八、D G E F A九、1. Yes, it is.2. What colour is your T-shirt?3. What time is it?4. Is this your jacket?5. What colour is your shirt?十、



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