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1、英伦历史文化拾遗(黑龙江联盟)2019 智慧树知到超星尔雅网课答案2019智慧树知到超星尔雅网课答案大全第 1 章 单元测试1 、这是一门专业课程。答案:错2、课程目标包含一下几个方面?答案:文化知识、语言技能、素质养成3、本门课程涉及()个主要民族的文化和历史。答案: 44、你将学习到英国的()个历史时期。答案: 45、以下哪个民族不是课程的主要讲解部分答案:美国第 2 章 单元测试1、Celtic peoples inhabiting Britain called ().答案: Briton2、Emperor Hadrian built a massive wall right acros

2、s the country, named ().答案: Hadrian s Wall3、The AngloSaxon invaders shaped England into () majorkingdoms.答案: Seven4、The AngloSaxon spoke a language which we now call ().答案: Old English5、AngloSaxon couldn t conquer ().答案: Scotland第 3 章 单元测试1、() actually managed to hold back the Vikings.答案: Alfred the

3、 Great2、() was the queen of Ethelred and later the queen ofCanute.答案: Emma3、The nike name of King Edward was ().答案: Edward the Confessor4、Famous Vikings number one was King ().答案: Canute the Great5、Which modern day words for days of the week originate from the Vikings?()答案: Thursday第 4 章 单元测试1、Willi

4、am Conqueror won the Battle of(),then hebecame the first Norman King.答案: Hastings2、William the Conqueror had () sons.答案: Three3、 William the Conqueror built at least 90 castles for ().答案: a kind of protection4、Norman Conquest hened on the year of ().答案: 10665、() of England marked the establishment o

5、f feudalism inEngland.答案: Norman Conquest第 5 章 单元测试1、The Angevin Empire, also called ().答案: the House of Plantagenet2、() owned more land in France than the French King .答案: Henry II3、Henrys quarrels with (), have cast a longover his reign.答案: Thomas Becket4、Richard I was called ().答案: the Lion Heart

6、5、King John was forced to accept the historic MagnaCarta,and in English it is called ().答案: the Great Chaptershadow第 6 章 单元测试1 、The Wars of the Roses were a series of dynastic wars for ().答案: the throne of England2、Queen Margaret of Anjou was the ().答案: Red Queen3、Elizabeth Woodville was the ().答案:

7、White queen4、Elizabeth Woodville became a queen when married with Edward IV.That was her () mariage. 答案: Second5、King Henr y VI had ()that he couldn 答案: mental illnesst run the country.第 7 章 单元测试1 、The reign of the Tudor dynasty also became known as the time of the () in England.答案: Renaissance2、Hen

8、ry VIII had () wives.答案: six3、How many days did LADY JANE GREY be the Queen ofTudor?()答案: nine4、Mary I persecuted 300 Protestants earned her the nickname ().答案: Bloody Mary5、Queen Elizabeth never married all her life, regarded as a () married her nation.答案: virgin queen第 8 章 单元测试1 、James VI of Scotl

9、and succeeded to the English throne, and he was () of England in the Union of theCrowns.答案: James I2、James I firmly believed“the Divine Right of Kings”,which held that a kings actions are roved of ().答案: by God3、Gunpowder plot was an assassinate toward () in 1605.答案: James I4、The supporters of Parli

10、ament were called () while the adherents of the King were called Cavaliers. 答案: Roundheads5、Who was the leader of New Model Army?()答案: Oliver Cromwell第 9 章 单元测试1 、George III was interested in agricultural improvement, so he was given the nickname (). 答案: Farmer George2、In 1801, under the Act of Unio

11、n, Great Britain and Ireland were united a single nation, the United Kingdom, George III became the first king of the ().答案: UK3、Queen Victoria came to the throne shortly after her ()birthday.答案: 18th4、Britain was considered the Empire on which ().答案: the sun never set5、The great Victorian Era has l

12、eft us one legacy that we still enjoy today, that is the British (). 答案: afternoon tea第 10 章 单元测试1 、George V first made () broadcast across the Empire at Christmas in 1932.答案: radio2、King Edward VIII abdicated because he fell in love with ().答案: Wallis Simpson3、King George VI was the origin figure o

13、f movie ().答案: The King s Speech4、() has become the United Kingdom s longestreigning monarch, that means she has ruled for longer than anyother Monarch in British history.答案:天有其时 , 地有其财 , 人有其治5、Diana died on Sunday, August 31, 1997, following a ()crash in Paris.答案: car第 11 章 单元测试1 、In the movie Brav

14、e Heart, the Scottish national hero () gathered his people, and defeated England army.答案: William Wallace2、Traditionally, Scotsmen dont wear underwear withkilts?()答案: No, they don t.3、The haggis is made of the liver, heart and lungs of a ( ).答案: sheep4、The national flower of Scotland is:答案: thistle5、At the battlefields bagpipes have led many bravesoldiers to


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