2015中考英语总复习:基础八年级下册Units 5―6优秀版课件

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1、第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,基础精梳理 ,matches,wives,silent,icy,western,true,for,fall,heavily,completely,recently,suddenly,第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,asleep/sleeping,fallen/falling,shocked/shocking,married,began,beat,shot,fit/fitted,shone,led,第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,fall,down,in,apart,off,up,by,make,in

2、,down,doing,at,第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,in,once upon,married,bit,keep,of,turn,out,lead,in,be/get,send,第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,was,taking,a,shower,was,helping,was,helping,with,do,think,about,第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,It,doesnt,seem,This,is,because,turning,into,With,no,light,felt,like,第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,left,the,ch

3、ildren,to,die,第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,考点巧突破,考点1 start/begin,巧辩异同,start和begin都是“开始”的意思,但用法有所区别。 (1)当表示“机器启动,创办,出发”等时,用start,不用begin。 The man cant start the car. 这个人无法发动这辆车。,第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,He started a new shop last year. 去年他新开了一家商店。 (2)两者后面都可跟v.ing形式或不定式,即begin/start doing sth. 或begin/start to do st

4、h.,但当两者用于现在进行时时,不能跟v.ing形式。,第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,考点2 all/whole,all与whole都有“整个;全部的”的意思,但用法有所区别。 (1)all可以修饰可数名词及不可数名词, 且限定词要放在all之后。 (2)whole 修饰单数可数名词,且限定词要放在whole 之前。如: all the daythe whole day 整天。 提醒 一般来讲,whole 不能修饰复数可数名词, 但是若复数可数名词前有具体的数量词时,则可以用whole。如: three whole days/all three days三天。,第11课时八年级下册

5、Units 56,考点3 beat/win,第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,考点4 a bit/a bit of/a little,(1) a bit 和 a little 在肯定句中修饰动词、形容词、副词及比较级时,可以互换,表示“一点儿”。 After a days work, Im a bit/a little tired. 工作了一天之后,我有点儿累。 注意 a bit 和 a little 在否定句中,意思正好相反。not a bitnot at all一点也不 not a littlevery much/extremely非常 Im not a bit tired.Im n

6、ot tired at all.,第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,我一点儿也不累。 Im not a little tired.Im very tired.我非常累。 (2)a little 和a bit of可以作定语,修饰名词,两者只能修饰不可数名词。 Theres only a little/a bit of food left for lunch. 午餐只剩一点儿食物了。,第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,考点5 go to sleep/be asleep/fall asleep/go to bed,(1)go to sleep指“入睡,进入梦乡”,表示动作。 He wa

7、s so tired that he went to sleep soon. 他很累,很快就睡着了。 (2)be asleep表示“睡着”的状态,只能用sound, fast等词修饰。 The baby is fast asleep. 那个婴儿睡得很香。,第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,(3)fall asleep意为“睡着”,表示一个动作的过程,侧重指“自然而然地入睡,不想入睡而入睡”。 I dont know when I fell asleep last night. 我不知道我昨晚什么时候睡着的。 (4)go to bed意为“就寝,上床睡觉”,无“睡着”之意。 One may

8、 keep healthy if he/she goes to bed early and gets up early. 如果一个人早睡早起,他/她才可能保持身体健康。,第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,句型点击,考点1 With no light outside, it felt like midnight. 外面没有光亮,感觉就像半夜一样。,点拨 句中的“with no light outside”是“with宾语宾语补足语”结构。此结构常作状语,其中宾语常常是名词,宾语补足语可以是介词短语、形容词、副词、过去分词等。,第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,With some bo

9、oks in his hand, he entered the classroom. 他走进了教室,手里拿着一些书。(介词短语) Dont sleep with the window open in winter. 冬天不要开着窗户睡觉。(形容词),第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,考点2 He went outside with his family and found the neighborhood in a mess. 他和家人来到外面,发现社区一片狼藉。,点拨 “findsb./sth.宾语补足语”意为“发现某人/某物”,在此结构中,作宾语补足语的可以是现在分词、副词、名词、介

10、词短语、(to be)形容词等。 We found a group of children playing on the playground.,第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,我们发现一群孩子正在操场上玩耍。(现在分词) I found him out last night. 昨晚我发现他出去了。(副词) Youll find it a good book. 你会发现它是一本好书。(名词) I found him already in the office. 我发现他已经在办公室了。 (介词短语),第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,We find him very honest

11、. 我们发现他很诚实。 (形容词) 提醒 当find后接形容词作宾语补足语时,可改为“findthat从句”或“findit形容词动词不定式”结构。,第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,考点3 The wife told her husband that unless he left the children to die in the forest, the whole family would die. 妻子告诉她丈夫,除非他把孩子们留在森林里死掉,否则全家人都将会死掉。,点拨 leave sb. to do sth. 意为“留下某人做某事”。 He went away and lef

12、t me to do all the rest work. 他走了,留下我做剩下所有的工作。,第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,拓展 (1) leave sb. doing sth. 意为“让某人做某事”。 The teacher left little Tom doing his homework all the time. 老师让小汤姆一直做作业。 (2)“leavesb./sth.形容词”意为“让某物或某人处于某种状态”。 His illness left him very weak. 他生病后,身体很虚弱。,第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,智能双提升,基础过关,.单词拼写

13、 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。 1Lets set out now since the sun has r_ (升起) 2Many people like Wang Feis songs because she has a sweet v_ (嗓音).,isen,oice,第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,3It rained so h_ (大) last night that the lake is full of water now. 4If the sun s_ (照耀)brightly, the weather is usually warm.

14、 5You are b_ (勇敢的) enough to accept such a difficult job.,eavily/hard,hines,rave,第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,.单项填空 1. Look! The man is wearing such warm clothes on such a hot day. Yes. How _ he looks! A. clever B. shy C. poor D. strange,D,根据上句句意“看!在如此热的天气,这个男的穿着如此厚的衣服”可知这个人应该是看上去“奇怪”。,第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,2.

15、 Mary, I dont like this book. What about you? We are the same. I dont like it, _ A. too B. yet C. either D. any,C,第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,3. Why do you like the music? Because it reminds me _ my best friend. A. with B. for C. to D. of,D,remind sb. of表示“提醒某人想起”。,第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,4. The medicine is dan

16、gerous. You must _ it from the children. A. buy B. hide C. bring D. carry,B,根据前句句意“这药是危险的”,由此可推断下句句意应该是“你必须把药藏起来,远离孩子们”。,第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,5. Have a cup of tea _ you like a cold drink. A. since B. if C. unless D. because,C,句意:如果你不喜欢冷饮,喝一杯茶吧。unless意为“除非;如果不”。,第11课时八年级下册 Units 56,1. 2014白银 Daisy, look at your bedroom. What a mess! Sorry, Ill _ right now! A. put up it B. clean up it C. put it up D. clean it up,中考透视,


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