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1、合同中的不可抗力、延期和仲裁条款今天我们讲商务合同中的不可抗力条款、延期交货和惩罚条款和仲裁条款,接下来,小编给大家准备了合同中的不可抗力、延期和仲裁条款,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。合同中的不可抗力、延期和仲裁条款15. Force Majeure 不可抗力条款不可抗力条款 = 不可抗力时间 + (当事方)采取的行动在运输中,或许会遇到一些非人为因素的影响或者破坏,这个时候我们需要事先协商好如何解决以免发生不必要的争执。例1:如果遭遇无法控制的时间或情况应视为不可抗力,但不限于火灾、风灾、水灾、地震、爆炸、叛乱、传染、检疫、隔离。如要是不可抗力一方不能履行合同规定下义务,另一方应将履行合同的时间延长

2、,所延长的时间应于不可抗力事件的时间相等。Any event or circumstance beyond control shall be regarded as Force Majeure but not restricted to fire, wind, flood, earthquake, explosion, rebellion, epidemic1, quarantine and segregation2. In case either party that encounters Force Majeure fails to fulfill3 the obligation unde

3、r the contract, the other party should extend the performance time by period equal to the time that Fore4 Majeure will last.例2:如果不可抗力持续6个月以上,合同双方应尽快通过友好协商的方式调整继续履行合同事宜。如果双方不能达成协议,则根据合同中第12条款通过仲裁决定。If the Force Majeure last over 6 months, the two parties of the contract should settle the case of cont

4、inuing the contract by friendly negotiation5 as soon as possible. Should the two parties fail to reach an agreement will be settled by arbitration6 according to Clause 12 of the contract thereof.16. Late Delivery and Penalty 延期交货和惩罚条款合同中,如果有一方未能完全履行合同,或者按照合同规定交货,应该受到惩罚。例1:如果乙方因自身原因而未准时完工,乙方应付违约罚款,每天

5、按总价的千分之一计算,即一千二百六十美元整。If party B fails to finish the work on schedule due to its own reason, he shall pay to the other party the penalty at 1‰ of the total value of the work per day, that is USD one thousand two hundred and sixty dollars.例2:如果合资一方未能按本合同第5条规定按期付款,违约方应在逾期后一个月付给另一方10%的利息。如果违约方逾期

6、3个月仍未如资,合同另一方根据本合同第53条规定有权终止合同并向违约方索赔损失。Should either joint-venturer fails to pay the contribution on schedule according to Clause 5, the default party should pay the other 10% of the interest one month after the dead line. The other party shall hold right to terminate the contract or to claim the d

7、amage against / to him according to Clause 53 thereof, if the default party has not done so three months after the deadline.17. Arbitration 仲裁条款如果合同双方产生争议,往往有以下几种解决方法:1) Negotiation 协商,这也是最好的解决方式。2) Consultation7 / Mediation8 调解,这个时候会有第三方的介入。3) Arbitration 仲裁,这是组织或者机构的介入。4) Litigation 起诉大家来看看一份英文合同中

8、的这段仲裁条款吧:All disputes in connection with the Contract or the execution thereof shall be settled through friendly negotiations9. In case no settlement can be reached through negotiations, the case should then be submitted for arbitration to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Counci

9、l for the Promotion10 of International Trade. The arbitration shall take place in Shanghai and the decision rendered by the said Commission shall be final and binding11 upon both parties; neither party shall seek resource to the law court or other authorities for revising the decision. The arbitrati

10、on fee shall be borne by the losing part.合同的主体(Body)到今天就讲完了,大家都清楚了吗?下一课我们将给这份合同划一个完整的句号,讲合同的尾部。扩展:外贸价格术语价格术语trade term (price term)运费freight单价 price码头费wharfage总值 total value卸货费landing charges金额 amount关税customs duty净价 net price印花税stamp duty含佣价price including commission港口税portdues回佣return commission装运

11、港portof shipment折扣discount,allowance卸货港port of discharge批发价 wholesale price目的港portof destination零售价 retail price进口许口证inportlicence现货价格spot price出口许口证exportlicence期货价格forward price现行价格(时价)current price国际市场价格 world (International)Marketprice离岸价(船上交货价)FOB-free on board成本加运费价(离岸加运费价) C&F-cost and freight到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价)CIF-cost,insurance and freight相关文章:1.货物运输合同英文版2.出口货运运输合同英文版3.中英文灯谜4.货代英语邮件范文5.前台接待岗位职责范本6.高中英语听课反思



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