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1、News writing,-basic knowledge,1,Definition “Man bites dog” definition News:anything that is newsworthy News value: timeliness of an event importance of an event prominence of the people or thing concerning an event uniqueness of an event human interest,2,Styles of news,新闻的种类很多,按分类标准的不同,有各种不同的分类方法。 如

2、按照事件的性质分类: 硬新闻(hard news):硬新闻也就是“纯新闻消息报道”,指题材严肃,具有一定时效性的客观事实报道 软新闻(soft news):软新闻是指情感味浓,写作方法诙谐,轻松幽默的社会新闻,不注重时效性。 新闻英语中常见的体裁主要有三大类: 消息(news report) 特写(feature) 新闻评论(commentaries/ columns/ rewiew/ editorial)。,3,A news report,4,Lede,The most important part of any news story is the lede. The lede is the

3、 very first sentence of a news story. In it, the writer summarizes the most newsworthy points of the story in broad brushstrokes. If a lede is well-written, it will give the reader a basic idea of what the story is about, even if she skips over the rest of the story.,5,Example: Two people died in a

4、row house fire in Northeast Philadelphia last night. From this lede you get the basics: Two people killed. Rowhouse fire. Northeast Philadelphia. Then Questions: What caused the fire? Who was killed? What was the address of the rowhouse?. . What to put into a lede and what to leave out ? Give the ma

5、jor points of the story, but leave the smaller details for later.,6,The Five Ws and the H Who, What, Where, When, Why and How. Whogold miners Whatwere killed WhenThursday(Nov22) Wherein western Colombia Whythe walls of mine were softened by rain How(were killed)by crash,7,Sometimes one of those elem

6、ents will be more interesting than the rest. Ex. a celebrity who dies in a car crash. What makes the story interesting is the fact that a celebrity is involved. A car crash in and of itself is all-too common. So youll want to emphasize that who aspect of the story in your lede,8,Body,Inverted Pyrami

7、d News stories are written in the inverted pyramid format. It means that the most important information goes at the top, or beginning of the story, and the least important stuff goes at the bottom.,9,10,Which one to choose?,Keep your writing tight 1. One way to do this is to follow the S-V-O format,

8、 which stand for Subject-Verb Object. Ex: She read the book. The book was read by her.,11,The first one is written in theS-V-O format: She (subject) read (verb) the book (object). Short 、 to the point (four words)、close、vivid The second sentence doesnt follow S-V-O. Connection severed 、watery、 unfoc

9、used、longer,12,2. Avoid too many clause EX: Officer Joan Lanton, who was at the scene of the murder, which occurred on Elm Street, described the scene as grisly and said two suspects are being sought. Officer Joan Lanton was at the scene of the murder, which occurred on Elm Street. She described the

10、 scene as grisly and said two suspects are being sought.,13,3. Just One or Two Ideas Per Sentence Sentences also get too long when you try to cram too many ideas into them. Ex: The president, who was suffering from a cold, which he caught last week in Norway, signed the treaty, which he had original

11、ly opposed, because he said the changes that had been made were sound. This sentence is stuffed with four or five ideas. The result is a confusing mess. Better : The president had originally opposed the treaty. But he signed it anyway, saying the changes that had been made were sound. At the ceremon

12、y he was suffering from a cold that he caught last week in Norway.,14,4. Edit and rewrite yourself As you write, be on the lookout for excess words that can be cut. When youre done, read your story out loud and listen for longwinded sentences. Any sentence that cant be easily read in a single breath

13、 should usually be trimmed.,15,Tips for practice,先百度中文消息稿,根据上述的新闻英语特点,试着写一篇,交代好5W和主要的相关事实。然后去China Daily 或者Xinhua 找相关的英语报道(善用检索),对比、修改。这样坚持下来就会有提高。 在平时阅读新闻,收听广播时还要注意各大通讯社自己的写作特点,用词和风格,这样才能更加惟妙惟肖。,16,http:/,17,News type,News (消息),动态消息 经验消息 综合消息 评述性消息 简明消息 人物消息,18,News type,通讯,人物通讯 工作通讯 风貌通讯 社会观察通讯,19,News type,评论,社论 短评、编后语 专栏评论,20,News type,新闻特写,人物 事件 场面,21,News type,专访,人物专访 事件专访 科学专访 问题专访,22,消息,定义: 指报道事情的概貌而不讲述详细的经过和细节,以简要的语言文字迅速传播新近事实的新闻体裁,也是最广泛、最经常采用的新闻基本体裁。 写法:消息写法:标题、导语、主体、背景、结语,23,



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