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1、精品欢迎下载可修改 Unit 3 一、单项选择(每题1 分,共 15 分) 1. Joe, you can go to the party _ you come back before 10 oclock tonight. A. as long as B. because C. when D. though 2. I havent seen Dan for so many years. _, I cant even remember what he looks like. A. At least B. In fact C. In the end D. All in all 3. Alice i

2、s good _ children. She dreams of being a teacher. A. at B. for C. in D. with 4. The pancakes here are _ than those from anywhere else. Yeah, I often come here. A. delicious B. more delicious C. less delicious D. the more delicious 5. Do you have any brothers, Bill? Yes, I have two brothers. _ of the

3、m live in London. A. Each B. None C. All D. Both 6 The girl is talented _ singing. She sings very well like a bird. So she is. Aof Bbetween Cto Din 7. She isnt short. She is _now than last year. A. short B . tall C. taller D. shorter 8He always _the match when we play pingpong. Abeat Bwin Cbeats Dwi

4、ns 9. Jack, do you know when the train leaves? Sorry, I don t. But you can get the _ you need on the Internet. 精品欢迎下载可修改 A. information B. number C. question D. story 10My brother is _ more outgoing than me. Amore Bmost Ca little DLittle 11. He is _ more outgoing than his brother. A. very B. more C.

5、 much D. too 12 This watch is expensive. Do you have a little _ ones? Yes, madam. Look, this one is ¥4188, and that one costs only¥2588. Acheap Bcheaper Ccheapest Dthe cheapest 13. Jill, do you know which one is Mrs. Miller? Yes. She s the one _ long curly hair. A. on B. for C. in D. with 14 Which d

6、o young people prefer, music or sports? Both. Music is _ sports. Aas popular as Bnot as popular as Cmore popular than Dless popular than 15. Mark, how was your visit to the 4th China (Shanghai) International Technology Fair (第四届 中国 ( 上海 )国际技术进出口交易会)? _. I learned a lot. A. Sounds good B. It was fant

7、astic C. That will be OK D. Forget it 二、完形填空(每空1 分,共 15 分) Its nice to have friends.Well,how can we have friends? First,spend _1_time with people.If you want to make friends, you need to _2_people.You can go to places _3_coffee bars or clubs to meet people. Then,_4_your friend.Once (一旦 ) you _5_to m

8、ake friends with someone,you must care _6_him or her.“A true friend reaches _7_your hands and touches your heart.” _8_its not necessary for 精品欢迎下载可修改 you and your friend to be the same,you need to know him or her.You should help him or her when he or she has _9_problems. Next ,be a good listener.Its

9、 important to show that youre _10_in others.Listen _11_to what people say and take time to learn more about _12_. At last ,encourage your friends.Good friends will _13_ both good and bad times.Never laugh at your _14_in front of others.If someone is laughing at your friend,you should _15_him or her.

10、 1.A.less B more C good Dbad 2.A.meet Bmeeting C met D meet with 3.A.to Bwith Clike Dbetween 4.A.care about B look at Cworry about D ask for 5.A.stop Bforget Cask D decide 6.A.at Bin C about D after 7.A.for B at C after Din 8.A.Or BBecause C Although DIf 9.A.no Bsome C few D other 10.A.interested Bi

11、nteresting Cinterest Dinterest 11.A.clearly Bquickly Ctruly Dcarefully 12.A.you Bhim C her D them 13.A.have Btry Cshare D break 14.A.friend Bclassmate Cparent Dteacher 15.A.stop Bto stop C stopping Dstopped 三、阅读理解(每题2 分,共 26 分) A Harry keeps a diary. He writes every day. Here is his diary for a week

12、 in June. Monday June 15th. It rained all day, so we did not do any sports. We stayed in our classroom and read library books. Tuesday June 16th. I missed (错过 ) the bus and was late for school. It wasnt my fault. The bus was 10 minutes early. Wednesday June 17th. I had an English test today. I got a

13、n A+. Its my best grade ever! I made only one spelling mistake ( 错误 ). 精品欢迎下载可修改 Thursday June 18th. I went swimming with Adam and Steve. Steve is a good swimmer and he taught us a lot. I hope (希 望) he will win the school swimming competition next Monday. Friday June 19th. I didnt go to school. I ca

14、ught a cold at the swimming pool. I stayed in bed and slept all day. I felt better in the evening. Mom didnt go to work. She looked after (照顾 ) me at home. Saturday June 20th. I feel much better today, but Mom made me stay at home. I watched TV all day. It was boring. Sunday June 21st. I didnt do an

15、ything interesting today. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 1. What did Harry do on Monday? A. He slept all day. B. He did some reading. C. He went to the library. D. He watched a lot of TV. 2. What does the underlined word “fault” mean? A. 职责 B. 理由 C. 权利 D. 过错 3. How did Harry feel on Wednesday? A. Happy. B. Sorry. C. Bored. D. Tired. 4. There was a swimming competition in Harrys school on _. A. June 15th B. June 18th C. June 22nd D. June 25th 5. Why didnt Harrys mother go to w


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