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2、n.感叹词int.:表达感叹02句法(宏观造句)1.句子的成分2.句子结构3.句子的变化4.句子的功能5.句子的类型:简单句,并列句,复合句6.复合句:名词性从句,定语从句,状语从句二、语法四大原则1.词性决定词用2.同类同用同种类型的词,用法相同,越细分,越一致3.动词即句魂句子里最重要的是谓语,谓语部分最重要的就是动词4.举一反三由表及里,发掘句子结构,归属;认识句子本质,由点及面,放大到句群。语法精讲2句子的成分 主体:主语,谓语,宾语,表语次体:定语,状语,补语,同位语主语:一个句子的主体,是全句述说的对象。常由名词,代词或相当于名词或代词的词担任,一般放在句首。The sun(名词n

3、.) rises in the east.We(代词pron.) are friendsTwenty years(数词num.) is a short time in history.Seeing(动名词) is believingTo be a teacher(不定式)is my dreamWhat he needs(句子)is a book 主语从句It(形式主语)is timeto go home(真正的主语)形式主语是为保持句子平衡谓语:表示主语的行为或状态,常用动词或动词词组担任,放在主语的后面We study(实意动词)English!Ican(情态动词)doit!Idont(助动

4、词)know!Heis(系动词)asleep.宾语:表示谓语行为的对象,常由名词,代词或相当于名词的词担任,一般放在及物动词或者介词之后。 I playwithhim(代词) Ilikechina(名词)How many do you need?we need two(数词)Ienjoyworking with you(动名词)Ihopeto see youagain(不定式) Did you writedownwhat he said?(句子)Under the snow(介宾短语),there are many rocks.He gaveme(间接宾语)a book(直接宾语) yeste

5、rday表语:用来说明主语的性质或状态,一般由名词或者形容词担任。凡是系动词(be 动词,感官动词等)出现的地方,后面必定带着表语He isa teacher(名词)Seventy-four !you dontlookit(代词)Five and five isten(数词)He isasleep(形容词)This picture ison the wall(介词短语)My watch ismissing/lost (形容词化的分词)To wear a flower isto say“ Im poor ,Icant buy a ring”(不定式)The question iswhether

6、they will come(句子)语法精讲3定语:用来修饰或者限制名词的成分,常用形容词或者相当于形容词的短语或者从句担任,形容词放在名词前面。相当于形容词的短语或者从句放在名词后面。He is acleverboyThis is anappletreeThere aretenstudents in our classShe isTomssisterHe bought somesleepingpillsThe girlin redis his sisterWe have a lot of workto doThe girlstanding under the treeis his daugh

7、terDo you knowthe man who spokejust now.状语:用来说明动词,形容词,副词或者整个句子的成分。常由副词担任。修饰动词可放动词前,也可放在动词后;修饰形容词或者副词时放在他们前面。动词的八个状态:时间,地点,原因,状态,目的,结果,方式,程度The students studyhardIoftenwrite to himHe wrotewith a red pencilHe wentto see a filmThe students went awaylaughingIll write to you as soon asIget there .补语:表示补充

8、说明,总是跟着宾语跑Ifound a booklying on the floor.Do you smell somethingburning?She asked me to gowith her.独立成分:同位语,感叹语Bruce,myEnglishteacher,is a cool manThats great! 语法精讲4简单句的5种基本结构通过一个爱情故事掌握5种简单句。1,主语+谓语:She comes.2,主语+系动词+表语She is lovely.3,主语+谓语+宾语Ilove her.4,主语+谓语+间宾+直宾Igave her a rose.5,主语+谓语+宾语+宾补Ima

9、de her happy.2三大句子结构类型1,简单句Frank and Ericare good friends.Imake and havebreakfast.2,并列句IlikeEnglish,butIdont like math.Ihate grammar,whilehe loves it.3,复合句What she doesis not good.The manwho has an umbrella in his handis my uncle.When you finish the work,you may go out to play with Sam. 语法精讲5简单句Toms

10、father bought him anewbikeyesterday.Imet mybestfriendTom at the station yesterday.The manover thereis myoldfriend.The meat went badbecause of the hot weather.Katesuncle livesin a village.He studies hardto learnEnglishwell.Grandma told me aninterestingstorylast night.Johns father,Mr black ,is a lawye

11、r.Wealwaysgo to schoolearly.He alwaysmakes me cryin this situation.并列句句子+句子,并列关系You help himandhe helps you.Hurry up,oryoull be late .Iam thirsty,forit is hot.复合句一个句子在另一个句子里充当了一定的成分。句子套句子,主从关系What she likesis watching TV. 主语从句Do you knowhow much the house is.宾语从句That iswhatIwant to tell you.表语从句Its

12、a questionhow he did it. 同位语从句The manwhom you talk withis my friend. 定语从句IfIam free,Iwill go shopping . 条件状语从句四种句子类型:英语01陈述句(肯定,否定) He is six years old. She doesnt likeEnglish.02疑问句(一般,特殊,选择,反义) Do you like swimming? 一般疑问句 What are you doing ? 特殊疑问代词+一般疑问句=特殊疑问句 Is this a pen or a pencil?选择疑问句 She likes dancing,doesnt she?反义疑问句。前肯后否或者前否后肯03祈使句:命令,要求,请求。一般会略去主语,动词开头 Be careful , boys! Dont speak in class!04感叹句:how/what 开头 How clever the boy is ! What a nice day it is!



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