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1、Unit 5 质量评估试卷 时间: 90 分钟满分: 120 分 第一部分听力 ( 共四节,满分30 分) 第一节听句子,选图片( 共 5 小题,每小题1 分,满分5 分) ( B )1. A B C ( C )2. A B C ( A )3. A B C ( B )4. A B C ( C )5. A B C 听力材料 1I have a basketball. 2Does he have a pingpong bat? 3Lets play tennis. 4Volleyball is difficult. 5Bobs baseball is under the table. 第二节听句子

2、,选答语( 共 5 小题,每小题1 分,满分5 分) ( A )6.A.That sounds good. BIts a ping pong ball. CCome on. ( B )7.A.Yes, I am. B Yes, I do. CNo, it isnt. ( C )8.A.Yes, they do. BYes, it is. CNo, they arent. ( B )9.A.Yes, they do. BThey are under the desk. CThey like tennis. ( A )10.A.No, he doesnt. BNo, I dont. CYes, h

3、e likes. 听力材料 6Lets play pingpong. 7Do you have a computer game? 8Are those your dictionaries? 9Where are the tennis rackets? 10 Does he like sports? 第三节听短对话,回答问题( 共 5 小题,每小题2 分,满分 10 分) ( B )11.Whats in Marys pencil box? AA pencil sharpener. BTwo pencils. CTwo pens. ( C )12.What does Tony think of

4、baseball? ABoring. BInteresting. CDifficult. ( A )13.Where is the TV? AOn the table. BUnder the table. CIn the bookcase. ( C )14.How many tennis balls does the boy have? AOne. B Two. CThree. ( B )15.Who has CDs? AKitty. BGina. CTom. 听力材料 11 M: What do you have in your pencil box, Mary? W: Oh, I have

5、 two pencils. 12 W: Can you play baseball, Tony? M: No, its too difficult. W: But its interesting. 13 W: Do they have a TV? M: Yes, they do. Look, its on the table. 14 W: Do you have a tennis ball? M: Yes, I have three tennis balls. 15 M: Hello, Kitty. Do you have any CDs? W: Sorry ,Tom. I dont have

6、 CDs. You can ask Gina. She has some. 第四节听长对话或独白,回答问题( 共 5 小题,每小题2 分,满分10 分) 听一段对话,回答第16 至第 17 小题。对话读两遍。 ( C )16.What does the girl have? AA baseball bat. B A tennis ball. CA TV. ( B )17.What does the girl think of playing baseball? ABoring. BGood. CDifficult. 听力材料 M: Mary, lets go out and play base

7、ball. W: That sounds good, but I dont have a baseball bat. M: Then lets play tennis. W: I dont have a tennis ball. M: Er. Lets play soccer. W: I dont have a soccer ball. M: I have a soccer ball. We play together. W: But I dont want to play soccer. M: Then lets stay at home and watch TV. W: That soun

8、ds relaxing. 听一段独白,回答第18 至第 20 小题。独白读两遍。 ( B )18.What does Jim often play after school? ABasketball. BVolleyball. CSoccer. ( B )19.Who is Linda? AJims classmate. BJims sister. CDavids sister. ( C )20.What is Jims phone number? A4879072. B 4780927. C4789027. 听力材料 My name is Jim Green. Im twelve. I li

9、ke play ing volleyball with my classmates after school. Do you like to play sports? Do you like to watch sports games on TV? In our school, you can play many sports.You can play tennis, basketball, and ping pong. My friend David likes ping pong.He thinks its interesting. He has nine ping pong balls.

10、 Linda is my sister. She likes sports, too. But she doesnt play them. She only watches them on TV. If you want to play sports, please call me at 478 9027. 第二部分基础知识 ( 共三节,满分20 分) 第一节单项选择 ( 共 10 小题,每小题1 分,满分10 分) 从 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( C )21. Do you have a pingpong bat? No, but my sister Jud

11、y_ one. Adoes Bhave Chas D do ( A )22.Sam has many sports things, _ he doesnt play sports. Abut B and Cso D then ( B )23.Tom often plays pingpong _ his friends _ school. Aand; at Bwith; after Cand; in Dwith; on ( A )24.The question is not easy. Its very _. Adifficult Brelaxing Cinteresting Dfun ( D

12、)25. Linda, lets play tennis after school. _ AYoure welcome BSorry, I dont know CThank you DThat sounds good ( B )26.Jenny likes playing _ Asoccer ball Bbaseball Cping pong ball D tennis ball (D)27.Tom has two basketballs and one volleyball, but he doesnt play _ Ait Btheir Cthey D them ( A )28.Mary

13、and I are in _ same class. Athe Ba Can D/ ( B )29.I like soccer but my brothers _ Ado B dont Cdoes D doesnt ( C )30.Which underlined part has a different(不同的 ) sound? Achair Bwatch Cschool Dteacher 第二节对话匹配 ( 共 5 小题,每小题1 分,满分5 分) A ( A )31.Do they have a tennis ball? ( C )32.Does Jenny like sports? (

14、 E )33.Lets play computer games. ( B )34.Is that your fathers baseball? ( D )35.What do you have? B AYes, they do. BNo. Its mine. CYes, she does. DI have many tennis balls and two basketballs. EThat sounds boring. 第三节按要求完成下列各题( 共 5 小题,每小题1 分,满分 5 分) 36 He has a soccer ball. (改为复数句 ) They _have_ some

15、 soccer _balls_ 37 He plays basketball every day. (改为一般疑问句) _Does_ he _play_ basketball every day? 38 They do_their_homework in the classroom. (对画线部分提问) What _do_ they_do_in the classroom? 39 Mr. Chen has two pingpong bats.(改为否定句 ) Mr. Chen _doesnt_ _have_two pingpong bats. 40 Do your father and mot

16、her like sports?( 作肯定回答 ) Yes, _they_ _do_ 第三部分阅读理解 ( 共两节,满分 25 分 ) 第一节 ( 共 10 小题,每小题2 分,满分 20 分) A Interesting Bor ing Fun Diffi cult Rela xing Play baseball Jim Jim Jim Watch TV Peter Kate Study math Jim, Kate Peter Play soccer Jim Tony Play ping pong Jim Tony Play com puter games Jim, Kate, Peter Tony Play basketball


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