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1、美联英语提供 美联英语:医院就诊口语情景对话约诊R= Receptionist P= PatientR: Doctor Ruths office, may I help you?接待员:鲁思医生办公室,我可以为您服务吗?P: Yes, Id like to make an appointment to see the doctor. My name is Randy Horn病人:你好啊,我想和医生约诊。我叫兰迪合恩。R: Lets see, Mr. Horn. The doctors schedule is full today. Would tomorrow be all right?接待

2、员:我看看,合恩先生 今天医生的时间表已排满了。明天可以吗?P: Yeah, I guess I can survive until tomorrow.病人:可以,我想我还可以活到明天。R: Would you prefer to come in in the morning or the afternoon?接待员:您要在上午过来还是下午呢?P: In the morning, if possible.病人:可能的话,在上午。R: The doctor has an opening at 10:30 tomorrow. Ill put you down for then.接待员:医生明天上午

3、 10:30 开始看病,我会把您安排在那个时候。P: That would be fine.病人:那就好。R: Okay, Mr. Horn, see you tomorrow at 10:30. (to be continued)接待员:合恩先生,明天 10:30 见。就诊P: Hi, my name is Randy Horn I have an appointment to see the doctor at 10:30.病人:嗨,我是兰迪合恩。我和医生约好 10:30 要看病。R:If youll please take a seat, Mr. Horn, the doctor wil

4、l be ready to see you shortly. ( Ten minutes later) Mr. Horn? The doctor will see you now.接待员:请坐,合恩先生,医生会很快看您的病。(10 分钟之后 )合恩先生?医生现在要看您的病了。D: Hi, Randy, what seems to be the trouble?医生:嗨,兰迪,哪里不舒服呢?P: Ive got a really bad sore throat and my head hurts. My muscles ache and I have no energy.病人:我喉咙很痛,头也疼

5、。我的肌肉痛,没有力气。D: Let me take your temperature. Lets see. 101 degrees. Youre running a fever. Let me take a look at that throat. Open up and say ah. 医生:让我量一量你的体温。我看看101F ,你正在发烧。让我看一看你的喉咙,张开嘴巴说“啊” 。P: Ah.(to be continued)病人:啊(患了重感冒D= Doctor P= PatientThe doctor has finished examining Randy, her patient.

6、医生为她的病人兰迪完成了检查。D: Well, Randy, Id say youve got a bad case of the flu. The main thing to do is get plenty of rest and drink lots of liquids. Ill prescribe something for that throat.医生:嗯,兰迪,你患了重感冒,你所要做的事便是多休息和多喝水,我会开些处方治你的喉咙。P: Thanks, doctor. Is there anything I can take for this headache?病人:谢谢医生。我能

7、吃什么药治疗头疼呢?D: Some aspirin or Panadol should help. You can pick some up at the pharmacy when you go to fill your prescription.医生:吃一些阿司匹林或扑热息痛应该会有帮助。你在去药房拿药时可以买一些。P: Okay.病人:好的。D: Goodbye, Randy. Take care.医生:再见,兰迪,保重。配处方P= Pharmacist C= CustomerP: Good afternoon, sir. What can I do for you?药剂师:先生,午安。

8、我能为您服务吗?C: Id like to get this prescription filled.病患:我要配这张处方。P: No problem Please wait a minute. ( She goes to the back for a few minutes. ) Here is your medicine, sir. Take two tablets after each meal and once before bed.药剂师:没问题,请等一下。 (她到后面几分种。 )先生,这是您的药,每餐饭后和睡前各吃两颗。C: Thanks. Do you sell aspirin

9、here?病患:谢谢。你们这里卖阿司匹林吗?P: Yes, our over-the-counter medicine is over there on that shelf.药剂师:有的,我们不需要医师处方的药就在那边的架上。C: Oh, I see it. Do you have multi-vitamins?病患:唔,我看看。你们有多种维生素吗?P: Yes, right over here.药剂师:有的,就在这里。( The customer gets the aspirin and vitamins. )(病患拿了阿司匹林和维生素。 )P: Thatll be $16.00.药剂师:一共 16 元。C: Heres a twenty.病患:这是 20 元。P: Heres your change. Thank you.药剂师:这是找您的零钱,谢谢。美联英语:小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:http:/



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