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1、1993年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题Section Use of EnglishAlthough interior design has existed since the beginning of architecture, its development into a specialized field is really quite recent. Interior designers have become important partly because of the many functions that might be _1_in a single large buil

2、ding.The importance of interior design becomes 2 when we realize how much time we _3_ surrounded by four walls. Whenever we need to be indoors, we want our surroundings to be _ 4 attractive and comfortable as possible. We also expect 5 place to be appropriate to its use. You would be 6 if the inside

3、 of your bedroom were suddenly changed to look 7 the inside of a restaurant. And you wouldnt feel 8 in a business office that has the appearance of a school.It soon becomes clear that the interior designers most important basic 9 is the function of the particular 10 . For example, a theater with poo

4、r sight lines, poor sound-shaping qualities, and 11 few entries and exits will not work for 12 purpose, no matter how beautifully it might be 13 . Nevertheless, for any kind of space, the designer has to make many of the same kind of 14 _. He or she must coordinate the shapes, lighting and decoratio

5、n of everything from ceiling to floor. 15 _addition, the designer must usually select furniture or design built-in furniture, according to the functions that need to be served1. A consisted B contained C composed D comprised2. A obscure B attractive C appropriate D evident3. A spend B require C sett

6、le D retain4. A so B as C thus D such5. A some B any C this D each6. A amused B interested C shocked D frightened7. A like B for C atD into8. A correct B proper C right D suitable9. A care B concern C attention D intention10. A circumstance B environment C surroundings D space11. A too B quite C aD

7、far12. A their B its C thoseD that13. A painted B covered C ornamented D decorated14. A solutions B conclusions C decisions D determinations15. A ForB In C As D with文章大意首先指出室内设计发展成一个专门领域的时间不长,但却已经很重要。接着分析原因:一是建筑物往往具有很多功能;二是人们大部分时间是在室内度过,因此希望其环境舒适宜人。最后介绍室内设计者关注的基本问题是室内空间的功能。试题解析1.答案 B解析 本题考核的知识点是:近义动

8、词的区别。四个选择项都有“包含、构成”之意,但用法不同。句子中有助动词be的存在,因此,这就点明了所选的动词应能够使用被动语态。contain作及物动词时,意为“包含”,可用于主动或被动语态,为正确选项。consist是一个不及物动词,无被动语态。consist of 表示“由组成、构成”,等同于be composed of。例:Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.(水由氢和氧组成)。consist in 表示“以某事物为其主要的或惟一的因素或特征,在于”,如:True patriotism consists in putting the interes

9、ts of ones country above everything else, including ones own life.(真正的爱国主义就是把国家利益置于任何其他利益之上,包括自己的生命);Happiness consists in contentment(知足常乐)。consist with 表示“符合,与一致”,例:Theory should consist with practice.(理论应与实践相符合)。compose意为“(事物的部分或成分)构成”,如:the short scenes that compose the play(组成此剧的各幕)。它用于被动语态时需与o

10、f连用,be composed of 意为“(由某事物)组成或构成”。comprise意为“包含,组成,构成”,一般指构成整体的全部成分,如:Two small boys and a dog comprised the street entertainers only audience.(两个小男孩和一条狗成了街头艺人仅有的观众)。当它用于被动语态时,通常也要与of连用,如:America is comprised of 55 states.(美国由55个州组成)。2.答案 D解析 本题考核的知识点是:表语形容词及对文章主旨的把握。首先,我们可以从词义的搭配上来加以区分。attractive意

11、为“有吸引力的”,如:goods attractive in price and quality(价廉物美的货物)。appropriate意为“合适的”,如:His casual clothes were not appropriate for such a formal occasion.(他的便服不适宜在这样正式的场合穿)。这两个词都不能与作为主语的importance搭配。obscure意为“模糊不清的”。evident意为“明显的”。文章第二段一直强调室内设计的重要性,因此重要性是明显的。3.答案 A解析 本题考核的知识点是:动词搭配。空格所在部分是how much time+定语从句

12、,surrounded by是过去分词做主语we的补语,相当于when we are surrounded by。空格填入的词必须能够与其逻辑宾语time搭配,填入的动词的含义要表示“花费、消耗”这样的词意。四个选项中,spend表示“度过,花费,消耗”,多用于时间,金钱。spend 与time属于固定的动宾搭配。how much time we spend意为“我们花多少时间”,也就是说“我们花多少时间呆在室内”,因此,spend为正确选项。require表示“要求,需要,命令”;settle意为“安放,定居,解决”;retain意为“保持,保留”。这三个词都不常与time搭配,而且也不符合

13、文意。4.答案 B解析 本题考核的知识点是:比较结构的固定短语搭配。本句的后面出现了关键信息词as possible。as as possible意为“尽可能”,是固定短语。as as意为“和一样”,not so as 意为“不如”。5.答案 D解析 本题考核的知识点是:代词的用法。some修饰可数名词复数时,表示“一些”,而句子中的place是单数;当它用在单数可数名词前时表示“某种”,也与题意不符。any表示“任何一个”,与文意不符。this place是特定地指某地,在文中作者是泛指,因此this不符合题意。each意为“每一个”,相当于every, each place在此处指室内的每

14、一个地方,符合题意。6.答案 C解析 本题考核的知识点:表语形容词的用法以及对全文主旨的把握。选项中的四个词都可用来表达人的感觉或感情色彩。上文提到,我们也期望房间的每一个地方的设计都与它的用途相适合;空格所在句子指出,如果你的卧室突然变得像饭店一样,你肯定会感到。由于“卧室像饭店”显然是不符合房间的用途,因此空格处的形容词应带有贬义。amused“被逗乐的,感到愉快的”和interested“有兴趣的”不符文意。而shocked表示“震惊,大吃一惊”,程度比surprised要深,更符合原文的意思。frightened表示“被惊吓的”,更强调的是“害怕”之意,不符合逻辑。7.答案 A解析 本

15、题考核的知识点:介词的搭配。选项的四个介词都可以与动词look相搭配,但意义差别较大。look like意为“看起来像”;look for 意为“寻找”;look at 意为“看”;look into意为“调查,窥视,观察”。根据句子的结构可知,look的逻辑主语the inside of your bedroom是静止的事物,因而只能选用表示对比意义的动词短语。look like the inside of a restaurant意为“看起来像餐馆店堂一样”。8.答案 C解析 本题考核的知识点:近义形容词区分。这个句子要求考生回答:坐在一间装饰得像教室一样的商务办公室,人的感觉会怎样?correct表示“正确的,端正的”,如:make correct decisions(做出正确的


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