Postgraduate English英文版)

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1、Speaking promptness; less interested in past, more in near-term future,Circular; what you do and how you do it; more attention on past and long-term future,3. Social Relationships,Horizontal; informal, egalitarian; value equality; most comfortable with social equals; importance of social rankings mi

2、nimized,Vertical; formal, hierarchical; rank or class important; most comfortable in a hierarchy system,4. Friendship,instant friendship; large collection of friends changes over time; involve only limited mutual obligations,take time building up relationship; small number of close, lifelong friends

3、 deeply obligated to each other,5. Communication Styles,Direct; show yourself; willing to confront, criticize; discuss controversial topics; little concern with “face”,Indirect; modest; avoid direct confrontation, open criticism concern with “face”,Cultural Differences Between Americans and Asians,C

4、lassroom Communication,Unit Four,Objectives,understand the influence of culture on behavior and communication between teacher and students in the classroom learn about classroom rituals in the United States and other countries identify problems and cultural values in classroom settings learn to use

5、phrases for classroom communication notetaking skill/content words,Vocabulary,interaction pattern ritual esteem participation instructor,I. The classroom and culture II. Classroom rituals III. Classroom participation IV. Learning a language involves knowing not just vocabulary, idioms, and grammar,

6、but the cultural aspects of the language as well,I. The classroom and culture,A. A mental picture of a classroom B. The effect of classroom communication 1. Culture a system of knowledge 2. Influences participation and esteem in which teachers are held,II. Classroom rituals,A. Rituals are systematic

7、 procedures used to perform acts or communicate messages B. Examples of classroom rituals,III. Classroom participation,A. North American students 1. Talkative in class 2. Believe that learning is shaped by talk and participation B. Asian Students 1. Less talkative in class 2. Believe that they learn

8、 by listening to the teacher,1. Almost no classroom interaction 2. Teacher controls the classroom 3. Teacher symbol of learning and culture,C. Vietnamese students,D. German students,1. Value teachers professional/personal opinion 2. Students do not disagree/contradict teacher in class E. Israeli stu

9、dents can criticize teachers if they think teacher is wrong or incorrect,IV. Learning a language involves knowing not just vocabulary, idioms, and grammar, but the cultural aspects of the language as well.,Unit Five,Be An Effective Listener,Objectives,describe the importance of listening in the work

10、place describe the elements of the HEAR model for effective listening use the strategies of the HEAR model to improve listening skills notetaking skill/numbers and statistics,Vocabulary,effective listening empathetic,Outline,I. Importance of Listening II. Listening Strategies III. Greek Philosophers

11、 Remarks,I. Importance of Listening,A. On-the-job communication time 1. 55 % on listening 2. 23 % on speaking 3. 13.3 % on reading 4. 8.4 % on writing B. One listening mistake = loss of $ 15,C. Examples,Lis. error: delivery person neglected to check oil in van Loss: motor burned out 2. Lis. error: o

12、ffice worker failed to distribute sales ad to cashier Loss: good will,II. Listening Strategies,A. be helpful B. be empathetic C. be attentive D. be responsive III. A Greek philosopher said that we should listen more and talk less.,Helpful,Avoid signs of impatience Take steps to minimize distractions

13、,Empathetic,Determine his purpose for speaking Express concern for his general well-being Recall what was said earlier and ask questions Express understanding and paraphrase statements of his current feelings Express awareness of nonverbal cues (if any),Attentive,Hold off on expressing any judgment

14、Restate his point before disagreeing Show respect for what he says Ask for more background Encourage him to express other points of view,Responsive,Let him talk with minimal interruption Use nonverbal encouragement (nodding, leaning forward, etc.) Ask questions,Questions for Discussion,How important

15、 is listening in workplace communication? What are the four basic elements of the HEAR model? How can we make listening cost-effective? What other factors can you suggest to improve our listening?,My Big Problem,Unit Six,Telephone Skills,Objectives,explain why telephone skills are important in the w

16、orkplace describe how making first impressions by telephone is similar to and different from making first impressions in face-to-face contacts identify and use strategies for effective customer service by phone notetaking skill/abbreviations and symbols,Most Annoying: 82/564,Failure to answer the phone by the third or fourth ring Failure of employees to identify themselves Being placed “on hold” without their permission,Vocabulary,strate



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