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1、技巧再梳理 技巧 1:形容词高级化 技巧 2:动词短语化 技巧 3:名词具体化 技巧 4:两句 2 合 1 技巧 1:形容词高级化 勤奋的 hard-workingdiligent 聪明的 cleverintelligent 重要的 importantessential 美丽的 beautifulattractive 开心的 happydelightful 有害的 badbe harmful to 技巧 2:动词短语化 认为 thinkhold the viewpoint that 阻止 stopprevent from doing sth 解决 solvedeal with 给 givepr

2、ovide with 提高 improvemake progress 期待 expectlook forward to doing sth. 技巧 3:名词具体化 好处 advantage 知识 knowledge 幸福 happiness 影响 influence 自信心 self-confidence 建议 suggestion 技巧 4:两句 2 合 1 时间状语从句: when, not until, as soon as 目的状语从句: so that+clause; to do (为了) 结果状语从句: sothat+clause, tooto do(太以至于 ) 专题过关 变为简

3、单句 1、I hope that I can see you soon I hope to see you soon. 2、He showed me how he used the computer He showed me how to use the computer 3、I don t know what he said. I don t know his words. 4、Could you tell me how I can get to the park? Could you tell me the way to the park? 5、I found that it was ea

4、sy to finish the work. I found it easy to finish the work. 6、It seemed that they won the match. They seemed to win the match. 变并列句为复合句 Hurry up, or you will miss the early bus. If you dont hurry up ,youll miss the early bus 写作步骤: 1、列提纲:列提纲包括(1)审题,确定文章的体裁和篇章结构,先后顺 序以及侧重点(总 -分;总 -分-总) ; (2)选材,选择最能说明主题

5、且自己有话可 说的材料,忌眼高手低选择深奥、 偏僻、复杂的材料; (3)选写作方法,如举例, 因果,并列,递进,正反对比,对照,时序等。 2、根据提纲写作,注意选词和句型,过渡句,衔接词。 3、检查:查词汇;查句型;查要点;查文采;查拼写 训练方法: 1、遣词:在正确的基础上选择具体的、高级的词汇。 2、造句:使用正确的、熟练的句型。恰当使用复杂句。能恰当表意的习语、谚 语。使用连接词增加文章的逻辑性和条理性。 3、布局谋篇:主题句简洁明了, 中间句丰富多彩, 结束句首位呼应, 提升主题。 作文批阅和借鉴: Water is precious As we all know, water is

6、one of the most important thing in our lives(生命可数, 生活,不可数). We can live without water because we use it to do the washing ,drinking and so on. But it isnt enough for everyone to use. Although there is a lot of water on the Earth but 97% of the water is salty. (数据例证好!) So we must save it .First of al

7、l ,we can use water twice or more. For example, we can use the water to clean the rice and then use it to water the plants. The water after cleaning the rice has a lot of nutrition for plants. Secondly, we should turn of the tap when we dont use. Last but not least, we shouldnt pour the sewage into

8、the lake. It may make the lake dirtier. (Chinglish表达尽量避免!) Water is important for every species on the earth. We mustn t waste or pollute the water.(结尾再升华! ) (151) 点评: 内容:结构合理,三个要点包含清楚。个别句子内容简单,需要多添加一些背 景补充。 -0.5 语言:个别拼写,语法小错(冠词 the 滥用, earth 大写)。-2.5 文采: +2 总分: 15 修改满分版: Water is Precious As we all

9、 know, water is one of the most important resources in our life because we not only drink and wash with it, but use it in agricultural and industrial production as well. (However, despite large amounts of water on the earth, only less than 3% can be used by humans, which is not enough for everyone a

10、t all. So we must save it . ) (First of all, use water twice or more. For example, we can use water after cleaning the rice to water the plants. It includes a lot of nutrition for them. Secondly, we should turn off the tap when we dont use it. Last but not least, we shouldnt pour the sewage into the

11、 lake, for it may dirty the lake. In all, lets take actions to protect precious water!) 亮点分析: 一句话点明水的重要性。用状语从句because, 并列连词not only, butas well 能把零散信息整合在一起。 一句话点明缺水的原因。数据例证有说服力,which 非限定性定从善用给 作文加分。 三个措施三个连接词,层次分明,详略得当,dirty 动词(把。 。弄脏) , 比 make dirty 这种 chinglish表达好。 赵凯雨原文: At the moment, I smiled W

12、hen it comes to the moment I smile most happily, I will certainly choose the visit to the home for the aged (The visit to the aged peoples home skips into my mind.)because I have learned a lot during the experience. Last week, my classmates and I planned to pay a visit to the old. We wanted to give

13、some performances to them. My job was to sing an old song. As a result, (是 过程,不是结果)I practiced very hard every night. Though I faced some difficulty, I managed to come across them at last. The performance turned out to be a great success. (how and why?细节描写缺乏。 )At the moment, I smiled proudly because

14、 I could do something to make others happy. In addition, I realized that I should always do something for the people in need. To sum up, only if all the people feel happy, can I smile more often in the future.? 点评: 语言:语言流畅,个别小错。-0.5 内容:结构合理,内容详实,但缺乏关键处细节描写,个别句子不通顺,结尾 逻辑不通?-2 文采:文采飞扬+3 总分: 16.5 满分修改版

15、: When it comes to the moment I smile most happily, the visit to the old peoples home skips into my mind for I have learned a lot during the experience. Last week, our classmates planned to give a performance to the old people. My job was to sing an old song. Before that, I practiced very hard. When

16、 I sang the song in front of the old people, they listened excitedly and clapped for me warmly. (细节描写 )At the moment, I smiled proudly because I could do something to make others happy. In addition, I realized that I should always do something for the people in need. How I hope to have more those smiling moments. (120) 学法提炼 中考作文打分的三个档次和评分标准: A 档次的作文一般运用了较多的连接词、短语、并列、倒装、时间状语从句、被 动语态,审题合理、时态使用正确;字数符合要求;没有大小写、拼写错误。



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