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1、硕士英语综合教程 2Unit 1 Human-based Strategy1. Reading Comprehensiona. Choose the sentence that best expresses the meaning of the statement from the text.(1) B(2) C(3) A(4) A(5) Bb. Fill in the blanks with the information youve learned in the text.(1) they value cultural diversity; they are family friendly

2、; they invest in employee training; theyempower their employees(2) their employees; Howard Schultz(3) cultural and technical aspects; coffee knowledge, product expertise, customer service andinterpersonal skills(4) full health and dental coverage, vacation, and participation in the company wide stoc

3、k plancalled Bean Stock(5) self managed work teams; cross functional teams2. Vocabularya. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words or phrases you have learned in thetext.(1) astute(2) ignite(3) enthusiasm(4) turnover(5) transaction(6) interact with(7) come into contactwith(8) empower(9)

4、 superior(10) drop outb. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined one.(1) B(2) D(3) A(4) C(5) B(6) A(7) D(8) B(9)C(10) A3. Cloze(1) motivated(2) selecting(3) retain(4) relied(5) differentiated(6) recruited(7) adaptability(8)prospective(9) require(10) efficiently(11) com

5、prehensive(12) challenge(13) survived(14) rate(15)tripled(16) generous(17) financial(18) reveal(19) premium(20) morale4. Translationa. Chinese to English1) Translate the following sentences into English.(1) The fascination generated by exploration will inspire our young people to study math, science

6、and engineering, and create a new generation of innovators and pioneers.(2) Upon returning to England, he employed the favorable media attention as a launching pad forhis foray into politics.(3) Owning to the nature of every growing business, you will need to be on the go constantly, andalso be on t

7、he go prepared to work shift work, including nights and weekends.(4) In Australia, gasoline prices have retreated, although falls have been limited because of theweakness of the Australian dollar against its American counterpart.(5) The Asian economy has presented a positive trend. Some countries ha

8、ve overcome the impactof the financial crisis and revived development. Asia has once again become the spotlight ofglobal economic growth.(6) Chinas accession to the WTO can promote not only the development of Chinese economy,but also that of the world economy and will inject new impetus into the pro

9、gress of Asianeconomy and world economy.(7) The growing quantity of information, couple with the development of technologies, erable thestorage and delivery of more information with greater speed to more locations than has ever beenpossible before.(8) The future is something which everyone reaches a

10、t the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whateverhe does, whoever he is.2) Translate the following paragraph into English.Its actually pretty natural, and almost unavoidable, for managers to form expectations of theirworkers. Research has found that in an organization, our expectations of others can be

11、tied directlyto productivity, profitability, and yesmotivation! If you have high expectations of youremployees, you will possess a powerful and effective tool for improving performance andmotivation within your organization.Performance is often a matter of expectations. Managers andsupervisors form

12、expectations of others, which then influence how they interact with those people.If you dont expect much from your employees, they will sense that and perform poorly. Why?Because your expectations of them affect their desire to do well. The point is that people naturallytry to live up to our expecta

13、tions of them, or live down to them, whatever the case may be. Soexpect the best from your employees and dont be surprised if thats exactly what you get!b. English to Chinese1) Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.哪些做法才能区分以人为本的公司呢?我们至少可以列出四条:第一,它们重视文化的多样性。他们根据年龄、性别和种族积极寻求一支多元化的员工队伍。第二,它们具有

14、家庭氛围。公司通过为其员工提供灵活的工作时间以及现场托儿服务设施等帮助员工平衡工作和个人职责之间的关系。第三,它们对员工培训进行投资。这些公司花费巨资以确保员工的技能水平始终保持最新状态。这不仅确保员工可以处理该公司的最新技术和工艺,而且还使这样的员工极具市场竞争力。第四,以人为本的公司将权力下放给员工。它们将权力和义务下放到公司的最底层。2) Read the passage carefully and translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.(1) 首先,如果你把他们安排在那些既能够体现他们自身价值同时又对公司发展有利的岗位上,他们将

15、会更加愿意展现出自己最棒的一面。(2) 如果你想激励员工让他们尽最大努力完成自己的工作,如果你想让他们成为公司最有价值的资产,那就让他们有公司的主人的感觉吧。(3) 你作为领导应该知道员工积极性与其工作表现之间有直接的联系。事实上,这种联系取决于你公司的文化以及公司文化灌输给员工的热情。(4) 员工能提出越多关于自己工作的想法,也越有可能接受你的看法。(5) 只有当员工像老板进行投资那样决定投入自己的能力和精力的时候,他们才是真的“认同”,因此请给员工参与制定绩效标准的机会。Unit 3 Cyberspace Network1. Reading Comprehensiona. Choose t

16、he sentence that best expresses the meaning of the statement from the text.(1) A(2) C(3) B(4) C(5) Ab. Fill in the blanks with the information youve learned in the text.(1) infrastructure, including air traffic, financial markets and even basic email;incompetent, indecisive and confused(2) if the worlds most innovative t


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