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1、精品欢迎下载可修改 速测( 三) 完形填空 +阅读理解 B+C+ 回答问题 ( 限时 :30 分钟 ) . 完形填空 One day before Christmas, I noticed the brakes(刹车 ) of my car getting weaker and weaker. They still 1 but it took longer time for my car to stop. I knew that I needed new brakes, but I had so many other things to do at that time. Then 2 Chri

2、stmas Eve I had a dream. I was driving my car on a bright sunny day when suddenly a truck appeared on the road in front of my car. I 3 my brakes but they didnt work and I hit that truck. The terrible 4 woke me up and I decided to get my brakes 5 the next day. When the worker took out the older ones,

3、 I noticed that they had worn out thin. One day, I was driving home with my daughter beside me and my two sons in the back seat. Suddenly, a truck came from the other 6 . It ran too fast and moved two feet over the centre line. I pushed my brakes and led my car toward the 7 of the road. We were surp

4、rised that the huge truck 8 us by only one feet. Later when I lay in my bed, I realized that 9 I didnt change the brakes, I couldnt 10 fast enough. My children and I might either be hurt or killed. I closed my eyes and gave thanks to that dream. ( )1.A.ran B.turned C.moved D.worked ( )2.A.at B.in C.

5、for D.on ( )3.A.pushed B.drove C.pulled D.lifted ( )4.A.idea B.doubt C.dream D.hope ( )5.A.repaired B.checked C.examined D.changed ( )6.A.direction B.introduction C.instruction D.invention ( )7.A.top B.bank C.side D.bottom ( )8.A.broke B.missed C.met D.reached ( )9.A.when B.unless C.if D.until ( )10

6、.A.slow down B.put up C.turn down D.take up . 阅读理解 Passage 1 A lion lay asleep in the forest, his great head resting on his paws(爪子 ). A careless little mouse came upon the lion. She was very afraid of that and hurried to get away, the mouse ran across the lions nose. Awake from his sleep, the lion

7、laid his huge paw on the tiny animal angrily and said, “Ill kill you!” 精品欢迎下载可修改 “Let me go. Please!” asked the poor mouse. “Please let me go, and someday I will surely pay you back. ” The lion thought it was so interesting that such a little mouse said that she could ever help him. But he was gener

8、ous(宽宏大量的 ) and finally let the mouse go. Some days later,while the lion was looking for something to eat in the forest, he was caught by a hunter with a net. He tried his best, but he found it hard to get out of the trouble. He shouted out loudly, and the forest was filled with his angry sound. The

9、 mouse knew the voice and quickly found the lion fighting against the net. She ran to one of the great ropes of the net and gnawed it. So when the net broke up, the lion was free. “You laughed at me when I said I would pay you back,” said the mouse. “Now you see that even a mouse can help a lion.” N

10、ever look down on others. Kindness is never wasted. 11.Why was the lion angry with the little mouse? ( ) A.Because he was very strong. B.Because he wanted to eat the mouse. C.Because the little mouse played a joke on him. D.Because the little mouse woke him up when he was asleep. 12.According to the

11、 passage, the lion thought . ( ) A.it was generous that the little mouse could help him B.it was exciting that the little mouse could help him C.it was unbelievable that the little mouse could help him D.it was common that the little mouse could help him 13.The lion shouted out loudly in the forest

12、because . ( ) A.he was killed by a hunter B.he was caught in a trouble C.he was very happy D.he was playing games with the mouse 14.What is the main idea of the passage? ( ) A.The lion and the mouse. B.Never kill a mouse. C.Kindness is never wasted. D.Even a mouse can help a lion. Passage 2 In the W

13、est, some people believe that personality can be predicted according to the time of the year the person was born. From China comes the belief that the year of birth influences ones 精品欢迎下载可修改 personality. In the past century, a new belief has arisen: the idea that personality is related to ones ABO b

14、lood type. People with blood type A, for example, are considered more likely to be serious, hard-working and quiet, while people with blood type O are likely to be popular and outgoing, yet often unable to finish what they start. Though this belief continues to be strong, some people question whethe

15、r it is true. The blood-type personality theory(理论 ) started in Japan in 1927 when Furukawa Takehi noticed personality similarities and differences among his workers. This idea soon went out of fashion, but was brought back by a Japanese television host named Toshitaka Nomi in the 1970s. The belief

16、is still strong in Japan and is increasingly popular in neighboring countries. Some young Koreans have taken to the theory. A recent study showed 76 percent of Koreans aged between 13 and 64 believing in the blood-type personality connection. Though most Asians might believe in the blood-type theory, for many it seems harmless and not something to be taken too seriously. Is the belief true? The scientists in Asia largely


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