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1、J_ n_ _ r_,J _ l _,M_ _,M_ _ ch,S_ _t_ _ b_ _,F_br_ _r_,D_c_ _b_ _,J _ n _,Ap_ _ _,A_ g_ st,Oct_ b_ _,N_ v_ _b_ _,a u a y,a y,e p e m e r,e u a y,u e,o e r,a r,u y,o em e r,r i l,u u,e em e r,-What do you like doing for -? -I /We like+动词ing,summer holidays,do some reading,Mothers Day,having a big di

2、nner,Teachers Day,making cards for teachers,-What do you like doing for -? -I /We like+动词ing,Spring Festival,having a big dinner,Halloween,dressing up as zombie,at +时间点“在几点” at 6:00 in +月份 “在几月” in May on+星期/节日/日期 “在节;在号” on Sunday on Teachers Day on May 6th for “为了/给”,练习一:选择in, on, at, for I do my

3、homework _ 7 oclock I sometimes go to the park _ Saturday. I go to school _ 8 oclock _ the morning. I was born _ March. I was born _March 28th. This birthday card is _ you. What do you usually do _ Wednesday evening. I often go home _(下午的5:00) Lets put 10 candles _ the birthday cake. What do you lik

4、e doing_ Fathers Day?,at,on,at,in,in,on,for,on,at five oclock in the afternoon,on,for,四年级下册总复习,Module 1 People,l_ _k l_ k_,h_ _ 他,wh_ _ h,kn_ _,w_ th,gl_ ss_ _,sh_ 害羞,h_ _ 她,_n_f_ _m,k_ _d,M_ ss,p_l_c_w_m_ _,r_ _nd,fr_ _nd_ _,o o i e,i c,i,a e s,e r,i,o w,i m,o i e o a n,u i o r,i n,y,o u,i e l y,一、

5、方位介词 (在.里面) 如: in front of 、 in the classroom、 in the box.,in 用法,二、表示穿戴、带着 。( in +颜色+衣服) 如:in a black jacket / in a white coat/ in a white dress / in brown trousers/ in green shorts,表示: 有;和在一起;带有;具有;在身上with + n 如: with a cap / with a hat / with glasses / with a ball / with a baby /with a bag,with的用法

6、,In/with(看清后面物体就能选) in:in+颜色+衣服类/in+衣服类 The boy in red shirt,with:with+随身物品/人 The boy with glasses(眼镜是可以脱的随身物体) I go to Dafushan(大夫山)with my mother.,练习:填in或with 1. The man _ black uniform is a policeman. 2. The lady _ glasses is a teacher. 3. The man _ a baby is my uncle. 4. The one _a watch(手表)is m

7、y brother. 5. The woman _ a white hat looks like a nurse.,in,with,with,with,in,Rule,I sing a song. We write a story. They watch TV.,第1,2人称与复数时,动词用原形。,He sings a song. She writes a story. Lily watches TV.,第3人称单数时,动词+s/es/。,1. She often (has/have) dinner at home. 2. Mike (like/likes) swimming. 3. My f

8、riend (look/looks)like a teacher. 4. They (has/have) a good friend. 5. Leo and Eric (sing/sings) a song. 6. David and Henry(watch/watches)TV. 7. Sam(write/writes) a story. 8. Tom and Aki (do/does)homework at 7 oclock.,-Whos that ? (who:谁; 问那个是谁?) -She/He is,What does she/helook like? (.看起来像什么; What:

9、 什么) He/She looks like a ,Which man/lady is your ? (which:哪一个) The one in / The one with,a black jacket a white coat a white dress brown trousers green shorts,a cap a hat a ball a baby a bag glasses,Can you? (你可以吗?) Yes, I can. /No, I cant.,Do you? Yes, I do. /No, I dont.,注意:Do 问do 答,Can 问 can 答!,Mo

10、dule 2 Daily routine,ten oclock,a quarter to twelve,half past two,点钟,点四十五分 差15分钟到.点,点半,Q: What time is it?,A: Its ,Practise with you partner,(1) 1:00,one oclock,(2) 9:45,a quarter to ten,(3) 8:30,half past eight,(4) 9:30,half past nine,(5) 5:00,five oclock,Its time to +动词原型,Its time for +名词(物体),get

11、up,do ones homework,dinner,breakfast,lunch,What_ Whats your name? Where _; Where is your pencil? Who _; Who is he? How_ How are you? How old_ How old are you? Why_ Why do you like Wednesday? Which _? Which lady is your mother?,什么,哪里,谁,怎样,几岁,What colour_ What colour is banana? How many _; How many pe

12、ns are there? How much _; How much is it? Whose_ Whose pen is it? When _ When do you get up? What time_ What time is it now? What day_ What day is it today?,什么颜色,多少,多少钱,谁的,为什么,什么时候,几点,星期几,哪一个,Q:What time do you usually have breakfast?,A: I usually have breakfast at 7 oclock.,have breakfast,get up,ha

13、ve classes,7:00,6:15,8:00-4:30,From .to.,Q:When do you have class?,A: I have classes from 8:00-4:30.,8:00-4:30,have classes,take exercise,4:30-5:30,do homework,7:00-8:30,to(差几分到几点) 分针大于30分,past (几点过了几分) 分针小于30分,时间表达,Past(30内)几点过几分: 分past时to(30后) 差几分到几点: (60-分)to(时+1),6:20 twenty past six 5:30 half p

14、ast five 4:15 a quarter past four 8:50 ten to nine 9:40 twenty to ten,seven past three 3:07 one past one 1:01 a quarter to four 3:45 nine to eight 8:51,分前时后,睡觉,通常,家,疲倦的,练习,十五分钟,晚餐,午餐,好,去跑步,游泳,回,早餐,sleep,quarter,tired,lunch,back,home,dinner,usually,well,breakfast,take exercise,go running,swim,Module

15、3 Days of the week,Q: What day is it today?,Q:What is your favourite day?,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Friday,Saturday,Thursday,Sunday,Q:Why do you like.?,do housework,go to the park,clean my room,see a film,Unit6 What do you usually do on Sunday?,go shopping,探访朋友,visit my friends,take photos,go shop/ping,lis/ten to music,have a pic/nic,draw a picture,e/mail my friends,What do you do when you have free time?,频率词语归纳,often,usually,always,sometimes,总是,经常,通常,有时候,从不,never,on/at/in,On+ 星期几(通俗理解:或者见到 day,就用on). On S



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