{精品}重庆市实验中学高三英语备课组经验介绍 {精品}

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1、Presentation TITLE,高三英语复习经验介绍,罗明群,重庆市实验中学 2014.03.27,一、培育团队合作精神 引领“有效课堂”建设,童谣:,1、一个和尚挑水喝,两个和尚抬水喝, 三个和尚没水喝。 2、一只蚂蚁来搬米,搬来搬去搬不起, 两只蚂蚁来搬米,身体晃来又晃去, 三只蚂蚁来搬米,轻轻抬着进洞里。,1+12,二、高三复习的总体思路,俗话说:“工欲善其事,必先利其器”。把握方向,握住命脉是成功的关键。我们在认真学习,领会课标精神的同时,反复研究考试说明。提前规划高三复习的总体思路三轮复习。,三、具体的复习方案,第一轮复习: 复习时间从2013年9月-2014年3月底。复习内容

2、为 重大版必修1-选修8。,具体做法如下:,课本复习:每周两个单元。一个单元的课文阅读,基础知识的梳理、经典句型的提炼,讲和练的互动基本上两堂课完成。在这一轮中,我们主要帮助学生对基础知识的精准回顾,全面盘点,夯实基础。抓中等生,促进学困生,进一步提高优等生。我们对学生平时经常出现的错题和疑难问题加以归类总结,要求学生建立错题集。在周周检测中有意设置学生反复做过的错题。,语法复习:每周抽出1节课的时间进行语法专题讲练的穿插。我们组织了老师研究语法考点、难点,加以整理,分类分块,使语法系统化,条理化。最终形成了我们老师称之为“语法宝典”的英语语法资料,印发给学生。,高考英语语法归纳突破,(九)I

3、nversion(倒装) I.全部倒装(主语必为名词,整个谓语放主语前) 1.方位词时间词于句首 (1)方位词in,out inside,outside off,away here,there up,down Here comes the bus. Off jumped Tom. In he came.In came Tom. (2)时间词now, then Then came the news. Now comes my turn. 2.地点状语: (1)On the hill stood Tom. (2)Where thee is water grow wild flowers. II.部

4、分倒装: 倒装词后加一般疑问句形式 1.表语于句首 (1)Present at the meeting was Tom. (2)Gone are the days when my heart was young. 2.进行时的doing和被动的done于句首 (1)Sitting in the classroom are the boys. (2)Pinned to the board are pictures. 3.such , so于句首 (1)Such was Einstein, an ordinary man with great achievements. (2)So good is

5、 he that I love him. 4.Only+状语于句首 (1)Only in this way can we succeed. (2)Only when he is free can he go out. 注意: Only Tom loves me.主语 Only Tom I love.宾语,5.否定词/否定词组于句首 (1)否定词 Never shall I forget you. Not a (single) word could I understand. Nowhere else can you find such a good school. (2)否定词组 By no

6、means (At no time/ in no way/ In no time) can you succeed. Not until father came back did I go to bed.(详见10页强调句7)点) Not only was he young but also he was handsome. Neither was he young nor was he handsome. Hardly (Rarely/Scarcely) had sb done when sb did.= No sooner had sb done than sb did. 注意: (Its

7、) No wonder he is happy. (There is) No doubt he is happy. 6.though/ as让步状语从句中表语,状语,宾补,谓语动词于句首 (1)表语于句首 1)(small) Boy as (though) he is,= Though he is a (small)boy, 2)Young as (though) he is,= Though he is young, (2)状语于句首 Very much as (though) I love you, =Though I love you very much, (3)宾补于句首 Diffic

8、ult as (though) I find it to learn English, =Though I find it difficult to English,(4)谓语动词于句首 Try as (though) he might (did),=Though he might (did) try, 7. soas, neither=nor, so it be with sb.=it be the same with sb. (1)You like English, so do I (and I like English too). 也 Mary is friendly, so (as)

9、is Tom.(and Tom is friendly too). 注意:So did he他也这样So he did.他确实这样He did so.他做了这事 (2)You dont like English, neither (nor) do I (and I dont like English, either). 也不 I dont know, neither (nor) do I care (and I dont care either). If you dont go, neither (nor) will I.(I wont go either.) (3)并列谓语或并列句 Tom

10、is a student and likes English, so it is with Mary (It is the same with Mary). Marx was born in Germany and German was his native language, so it was with Engels. (It was the same with Engels).,写作训练: 1、先仿写,培养学生的遣词造句、连句成 段、组段成文的基础写作能力。 2、其次,思维训练和连接手段。 3、学生作品的评价和反馈,听力训练: 1、从高一就开始通过学校广播室对学生进行每周两次的标准化训练

11、。 2、课堂上对学生进行方法方面的指导。比如: (1)教会学生带着问题去听,培养预测能力。 (2)培养学生具有良好的应试习惯。 (3)培养学生具有乐观的心理策略。 (4)把握命题规律,捕捉有效信息 。 (5)抓中心词,随手记笔记。 (6)听后对材料加以整理 。 3、考前一个月,我们对学生进行天天训练。,课后阅读:根据学生层次差异,给学生布置不同的阅读材料,让每个学生在高三的英语复习中都有不同层次的收获。对大多数学生,要求每天做1-2篇阅读与完形填空。老师第二天课前10分钟进行答疑、升华和指导。对于基础薄弱,词汇量较少的学生,要求他们读新概念英语第二册,我们老师利用课余时间给予指导阅读技巧。对于

12、中上水平的学生要求阅读新概念英语第三册,扩大词汇量和对高难度文章的理解。同时增加高三复习过程的趣味性,减少枯燥性。,周周检测: 每周进行一次综合性测试。时时跟踪学生的学习进展情况以及我们教师的教学误区。,第二轮复习: 课本回归,专项突破,能力提升,规范答题 复习时间从2013年4月-2014年5月初。,具体做法如下:,课本回归: 1、重视教材与高考的关系。构建知识网 络,让学生学会知识的迁移,进而举 一反三。 2、整合改编成40篇故事,基本涵盖了三 种教材中的重点内容,让学生熟读,重 点记忆。,40篇课文掌握3500高考单词,必修一: 1. Fall in Love with English爱

13、上英语2. Different Countries Have Different Kinds of Englishes不同的国家有不同的英语3. 3.A Hard Trip一次辛苦的旅行4.A Horrible Earthquake可怕的地震5.The Great President伟大的总统 必修二: 6. A Brave Maid勇敢的女仆7. A Fair Competition公平的比赛8. Computers电脑9. Wildlife Protection保护野生动植物 10.My First Band我的第一支乐队 必修三: 11.An Interesting Festival有趣

14、的节日12.Balanced Diet平衡膳食13.Sailing Home划船回家14.Explore MKII探测MKII行星15.A Journey across Canada横穿加拿大的旅行 必修四: 16.A Woman Doctor-Lina女医生丽娜17. A New Farming Way 新的耕种方式18.Chaplin-A Great Master of Humour 幽默大师卓别林 19.A Misunderstanding 一场误会20.A Unique Theme Park 独一无二的主题公园 必修5. 选修6 选修7. 选修8,必修一 Unit 1 1. Fall

15、in Love with English 爱上英语 Hiding behind the loose dusty curtain, a teenager packed up his overcoat into the suitcase. He planned to leave home at dusk though there was thunder and lightning outdoors. He had got to do this because he was tired of his parents nagging about his English study and did no

16、t want to go through it any longer. He couldnt get along well with English and disliked joining in English classes because he thought his teacher ignored him on purpose. As a result, his score in each exam never added up to over 60. His partner was concerned about him very much. She understood exactly what he was suffering from, but entirely disagreed with his idea. In or



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