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1、英语六级词汇与语法精选特训,读书人网()编辑最新整理提 供相关文章供您阅读参考,更多更全更新的教育考试类相关资料在这里,时刻 关注我们,祝您成功! If you _ the bottle and cigarettes, youll be much healthier. A) take off B) keep off C) get off D) set off 注:1. keep off 远离 2. take off 起飞;脱衣 3. get off 下来,下车 4. set off 动身出发 P3-57 He was _ to steal the money when he saw it ly

2、ing on the table. A) dragged B) tempted C) elicited D) attracted 注:1. tempt (不好的)诱惑 induce (不好的)诱惑 be induced by adamant 固执的;坚强的 Adams apple 喉结 attract (好的)吸引 tractor 拖拉机 lure (既好又坏的)引诱 2. drag 拖,拉,拽 3. elicit 引起,引发 arouse 引起 evoke 引起,引发 P2-54 They tossed your thoughts back and forth for over an hou

3、r, but still could not make _ of them. A) impression B) comprehension C) meaning D) sense 注:1. make sense of 理解,明白 conceive of 设想 perceive 察觉 receive 收到 2. impression 印象 expression 表达 oppress 压制,压抑 depress 沮丧 3. comprehension 理解 apprehension 理解,领悟;忧虑,恐惧 P2-55 The politician says he will _ the welfar

4、e of the people. A) prey on B) take on C) get at D) see to 注:1. prey on 以为食,捕食 2. take on 承担;流行 3. get at 理解,明白(一般不是答案) catch on = make sense of 理解明白(常考) 4. see to 照顾,照看 P3-56 If you _ the bottle and cigarettes, youll be much healthier. A) take off B) keep off C) get off D) set off 注:1. keep off 远离

5、2. take off 起飞;脱衣服 3. get off 下来,下车 4. set off 动身出发 P3-57 He was _ to steal the money when he saw it lying on the table. A) dragged B) tempted C) elicited D) attracted 注:1. drag 拖,拉,拽 2. tempt (不好的)诱惑 contempt 蔑视 scorn 蔑视 sneer 蔑视 induce (不好的)诱惑 be induced by adamant 固执的;坚强的 Adams apple 喉结 attract (好的)吸引 tractor 拖拉机 distract 转移 distracted 心烦意乱的 subtract 减去 lure (既好又坏的)引诱 leisure 休闲娱乐 entertainment 休闲娱乐 amusement 休闲娱乐 recreation 休闲娱乐 3. elicit 引起,引发 arouse 引起 evoke 引起,引发 provoke 引发 vex 引发


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