2019年12月六级考试( 第三套)

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1、2019.12CET6 卷 3第 1 页(共 7 页) 2019 年 12 月大学英语六级考试试题(第 3 套) Part Writing(30 minutes) Directions:For this part, you are allowed30minutestowriteanessayon the importance of having a senseof social responsibility.You shouldwriteatleast150wordsbut nomore than200words. Part ListeningComprehension(30 minutes)

2、 六级考试每次仅考两套听力,第三套听力试题同第一套或第二套试题一致 Part Reading Comprehension(40 minutes) Section A Directions:Inthis section,there isapassagewith ten blanks.You are requiredtoselectoneword foreach blank from alistofchoicesgiven inawordbankfollowingthe passage.Read the passagethroughcarefully before making your choi

3、ces.Each choice inthebankisidentifiedbyaletter. Pleasemark the correspondingletter foreach itemon Answer Sheet 2with asingle line throughthecentre.You may notuseany ofthe words inthebankmore than once. Questions 26 to 35 are based on the followingpassage. The persistenthaze over manyof ourcities isa

4、reminderofthe pollutedairthat we breathe,over80% ofthe worldsurban populationisbreathingairthat fails tomeet World HealthOrganizationguidelines,and an estimated 4.5 million peopledied26from outdoorairpollutionin2015. Globally,urban populationsare expectedtodoubleinthe next40years,and an extra 2billi

5、on peoplewillneed new placestolive, as well as servicesand ways tomove aroundtheir cities. What ismore important,the decisions that wemakenowabout the designof ourcities will27the everydaylives and healthofthe coming generations.So what would asmug-free,oratleast low-pollution,citybelike? Traffic ha

6、s become28 with airpollution,and many countriesintend toban the saleofnew petrol and diesel cars inthe next two decades.But simply 29toelectriccan willnotmean pollution-freecities. The levelofemissionsthey causewilldependon howthe electricitytorun them is30,while brakes,tyres and toads allcreatetiny

7、 airborne31as they wear out. Acrossthe developedworld, ear use isindeclineas more peoplemove tocitycenters,while young people especiallyare32forother meansoftravel. Researchersare alreadyaskingifmotor vehicleuse has reached its33and willdecline,buttransportplannershave yet tocatchupwith this34,inste

8、adoflaying new roads totackle traffic jams. AsusersofLondonsorbital M25 motorwaywillknow, new roads rapidly fillwith more traffic. Inthe US, studieshave shownthat doublingthe sizeofaroad can35doublethe traffic, taking usback tothe startingpoint. A)alternateI)particles B)crownJ)peak C) determineK)pre

9、maturely D)generatedL)simply E) locatingM)switching F)mergedN)synonymous G) miniaturesO) trend H)opting - - 2019.12CET6 卷 3第 2 页(共 7 页) Section B Directions:In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement containsinformationgiven in one of the para

10、graphs.Identifythe paragraphfromwhich the information is derived. Youmay choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2. How Much Protein Do You Really Need? A) The marketing is tempting: Get stron

11、ger muscles and healthier bodies with minimal effort by adding protein powder to your morning shake or juice drink. Or grab a protein bar at lunch or for a quick snack. Today, you can find protein supplements everywhere online or at the pharmacy, grocery store or health food store. They come in powd

12、ers, pills and bars. With more than $12 billion in sales this year, the industry is booming and, according to the market research company, Grand View Research, is on track to sell billions more by 2025. But do we really need all this supplemental protein? It depends. There are pros, cons and some ot

13、her things to consider. B) For starters, protein is critical for every cell in our body. It helps build nails, hair, bones and muscles. It can also help you feel fuller longer than eating foods without protein. And, unlike nutrients that are found only in few foods, protein is present in all foods. The typical American diet is a lot higher in protein than a lot of us think, saysregistered dietitian Angela Pipitone. Itsin foods many of us expect, such as beef, chicken and other types of meat and dairy. But its also in foods that may not come im


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