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1、1,Unit 4,How do you get to school ?,2,学习目标,(1)能够表达到达目的地所使用的交通工具、距离及其时间。,(2)能够合理安排行程,并合理选用交通工具。,3,1.-_ do you get to school?,-I _walk but sometimes I _ the bus.,主要句型,How,usually,take,2. - _ does it take?,-It _ about 30 minutes _ and 10 minutes _.,takes,to walk,by bus,(走路30分钟坐公交10分钟.),3. -_ is it _ yo

2、ur home to school?,-Its three miles.,How far,from,4. -_ does it take you _ from home to school?,-It _ twenty minutes.,How long,to get,takes,How long,林峰家离学校十公里.,Lin Leis home _ about 10 kilometers _ school.,然后早班车载他到学校,_ the _ bus _ him _ school.,通常是大约25分钟的公交车车程.,The bus _ usually _ about 25 minutes.,

3、在中国这决定于你住在什么地方.,In China, it depends on where you are.,那一定比坐公车有趣得多.,That must _ a lot _ fun than _ a bus!,is,from,Then,early,takes,to,ride,takes,be,more,taking,5,词语辩析,1. quick, quickly,A. He has a _ breakfast every morning.,B. Who runs the most _ in your class?,quick,quickly,2. take v.乘、坐、搭(车、船), by

4、 prep.以方式,A. My mother _the subway to work,B. My mother goes to work _ subway.,takes,by,3. worry, worried, worry about, be worried about,A. She looks _ after the English exam.,B. The teacher will _ if you are late.,C. I _my math exam.,D. Dont _ her, she will be better soon.,worried,worry,am worried

5、about,worried about,6,*take另一个用法:持续、花费,A. -How long does it take Tony to get to school?,-Its about half an hour.,B. It takes me two hours to finish my homework.,4. how 的用法多少、多么(指范围、程度、数量、价值),A. How is your brother?,(指身体如何),B. How old is he?,(指年纪),C. How much is your sweater?,(指价格),D. I dont know how

6、 far he lives.,(指距离),E. How the weather in your city today?,(指天气),F. How well you look!,G. How sadly they cried!,(用于感叹句中:表示多么,何等),7,用 How 开头的短语做下面几道题,1 _ is it from your office to house? About thirty kilometers. 2 _ does it take you get here to there? It takes me almost five minutes. 3 _is it from y

7、our home to the shop? Well, about sixteen minutes walk/ride. A How long B How far C How soon,8,三、语法:宾语从句,即在复合句中充当请宾语的从句。,1. 我想知道妮娜住在哪里。,I want to know_.,2. 他问到学校坐车要多长时间。,He asks _.,where Nina lives.,how long it takes to get to school by bus,3. 你能告诉我他是怎么上学的吗?,Can you tell me_?,how he gets to school,4

8、. 请告诉我他对交通是怎么看的。,Please tell me _.,what she thinks of the transportation,9,ride, take, depend on, worry, live, think of, get to,(2)动词:,1. How do you _ school in the morning?,2. What do you _ the transportation in your town?,3. When it rains I _ a taxi.,4. How far do you _ from the bus station?,5. I

9、like to _my bike on the weekend.,6. I havent a car. I have to _ the buses.,7. Dont _, there is ten minutes left.,get to,think of,take,live,ride,depend on,worry,10,(4)词组:,get to_, how far_, depend on_ by boat_, take a boat_, the bus ride_, get from home to school _ think of_, on the school bus_, on o

10、ther parts of the world _, be different from _, a number of _,到达,多远,依赖,坐船,坐船,公交车程,从家到学校,考虑,在校车上,在世界的其他地方,与不同,take sb. some time to do sth.: _,大量的,许多的,做某事花费某人多少时间,11,翻译成英语,到达,多远,依赖,坐船,坐公交车,坐父母亲的车,公交车程,从家到学校,考虑,在校车上,在世界的其他地方,多于,与不同,一部分、一些,非常感谢,做某事花费某人多少时间,依赖,get to,arrive at / in,how far,depend on,tak

11、e a boat,by boat,take a bus, ride a bus, by bus,go in ones parents bus,bus ride,get from home to school,/ get to school from home,more than,think of,on the other parts of the world,be different from,a number of,Thanks so much,depend on,on the school bus,It takes sb. st. to do sth.,12,填一填,1. _ is it from your school to the museum?,2. What do you _ the film?,3. There are _ 30 students in our class.,4. _ students take the subway.(少量的),5. We are students now, we have to _ our parents.,How far,think of,more than,A small number of,depend on,


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