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1、Selected bibliography,Documentation styles: (1)APA: for psychology ,education,and other social sciences. (2)MLA:most commonly used to write papers and cite sources within the liberal arts and humanities. (3)Chicago:used with all subjects by books,magazine,newspapers,and other non-scholarly publicati

2、ons. (4)AMA: for medicine,health,and biological science.,Format of APA style bibliography, Basic format for books Author, A.A. (Year of publication ). Title of work : Capital letter also for subtitle . Location : Publisher. Basic format for articles in periodicals Names of author (Year of publicatio

3、n ).Title of article . Title of periodical , volume number (issue number) , page (s).,An introduction to APA,1、Author 2、Articles in periodicals 3、Books 4、Other print sources 5、Electronic sources,1.Author (1)One author : in inverted order with only the initial of first and middle names. ex. Berndt,T.

4、J.(2002).Friendship quality and social development .Current Directions in Psychological Science,11,7-10.,(2)Two author : List by last names and initials . Use “ commas separate author names , while the last authors name is Preceded again by “&”. ex. Kernis , M.H. ,Cornell,D.P. , Sun , C.R. , Berry,A

5、. , & Harlow,T.(1993).,(4)More than six authors : list the first six and then use “et al.” ex. Brannon, E.M. , Wusthoff ,C.J. , Gallistel , C.R. , & Gibboson , J. , et al(2001).,(5)More than seven authors (6)Organization as author (7)Unknown author (8)two or more works by the same author (9)two or m

6、ore works by the same author in the same year (10)Introductions,Prefaces,Forewords, and Afterwords,2、Articles in periodicals,Basic form Author,A.A. , Author,B.B.,& Author,C.C. (Year of publication) . Title of article . Title of Periodical,volume number (issue number),pages.,(1)Article in journal pag

7、inated by volume ex. Harlow,H.F.(1983) .Fundamentals for preparing psychology journal articles. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology,55, 893-896,(2)Article in journal paginated by issue,ex. Sruton ,R.(1996).The eclipse of listening .The New Criterion,15(30),5-13,(3)Article in a magazi

8、ne ex. Henry ,W.A.,.(1990,April 9). Making the grade in todays schools. Time,135 ,28-31.,(4)Article in a newspaper ex.Schultz ,S. (2005,December 28).Calls made to strengthen style state energy policies. The Country Today ,pp.1A,2A.,(5)Letter to the editor ex. Moller ,G.(2002,August). Ripples versus

9、rumbles 【Letter to the editor】. Scientific American,287(2),12.,(6)Review ex:Baumeister ,R.F.(1993).Exposing the self-knowledge myth【 Review of the book The Self-knower :A Hero Under Control】. Contemporary Psychology,38,466-467.,3、books,Basic form Author,A.A.( Year of publication) .Title of work:Capi

10、tal letter also for subtitle . Location :publisher. ex:Callfee ,R.C.,&Valencia,R.R.(1991). APA guide to preparing manuscripts for journal publication. Washington,D.C. : American Psychological Association.,(1)Edited book,no author ex:Duncan,G.J.,& Brooks-Gunn,J.(Eds.).(1997),(2)Edited book with an au

11、thor or authors ex:Plath , S.(2000). The unabridged journals(K.V.Kukil,Ed.).New York:Anchor.,(3)A translation ex : Laplace ,P.S.(1951).A philosophical essay on Probabilities.(F.W. Truscott &F.L. Emory,Trans.).New York:Dover.(Original work published 1814).,(4)Edition other than the first ex: Helfer ,

12、M.E. , Keme , R.S. , & Drugman,R.D.(1997).The battered child (5th ed.) . Chicago : University of Chicago Press.,(5)Article or chapter in an edited book ex : Author ,A.A. , &Author , B.B. (Year of publication) . Title of chapter .In A. Editor (&B. Editor) (Ed (s) .),Title of book (pages of chapter) .

13、 Location :Publisher.,(6)Multivolume work ex :Ripley ,C.P.(Ed.)(1985-1992).The Black abolitionist papers(Vols.1-5).Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.,4、Other print sources,(1)An Entry in An Encyclopedia ex:Bergmann,P.G.(1993).Relative.In The New Encyclopedia Britannica(Vol.26,pp.501-50

14、8).Chicago:Encyclopedia Britannica. In Seidenberg and McClellands study (as cited in Coltheart,Curtis,Atkins,&Haller,1993),(2)Dissertation abstract (3)Government document (4)Report from a private organization (5)Conference proceeding,5、Electronic sources (1) Article from an online periodical/journal

15、 ex:Author,A.A.,& Author ,B.B. (Date of publication ). Title of article. Title of Online Periodical/Journal,volume number(issue number if available).Retrieved month day,year,from http:/www . Someaddress .com /full /url /,(2)Article from a database ex:Smyth,A.M. , Parker,A.L., &Pease,D.L.(2002).A stu

16、dy of enjoyment of peas . Journal of Abnormal Eating,8(3). Retrived February 20 ,2003,from PsycARTICLES database.,(3)Non-periodical web document ,web page ,or report ex: Author,A.A.,&Author,B.B. (Date of publication) . Title of document. Retrieved month day,year,from http:/web address.,(4)Chapter or section of a web document ex: Author,A.A.,& Author,B.B. (Date of publication) .Title of article. In Title of book or larger document (chapter or section number).Retr


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