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1、1,Passage 18 Fast Reading,N, N, N, Y, NG, Y, Y you see around you every day some kind of job-counseling program public speaking courses or the local Toastmasters club,2,Passage 18 Cloze,G K F J N M L I B C,3,Careful Reading Passage 18,1st Paragraph: News Lead Violence exploded in France; (scene) Eur

2、opean countries have had problems on integrating immigrants. (issue),4,2nd Paragraph: News Lead Violence in Paris Frances integration model (scene)(issue) 3rd Paragraph Last Paragraph: discussion on the issue,5,As clashes and arson attacks(, largely staged by young people of African and North Africa

3、n descent,) spread to other parts of France, many Europeans have come to the conclusion that Frances integration model has failed.,6,Paras. 3 4: Han Entzingers opinions: the unrest is not much likely to spread to other parts of Europe; The situation in France on immigration and integration in partic

4、ular is different from the situation in other European countries. Para. 5: Facts: European countries have adopted different approaches (policies) to integrating the foreigners. (Germany, Austria, Britain),7,Paras. 6 7: Hugo Bradys opinions: The problems European countries face in assimilating foreig

5、ners (i.e. integration) are different. Para. 8: Facts: Spain and Italy have their own problems of immigration / integration.,8,The Euro-Med area like Spain, south of France, Greece have their own particular problems of immigration for areas such as Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya. Spain, south of F

6、rance and Greece have their own particular problems when dealing with immigrants from areas such as Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya.,9,Para. 9: Facts: Frances integration creed Paras. 10 Last: Danielle Jolys opinions: Britain has experienced the same kind of violence; The underpinnings were sim

7、ilar too; Britain has been implementing a tough race relations act; But France and Britain are very different.,10,Para. 1: TV / Radio reporters introduction of the news Paras. 2 Last: News in detail by the reporter Lisa Bryant Paras. 2: News lead Paras. 3 last: details (facts and opinions alternatel

8、y) (Han Entzingers opinion facts) (Hugo Bradys opinion facts) (facts - Danielle Jolys opinion),11,Text 1 Structure,Part I: Introduction of “Numbers” with examples. Part II: Origins in the Book of Changes (How did people in China begin to associate numbers with luck and divination?) Part III: Gods ca

9、n be alone, but people cannot (about odd and even numbers),12,Part IV: Happiness comes in pairs (about odd and even numbers, and “three”) Part V: Elevators without fourth floors (about “four” and “five”) Part VI: One six eight, on the way to success (about “six”, “seven” and “eight”) Part VII: Belie

10、ve it or not, its up to you (about “nine” and a conclusion),13,Text 1:Discussion,Can you name some other lucky / unlucky numbers / combinations? How about some images associated with good / bad luck?,14,54 - in Cantonese: ng sei sounds like “not die” 168 - road of prosperity or to be prosperous toge

11、ther - many charged telephone service numbers in China begin with this number. Many businesses also prefer to have this number as part of their names. 518 - I will prosper, other variations include: 5189 (I will prosper for a long time), 516289 (I will get on a long, smooth prosperous road) and 5918

12、 (I will soon prosper).,Lucky Combinations,15,666 - In Chinese culture, 666 sounds a lot like the words Things going smoothly. It is considered one of the luckiest numbers in Chinese culture. It can be seen prominently in many shop windows across the country, and people there often pay extra to get

13、a mobile phone number including this string of digits. 888 - prosperity x3. 520 - I love you, as the pronunciation of 520 is close to (in Mandarin).,16,Unlucky Combinations,Number 14 is considered to be one of the unluckiest numbers in Chinese culture. 14 can also be said as yao si, literally one fo

14、ur, but it also means want to die. In Cantonese, 14 sounds like certainly die. 53 - In Cantonese, it sounds like not live. 528 is a way of saying no easy fortune for me.,17,In Egyptian culture, 4,223 was an unlucky number because of the pictograms required to represent it (four thousand, two hundred

15、, fifteen, and eight). When placed together, these pictograms presented a crude representation of a scene that could be interpreted as the murder of a young Pharaoh. This superstition fell into disuse with the conquer of the 26th dynasty and the acceptance of a base-ten system in the ninth century.,

16、18,2 is considered a lucky number to both Greeks and Russians, as monarchs bearing that regnal number tended to be wise and benevolent. Similarly, 4 is considered unlucky number in Russian folklore (due largely to Ivan IV Vasilyevich, better known as Ivan the Terrible).,19,1605 is a lucky number in England and much of Great Britain, being the year Guy Fawkes Gunpowder Plot to destroy the houses of Parliament failed. It is considered a supremely unlucky year for the Basques, as it was the ye


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