Unit 1 Women of achievement【人教版】高三一轮复习英语精品资料:【巩固提升】(修订编写)

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Unit 1 Women of achievement【人教版】高三一轮复习英语精品资料:【巩固提升】(修订编写)_第1页
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《Unit 1 Women of achievement【人教版】高三一轮复习英语精品资料:【巩固提升】(修订编写)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 1 Women of achievement【人教版】高三一轮复习英语精品资料:【巩固提升】(修订编写)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1 TB4 Unit 1 Women of achievement 例 1例 1 The meal over, the managers went back to the meeting room to their discussion. (2019天津,7)(2019天津,7) A.put awayB.take down C.look overD.carry on 答案答案D 课文原文课文原文 Why not study at medical college like Lin Qiaozhi and carry on her good work? 例 2例 2 Only when I lef

2、t my parents for Italy how much I loved them. (2019重庆,26)(2019重庆,26) A.I realizedB.I had realized C.had I realizedD.did I realize 答案答案D 课文原文课文原文 Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project. 例 3例 3 Though having lived abroad for years, many Chi

3、nese still the traditional customs. (2019湖北,23)(2019湖北,23) A.performB.possess C.observeD.support 答案答案C 课文原文课文原文 She spent years observing and recording their daily activities. 例 4例 4 In some places women are expected to earn money men work at home and raise their children. (2019四川,12)(2019四川,12) A.b

4、utB.whileC.becauseD.though 答案答案B 课文原文课文原文 Everybody sits and waits in the shade of the trees while the family begins to wake up and move off. .从括号中选出适当的动词填空.从括号中选出适当的动词填空 1.Where is (is,are) that five dollars I lent you? 2.The number of the students in that school has (has,have) greatly increased in

5、 recent years. 3.A number of students in our class have (has,have) seen the film. 4.No news is (is,are) good news. 2 5.Ten weeks has (has,have) passed since the new term began. 6.Five and eight is/are (is,are) thirteen. 7.Few of his family really understand (understands,understand) him. 8.Many a stu

6、dent enjoys (enjoys,enjoy) pop music. 9.Every man and woman was (was,were) invited to the party. 10.The rest of the lecture was (was,were) not interesting. 11.After the exam there is (is,are) a lot of time for us to relax. 12.Here come (comes,come) three naughty boys from next door. 13.None of this

7、milk is (is,are) sour(酸的). .词语应用.词语应用 care for,carry on,put.to death,set up,catch one s eye,devote.to,look down upon,on one s own,make up,work out 1.The government put the criminal to death by hanging them. 2.We need another three players to make up a team. 3.He is an independent child;he does all t

8、he things on his own. 4.After he left I just tried to carry on as normal. 5.The young girl devotes all her spare time to studying English. 6.Youll work out the problem if you keep working on it. 7.A special hospital was set up to treat SARS in Beijing. 8.He hates to be looked down upon ,so treat him

9、 as our honored guest. 9.He is good at caring for sick animals. 10.I was looking through the newspaper and suddenly a photo caught my eye. .用适当的介词填空.用适当的介词填空 1.Many people look down on/upon the poor people of the world. 2.If the word “family” is considered as a whole,use a singular verb. 3.The word

10、“inspire” means to fill somebody with good feelings and aims. 4.The word “respect” means to admire or show regard for someone. 5.The class are very bright,especially in science subjects. 6.These flowers are intended for you. 7.The matter under consideration now at the meeting is about how to stop th

11、e pollution. 8.Would you care for some orange? .完成句子.完成句子 1.我的车自从修理以后,车况一直很好。 My car has been in good condition since it was repaired. 2.布朗先生忠实于他的妻子。 Mr.Brown is devoted to his wife. 3.仔细考虑解决这些问题的方法还是很值得的。 It is worthwhile considering carefully the way to solve these problems. 4.作为学生,我们应该遵守校规校纪。 As

12、students,we should observe the school rules. 5.别再和我争论那件事了;这是最后决定了。 Dont argue with me over/about that;this is my final decision. 6.我警告过你有危险,是不是? I warned you of the danger,didnt I? 7.只有用这种方式你才能在英语学习方面取得进步。 Only in this way can you make progress in your English study. 3 8.要么是你错了,要么是我错了。 Either you or

13、 I am wrong. .句型转换.句型转换 1.It seemed that Lin Qiaozhi had been busy in her chosen career,traveling abroad to study and writing books and articles. Lin Qiaozhi seemed to have been busy in her chosen career,traveling abroad to study and writing books and articles. 2.It was too late for him to catch the

14、 first bus. It was so late that he couldnt catch the first bus. 3.Lin Qiaozhi devoted her whole life to her patients. Lin Qiaozhi spent her whole life taking care of her patients. 4.I was surprised to know that he was a foreigner. It struck me that he was a foreigner. 5.The one which has some design

15、s on it is different from the others in size. The one with some designs on it is of different size from the others. 6.When she was young,she liked to ask all kinds of questions. As a young girl,she liked to ask all kinds of questions. 7.He is running as fast as he can. He is running as fast as possi

16、ble. 8.She worked heartedly for the cause of education all her life. She devoted all her life to the cause of education. .单项填空.单项填空 1.Id like to go to the cinema with you,Dad. Sorry,my darling,but the film is for adults only. A.promisedB.permittedC.admittedD.intended 答案答案D 2.“Have you to say?” the teacher asked. (浙江金华一中09届高三质检) (浙江金华一中09届高三质检) A.anything fartherB.further anything C.anything furtherD.farther anything 答案答案C 3. the danger from ene


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